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[YT] 正有什麼用,沒有內涵阿
你在說你阿 人渣
[YT] 瑋琦敢說自己是校花也不看看自己長的好不好
[YT] baby只有身材-.-
[YT] Apple都好可愛呀~
[YT] 支持小草:) 她真的好可愛
[YT] 看ㄌ很傻眼!這叫校花
[YT] 美少女都要顧忌自己,當然不會拉比他們好的人進來阿。
屁 狗屎 幹
[YT] 沒才藝就不要上來吧
[YT] 突然覺得apple有點像通靈王裡的麻倉葉(亂入)
[YT] ……they’re all ugly…
i’m better looking then them…..
[YT] 乌黑的头发,白皙的皮肤—-这样的女生在哪里街上一抓都一大把吧~~~
[YT] peace426
[YT] baby是出來援交的嗎?
[YT] 想看baby的素顏
[YT] 在台灣的中學 男生的眼光好特別..超特別
[YT] 壽司美. ? 不覺得
[YT] 美少女們看見校花不美…..表現好開心好心凉………一看就知
[YT] @benbenhiphop13 但醜樣就要上tv嚇人……..正如唱歌差的人會去做歌手令別人受罪吧…..這是對觀衆的不禮貌,
[YT] 每一段都讓人家想罵!!4號會部會太騷,看起來就知道是拜金女 出門不用花錢 因為都人家包吧
[YT] 拜託 真的是很丟臉耶
校花?? 我胚
[YT] 壽司好醜 醜到爆炸 天啊 去那邊丟人現眼嗎
[YT] 我是很喜歡小草!!可是說小草是校花= =有點不客觀耶
[YT] baby個頭同身個比例有點怪…
[YT] 我想看apple無名@@
[YT] taco正多了
[YT] 人都夠多了= =不淘汰就算了還加人咧!
[YT] mika 都會第2..不會吧!上1集家長爆料的就覺得受不了她
[YT] Apple曾參加之前老大主持的台視”早安家族NEW STAR”
[YT] @siuwakwong 話不能這麼說 想想看每個人又不能生出來 就控制自己的長相 即使不OK 我們應該給予鼓勵 何況她們也是被節目找去的 或許她們只是想展現才藝 每個人都有長處 看看就好 別太認真
[YT] @DeNote350 Oohh that rhymes. And yeah she’s trying too hard. Look at the way she’s holding her mic = =…
[YT] 三號還可以 可是講話不是很有氣質…
大家如果想看正妹 直接去看台灣藝人就好了= =
[YT] 這個節目真的讓台灣女生丟臉了 台灣滿街都是正妹 可是為什麼學生選出來的校花校草都沒有很正阿?感覺就像普通學生阿 沒有校花的feel…校花選拔大家是怎樣?都是投人情票嗎?
[YT] 看似她們是日本morning 娘 跟 akb48的翻版。
I’d say these Twainese girls are not distinguished enough to be called a band, and somehow they just look like a group of bitches singing together.
Personally, I much prefer to purchase the CDs of AKB48 or Morning Musume.
[YT] 這是什麼節目@@ 我落伍了嗎..
[YT] 其實是不是又想打造一個黑澀會…..
[YT] 那個baby的眼睛長的太開啦..
[YT] 庭伊是否有大近視?介紹的這也說是校花?連中年的我也看不上……..可怕
[YT] 戀愛是對學習自信很有幫助的.,baby明顯能出大場面…..1號可能很乖但就怕醜而受歡迎,
[YT] 這不就是標準台妹… 沒有惡意 台是不會怎樣!台也沒有錯 但是!以她的年齡 看起來也太過艷&成熟了 即使一開始出來時 的確是有讓人驚艷的感覺 但是不耐看 看久就反感 感覺都靠化妝-.-.. 很想看卸妝是怎樣lol 而且那個baby第二階段才得2票 一點都不意外 現在的男生感覺比較喜歡清純不做作的(看豆花妹就知道了) 而這個baby她給人的感覺太..假了 O_O
[YT] baby好美,自然又可愛……..太迷人了…..只是言談不太合大眾口味
[YT] 很明顯是靠化妝,真的不漂亮
[YT] APPLE是惜兒的朋友 🙂
[YT] 一點也不漂亮…….-0-
[YT] 說真的………..都不正= =
[YT] COCO很差..嘔
[YT] 偉琦很嘔心, 他那聲音太假吧
[YT] 天阿..那個叫壽司的太豬扒..看到簡直想吐
[YT] @MrzJoycine 是拍手.
