康熙來了 2011-07-26 康熙說謊奪魂鋸

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Tipster Rednimer

63 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-07-26 康熙說謊奪魂鋸

  1. 1. 馬國賢沒有那麼討厭,不過今天是不怎麼有哏。馬媽媽比較有趣。
    2. 沈玉琳的口才真的是很驚人。
    3. 潘若琳的愛露也很驚人。@@ 

  2. 有時覺得沈玉琳上康熙有點浪費,因為常常給主持打斷說話,他在王牌大賤諜真的好好笑的,因為小梁

  3. i dont get why ppl are hating on ma gwor xien but he doesnt seem that bad. before he had that channel flip nickname, everyone always gave him positive comments. guess everyone nowadays are a buncha hyprocrits

      • +1 I never liked that guy because he said something like he doesn’t want any women over 22 (or was it 25? Can’t remember the exact age). I’m only 20 and I found that disturbing, and I don’t care if he was kidding or not. If it was a joke, it was a bad one. Not funny.  I didn’t know about the voting while it was going on, but if I knew about it I would so vote for him! Never want to see him on Kangxi.

    • 我也是, 但這次不同的是兩位主持人不停打斷他說話, 本來他想說岳父母跟他在餐廳見面, 看見有人找他拍照才知道他是明星那一段, 終於沒有講.

      • 潘應該是沒票又開到回數票車道,他老婆是拿零錢跑去跟後面車子買。

          • 只能算是有common sense 的行為, 看不出有什麼好那麼感動的. 另外其實並沒有多危險, 你車子停在前面後面的車子反正也動不了, 人被撞到的可能性非常低

          • 這哪裡common sense了?
            收費站會給你一張單子 但那個犯第一次是沒關係的
            下一個又跑錯才要罰  所以拿了單子直接開過去  下一次小心就好
            何必要堵一堆車  還跑到後面換錢或買回數票

  4. 問介不介意沈玉琳拋開她幾天去找EX,芽芽說,不介意,因為我也。。。。又慌張改口,因為我也是。。。哈哈,差點說漏嘴了吧,也許這倆夫妻就是各玩各的吧XD

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