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[YT] Good voice ^_^ Jia you =)
[YT] 太扯了太扯了,天黑黑唱成這樣竟然還能贏,低音不穩尾音又飄中氣不足換氣頓ㄉㄟ,分數還能這麼高,真的是讓人感到相當氣憤,雖然小胖也是選歌失誤,整首聽來真的是有給他緊到,感覺有點起Key偏高,小胖的高音真的是很漂亮,但能再開發低音域,就更加完美了,小胖加油,你絕對可以成為台灣的國際巨星。
[YT] @edwardcyu
totally agree w. you. she is out of tune in her “there you’ll be”, terrible.
even though she still wins.
[YT] she is way out of tune….and not very good compared to kelly’s version.
[YT] 把順子- 回家,蕭敬騰-回家,孫碧那-回家, 林育群 – 回家,孫燕姿-天黑黑,堂堂-天黑黑,各聽10遍,什麼自已拿吉他自彈感覺非常好–,把缺失說成是自已掌握節奏的感覺也很好—-唉—-,二者皆有小小缺失,失常吧–
[YT] 張士堂在唱什麼鬼東西~這樣的聲音還不被淘汰~人又不帥看起來又有點娘砲~不知道在捧什麼。
[YT] 为什么张士堂的天黑黑唱得那么…, 可是却赢了?他的呼吸声如此的刺耳,可是却没有人提过,就连我这个外行人都听得出他们的差别, 拥有所谓专业水准的评判难道听不出吗? (纯粹个人意见!)
[YT] 哭了我..
[YT] @hsinyu168 偉晉清唱唱得不錯耶
[YT] 黃偉晉真的感覺很努力
[YT] @sexygal0214 康转得节奏都乱了我也不知道好在哪,你买个跳针的CD转得更快
[YT] 套句星爺在少林足球裡的台詞 ” 藝術是很主觀滴 ”
或許這次的失敗 會成就 小胖以後的大紅大紫
[YT] 看到他們碰頭大概就知道張士堂會贏了……..節目搞的梗啊~老梗了啦搞這種復仇戰要搞幾次~
[YT] 黃郁善 vocal is annoying me…
[YT] wtf…tis is bullshit….judges go get fuk!!!!!!
[YT] Du Du today performance is ok only… 23 is too much for her…
[YT] I think her version of “Listen” sounds weird. Feel like lack of something.
[YT] I think her version of “Listen” sounds weird. Feel like lack of something.
[YT] this guy only has good look, aside from that, his singing skill is KTV standard, I don’t know why the Judges kept him, well, they may could for a bit, but for how long?
[YT] 看堂堂的表情,相信他是個p.s男,
[YT] 也給dudu太高分了吧!
[YT] Don’t cry!! Be strong!! Add oil!! you are very good and will succeed in entertainment!
[YT] @chonghqh 哈哈 他好餓喔 ……
[YT] so so ~~
[YT] 驚人的dramatic changes
[YT] 黃大偉評的是個人感覺喜好問題,本來就是很主觀的。
[YT] 下周有黃齡……….有看頭了,黃齡太可怕了
[YT] 看不出天黑黑有什麼可造之處……?
[YT] seriously.i thought yan yi ge was not bad.. all the way until she started cryin. i mean. shes on stage. and its not like shes a contestant.. i noe theres pressure and all.. but it should be incomparable to the actual contestants. and its not like she got scolded very badly. and theres she is crying. i think just made the rest of the contestants look so much stronger and experienced. proud of xingguang 6. they deserve their places so much better than the challengers imo.
[YT] 很明顯是小胖應該贏的吧
[YT] 不公平的评审~!!!天黑黑真的太平凡了!
[YT] 說些不負責任的話
己經有爸爸護子心切 出來護駕保不淘汰了必上了
曾治豪這裡走了 還有「出路」作演出表演
入得十強 就有星光幫名義了
捨豪保夏 是上一次計算的反撲嗎?
[YT] 完全不公平………天黑黑超級普通…
[YT] Key 太高
[YT] 張士堂的……… 真的很差,怎值19 分….
[YT] 幹!!那麼愛唱英文歌!!啊是不會去參加美國偶像噢!!那個外國評審講中文都不順暢!!!中文也沒那麼流利他再評哪一國的啊!!!