[YT] 說到安慰票的時候我都拍了;;BaBY她認為自己很正`很漂亮麻`?!我毫不覺得;簡直是豬排要當美女.
[YT] 在香港來說 她們不過是mk
[YT] 聲音好奇怪…
[YT] 應該是獸屍吧
[YT] 壽司跳舞好像好不願意=_=. 「死都老豆甘ge樣」
[YT] 那個apple跳舞好強噢!! 還跳hip hop 超厲害的 連我是女生看她跳舞都覺得超酷!! ; )
[YT] 真的要比校花的話,庭伊絕對是第一名~
[YT] 校花…個個都好似糖風….help
[YT] 哪裡正???
[YT] is so funny like people think those girls are pretty. LOL
[YT] Apple looks like gui gui
[YT] where is baby’s eyes?? ohh shes not hot …**
[YT] 所有校花無個靚X2!!!! baby is average~~~~ XD
[YT] baby is ok la…. better than the 1st 2…. but the thing is i dun like her extra thick eye liner…. so fake…
[YT] the guys r laughing at #1, but i dun think she’s pretty either
[YT] @lpp321456
[YT] 毛弟之前也跟她同班XD
[YT] babys eyes are like super small
[YT] 那個Baby 眼睛都快不見了.
[YT] but it’s not jazz what the last girl danced isn’t it?!
[YT] 我覺得coco有點像小豬 還有她說話也很像~~
[YT] COCO的樣子有點man…
[YT] only the 3rd one 算得上校花
[YT] 庭”依”今天的眼精有點不同了?
[YT] the first one ist ugly and very unsympathic, the second one is ok, but she always smiles and it makes her sympathic.
but the “talents” are just bad
[YT] the 1st pose is same as the fifth one.. i don’t like baby.. she is just a normal gal with heavy make up
[YT] Baby is only 17 yrs old?!!! she looks way more mature than her real age!!!!!! urgh…
[YT] 7:10 她的同學說得沒錯. 真的沒有很正
[YT] 4號諗住show胸攞分嗎?
[YT] 壽司好沒朝氣
[YT] 壽司一點都不漂亮啊
[YT] 個人覺得 校花不化妝也漂亮才算稱職 哈
[YT] the person who recommended the first person was prettier than the person she recommended~~~
[YT] Apple曾經參加過老大主持的台視”早安家族NEW STAR”
[YT] 我覺得1號比2號好太多ㄌ!
[YT] 4号好恶心~
[YT] 其實baby長的沒多好看阿= = 而且它穿便服~ 怎不是穿校服 還是他們學校本來就是穿便服上課???
[YT] 其實baby長的沒多好看阿= = 而且它穿便服~ 怎不是穿校服 還是他們學校本來就是穿便服上課???
[YT] 全部看完其實一號也不錯啦
[YT] fake personality. bitch. slut.
[YT] 阿金…囧
[YT] 雖然4號不是很美,但這樣給人家說`很慘…
[YT] 2號講話時表情感覺有點尷尬、不自再的樣子
[YT] 又看到艋舺兄的樣子~
[YT] 2號比1號好看吧-_-!!
[YT] except Apple who is okay, all the other girls are average looking or below….no way they are the hottest chick in their schools….
[YT] 第一批從右邊第二個的男生蠻帥的hahaha
i still think the girl that won seems fake…… 好裝的裝可愛….
[YT] Emma is so annoying…..
[YT] @iilovecandy dumb slut…
[YT] @DeNote350 ya, her make up is helping her, but she ain’t all that….
[YT] 趁機甄選….呵
[YT] 其實17歲 4個男朋友不是很多啊….
