康熙來了 2012-05-04 我不需要靠身材闖演藝圈!

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143 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-05-04 我不需要靠身材闖演藝圈!

  1. 第一個的目小姐太自戀了 又要裝平易近人 沒氣質 看她說話我覺得想吐 請妳不要再做作裝可愛了 

  2. 王思佳的奶是真或假也沒差… 反正也蠻普通的, 尺寸不算特大, 形狀也不美.  以前覺得她還好, 這集真的很不欣賞她說的話: 什麼她很胖, 什麼庹宗康因為她的身材對她特別… 庹宗康還真倒楣, 人沒來上節目也中槍, 王擺明了硬把自己名字跟庹扯一起. 

  3. People need to learn to phrase their words right. I don’t know what 
    王思佳 looked like before this, but she may have PUT ON WEIGHT, but she is FAR FROM FAT. So “比之前胖了” may be the right phrase but “胖“ on its own to describe her, is more wrong than “humans were born able to fly by flapping their arms” or whatever is the most wrong statement ever in this world. 

  4. 木小姐那個裙子穿的位子不對阿-_-故意穿低了好多. 你看那裙子原本的胸線在那就知道了。-_-

  5. Kimiko在Vegas吃得開不是因為身材多露,而是她的氣勢很吸引人夜店最歡迎的不是最美的女生,而是最敢玩的人



  6. 王思佳真是個八婆來,想說自己那裡胖了,用來染色自己『隆胸』身材好的事實。我看妳上胸都不會動,根本就是人做山來『假奶』。╮(╯▽╰)╭

  7. 喜歡小S的自然  長相跟個性都讚   相較之下今天的幾個  又煩又做作  太不討喜

  8. 王思佳好煩喔 你胖不胖關別人 關觀眾什麼事= =  可以不要一直講一整集嗎= = 吵死

  9. IF Kimiko walked like that in Vegas, then the bouncer and the people inside probably thought she was either the daughter or lover of some Asian mafia, politician, or billionaire.  Because girls don’t walk with such confidence at a club and feel so good about themselves unless they’re either famous or have power.  And she’s obviously not famous. 

    • 幹嘛講話那麼難聽那麼極端  有些人天生體質就是怎麼吃都胖不到哪去 骨頭右小 又是扁身的人 妳叫他怎麼辦! 難道是他願意的嗎 不要以一概全好嗎

    • 幹嘛講話那麼難聽那麼極端  有些人天生體質就是怎麼吃都胖不到哪去 骨頭右小 又是扁身的人 妳叫他怎麼辦! 難道是他願意的嗎 不要以一概全好嗎

  10. 思佳真的是胖了 之前她確實是紙片人~ 現在其實按照一般人的標準是正好啦,但是跟她之前比起來確實胖了….

  11. 拜托,vegas大家去过的评评理,晚上出门的女生穿得有多厉害!她这套,简直是去vegas的女生白天穿的

  12. 這集小S和康永都好好笑.  不過單元名稱應該叫 “我現在開始要靠裸露才能繼續混演藝圈”…

  13. 你是不是在赌场出老千…笑…..我也觉得康永的形容好象是Kimiko被通缉了似的..XD

  14. 王思佳很愛露不是嗎?

    • 艺人假惺惺!嘴里说胖,其实心里在暗喜怎么隔壁那个那么肥啊,好在自己瘦。

    •  可能不想被同性討厭吧, 女生一柔弱起來異性緣通常會暴增. 不曉得跟男生討厭娘砲是不是一樣的感覺.*個人經驗

    • 也应该是因为有女权主义的影响在. 体现自己的独立能力, 同时也在潜意识中暗示男女社会地位的平等.呵呵呵,乱盖的.:)

    • 就像小S說的 一直嚷嚷自己像男生 聽久了真的覺得有點煩

    • 是在教觀眾不要自欺欺人.  自己胖的話要勇於承認,才會進步.

  15. kimiko的服装加上她走路的姿势带出来的杀气真的好像… … 美国黑社会老大的情妇… >v< 感觉上像是不给进去就会有手下会出来恐吓打架….. 超杀!XD

      • 160不算矮, 但46也不算瘦, 因為她也不是胸部很大

        • wow your standard is the same with those skinny celebrities. 46 kg is not light? you know what is the BMI of a 1.60m and 46kg person??? is 17.97 and it’s underweight. -_-

        • wow your standard is the same with those skinny celebrities. 46 kg is not light? you know what is the BMI of a 1.60m and 46kg person??? is 17.97 and it’s underweight. -_-

        • Yea you’re really retarded. People like you and 
          王思佳 are the ones that are going to keep pushing this stupid size 0 craze. You are blind if you think 
          王思佳 is FAT and that someone with 160cm and 46 is fat. It’s beyond my imaginations how delusional you are to think that. 
          And just like dots said, BMI for 43kg and 160cm is 16.8, that’s under under weight. 
          If you don’t know what you’re talking about then shut up. Because it’s comments like yours and opinion like yours that make some people suffer. 

    • Don’t forget – she’s not only funny but an awesome person. Love how she’s honest and straight forward and her efforts to correct people who think 160cm +46kg = fat. She’s definitely not fazed by all the stupid celebrity mumbo jumbo of wanting to show off skin for attention or say stupid nonsensical things. She has perspectives of what a normal human being should and she’s not afraid to speak it. 

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