[YT] Lin Yu Chun you are best!!!!!!!
[YT] 提到换气。。。
[YT] 唱天黑黑的平凡普通到一個不行…真不知道怎評的!
[YT] 唱天黑黑的平凡普通到一個不行…真不知道怎評的!
[YT] 唱天黑黑那個…真的是普通平凡到不行 亂評 哀
[YT] 唱天黑黑那個…真的是普通平凡到不行 亂評 哀
[YT] @jibikao in anyway !! 那個唱天黑黑的真的是平凡普通到一個不行ZZZ
[YT] @jibikao in anyway !! 那個唱天黑黑的真的是平凡普通到一個不行ZZZ
[YT] 張士堂唱的很沒有好聽诶 為什麼小胖會輸= =
[YT] 曾治豪的表現和歌詞所說的完全相反啊
[YT] 怎麼覺得三帥的合聲愈唱愈不合
[YT] 黃品源真幽默
[YT] @feliznico 你先减肥吧,死胖子!
[YT] 你们的声音,请我我也不要听好吗? 听腻了。搞笑!
[YT] @cjxg 我怕我真说错了,再听了一遍…… -_- 因为它们我都是听了个开头就拉后了,他们的合饮真的不能听啊…你多听点音乐吧.
[YT] 陳珂冰長的甜美,聲音也很棒!!
[YT] 根本没什么听到吉他声,感觉也很没爆发力,音域也不是很广
[YT] 那個唱天黑黑的有什麼技巧可言?
[YT] 老實說 吉他很蝦 拜託 彈吉他 還要背景半這麼大聲
兩個都沒多好 第一個 換氣聲太大了巴 去聽聽看專業歌手真的換氣聲的有多少= =?換氣聲聽起來 有股很不舒服的感覺!!
總覺得星光 跟明星藝能都是 炒作收視率話題 = =”
一個收視率 一個曼尼 = =”
[YT] 老實說 吉他很蝦 拜託 彈吉他 還要背景半這麼大聲
兩個都沒多好 第一個 換氣聲太大了巴 去聽聽看專業歌手真的換氣聲的有多少= =?
換氣聲聽起來 有股很不舒服的感覺!!
總覺得星光 跟明星藝能都是 炒作收視率話題 = =”
一個收視率 一個曼尼 = =”
[YT] 原來這樣就叫做自彈自唱(筆記)
[YT] @indulge 黄大炜EAT SHIT!!!!黄郁善唱得那么好,竟然说歌不适合她??!!!
[YT] @szeyangsoo ..
[YT] 出現像小胖這樣的遺珠之憾,選出一堆不怎樣的商業化歌手發片….評審沒有國際觀和良好素養,所有評審我都給零分…..看不起了他們了…無論是星光或超偶,我認為他們都不是好評審…該換了
[YT] 殺傷力很強的一首歌,一聽再聽
[YT] 台灣的歌唱比賽節目沒有所謂的真正公正性
[YT] @kenzoed 我也是這麼想 畢竟實力來講雖然一定是陸宣比較利害 但是本來比賽就是這樣 比感情 比狀態 陸宣選難的歌唱壞了 偉晉選平凡一點的然後努力唱的還算不錯 17分是應該的阿
如果只想要看單純唱功 其他什麼都不管的比賽 那就別看星光大道了吧
[YT] 他比較適合唱英文或歌劇 還是到國外發展吧 +1
[YT] 台風算穩,不會因為一時錯誤而忘詞,不過希望他可以保持純為唱歌而唱歌的單純心態
[YT] 屌你老味丫,,,拿住結他就自彈自唱?! 彈無果兩野,,,,以外表取人,,,,星光輸不起??
[YT] apparently these judges aren’t fair at all … they’re just trying to keep their own contestants to stay. Totally not a fair game !!!!!
[YT] @indulge
That is not rubbish! 薩頂頂 is a chinese folk singer and songwriter. Her kind of music includes Mandarin, Sanskrit, Tibetan & her own self created language. I would consider her music as World Music kind of ala ‘deep forest’ style but of cos more asian injection. 黃郁善 challenge this song to set herself apart and for sure not many contestants or even professional singers dare to challenge such a difficult genre.
[YT] 星光幫再看長相評分的阿 根本黑箱作業 實力差那麼大還輸
[YT] Poor guys, so much pressure. Hopefully Hu Xia gets healthier.