而且好像很裝可愛 還穿這樣來? 其他都穿校服的
[YT] 小草 HAHA
[YT] Apple is okay, at least better than first two….but a lot 美少女們 still better…..
[YT] @s20061079 COCO sound like man 瑋琪 is way hotter than her….
[YT] 2號長的也不怎樣……
[YT] actually the girl not pretty..~_~”.. just like a bitch
[YT] 球球真的很有隻格當校花~~~!!
[YT] 1號連班花都當不成吧….
[YT] @Chtyrisc 球球超超正的!
[YT] 我覺得Apple跟阿金入來是沒錯的
[YT] 拍照也算才藝???
[YT] 真的還好啦.. 不過她也比17歲的成熟多@@
[YT] Apple真的是不錯嘛!
[YT] 所有校花無個靚.
[YT] 偉琦是班花? 也太什麼拉吧…
球球? 不是吧…
[YT] 好突然及傻眼
[YT] 小Ka 在 5:26 做什麼?? xD haha~
[YT] 小Ka 在 5:26 做什麼?? xD haha~
[YT] .. #1 isn’t pretty.. and she sucks at dancing… don’t understand why a whole bunch of girls always try to do like sexy type of dancing when they can’t even fully express their dance movements and looks awkward and looks so uninterested in dancing…
[YT] .. #1 isn’t pretty.. and she sucks at dancing… don’t understand why a whole bunch of girls always try to do like sexy type of dancing when they can’t even fully express their dance movements and looks awkward and looks so uninterested in dancing…
[YT] i dont think baby is pretty at all…..
[YT] omg i’ve always wished that i can dance!! that last girl is really good!!!!
[YT] 輕輕鬆鬆就2位同學加入美少女~有夠快!
[YT] Apple過半就能加入了,比參加徵選還輕鬆啊!
[YT] her eyes r a bit too far apart dun think she is very pretty..
[YT] what is up wif that girl’s voice…sounds like she’s got a cold and it’s so not kawaii…..
[YT] 果然沒錯!我想也是!Taco真的跟蚊子一樣唸育達商職~
[YT] 喜歡黃米奇的人請看麻辣天后宮:單飛偶像團體內鬥史(3/5) 20100422
[YT] 小草 so much better
[YT] 這個單元也是新生的來源之一~就像黑棒之前的校園美女單元一樣,有些上節目的美眉之後就成為新生了~
[YT] 妖
[YT] um… that baby girl is just super skinny…. 174cm 48kg?! when you look closely at her face, her eyes aren’t that big… it’s very dark eye lining..
[YT] dang ! apple’s got some swagger (:
[YT] first one is mediocre -__- x
[YT] 偉琦 比COCO正
[YT] she shouldn’t have said the four boyfriends thing….at least SOME people would have voted…
[YT] the last girl is gooood
[YT] since when was there schools in taiwan were you didnt have to wear uniform?
[YT] @DeNote350 i totally agree!
[YT] Damn i’ve always wanted to dance like ah jin! D:
[YT] #1 isn’t that pretty…i think the girls in 美少女時代 are prettier…
[YT] That Baby girl is trying to be hot, but actually not
[YT] eww Baby..really?! 17?! its not summer yet girl…
[YT] 一号看起来像杀手
[YT] damn apple’s dance was hot
[YT] Wow congrats to Apple for making the show?
So does that mean the girls on the show get to bring their friends to audition to be on the show?
What the minimum amount of votes they need to make it on the show?
[YT] Coco 有气质
[YT] hahha i agree xiao cao is better… and her dance was ok too :/
[YT] good thing these guys know how to tell a girl thats real and true to herself than a dare i say slut?
[YT] ouch lol
[YT] It’s kind of awkward. They’re popular because of their personality but the guys have to rate them on their looks and their talent. Not to mention they have to also measure up to the other 26 girls in the room.
[YT] 小草都比她正
[YT] Taco >偉琦 > Coco
Coco is ok but 偉琦 looks better I think.
Good smile though.
[YT] 安慰的好 =)