Huang Lin is coming next week?! Wow, she’s an amazing and very unique singer. Definitely got personality. This season seems to have transitioned with a more mainland China focus – or maybe it’s b/c of the contestants spurred a slew of mainland PK-ers? Love the diversity of this season, makes it so much more interesting and enlightening to watch.
[YT] @indulge
lols. Your comment doesn’t seem to reflect your ID name. Try to indulge in diverse music selections. Sa Ding Ding is one of the more well known folk/hybrid singers in the Chinese music industry – I think that carries so weight with just the number of people who know her and her songs.
Diversity is a good thing. At least she tries to challenge herself, even if it doesn’t always turn out likable. How many contestants and those already in the industry dare to break the mold like her?
[YT] 期待下周2位女王的pk
[YT] 覺得堂堂唱得很有感情~也滿動人的
[YT] @indulge u can sing like her? please dun simple insult ppl rubbish k.
[YT] 黃感覺好像在做巫術= =怪怪的~
[YT] 咬字清楚很重要嗎? 周杰倫咬字可清楚? 多少西洋知名歌手咬字不清, 非得看歌詞才知倡什麼. 但評價不會因咬字而打折.
[YT] 感覺三帥中… 好像幾乎都是那個牟少帥在中間… 和唱主音
[YT] 林育羣goooooood!!!
[YT] 林育群在星光5就有出现, 也有小唱一段, 怎么那时候没人注意他
[YT] 我覺得小胖是有失常,但是我感覺張士堂實在沒有20分的感覺,只能說….這種歌唱比賽有時評審是很主觀的。
[YT] 黑箱作業啦!
[YT] 黃偉晉so handsome & so cute……!! i more & more like him already…偉晉 jia you!!!!! i really hope that u can be top 5!!!!!
[YT] ㄏㄏㄏ~~黃品源的語氣真像大魔鏡裡面的魔術老師!
[YT] 他的咬字不太清楚有力,加上音很高的關係,聽起來像在唱英文歌。
[YT] 2人的實力整個就差很多= =”
算了 贏也贏了 輸也輸了
節目被搞成這樣也是個不爭的事實了= =”
[YT] Kimberlet so cute~~nice voice.
[YT] She sing until very nice, don’t know why she lose.
[YT] 她选的歌下一次蛮有突破的吧。。不过听到歌名,满吓倒的因为不怎么适合他//
[YT] @indulge i agree with you
[YT] 我覺得就像當年的黑蜘蛛~
[YT] Kimberly 唱得很好,第一次聽就愛上這首歌了!不過我很喜歡邊的嗓音!
[YT] @indulge PK賽不是完了嗎 ???
已然Round 3
[YT] 胡夏和治豪壓力真的好大…
[YT] 超難聽。。。
[YT] Alisa was eliminated from the popular culture.
her first album garnered little notice!
[YT] squint
[YT] 林育群, if you are reading this, you should sing One Sweet Day by Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men. You could sing both parts all by yourself.
[YT] What? 林育羣 lost last night????? WTH??? Why did he sing a Mandarin song???? He should have picked a Mariah Carey song.
[YT] Kimberly 好可愛好有潛質呢
[YT] 黃郁善很有特色 !
[YT] @bearlovestw
為什麼唔識去欣賞呢 ?
[YT] 真的好可憐 !!!
[YT] 潘唱得還蠻好聽的..
[YT] @chonghqh
[YT] 陳曼青很可惜呀!!!
希望她最後能過關 !
[YT] KImberly is great!
好多踢館高手 !
[YT] 首回家..聽落真係有d格硬…聽得好辛苦…
天黑黑係唱得普通d…但係舒服好多- –
[YT] 黃唱得太似薩頂頂了吧-.-
[YT] 林育群甚麼時候出現的 ?
[YT] 真得很不喜歡黃的抖音什麼時候可以淘汰她??每次都要快轉!
[YT] 這么說不太好 but 黃郁善有人會娶嗎
真的跳個大tone 這次唱的不錯
[YT] disappointed zzz
[YT] 堂 第一次的天黑黑 欲落雨的”欲落雨”就走音了 許多句收尾也草率 評審批評小胖走音 怎麼不去批評堂? 只說他唱得好? 一開始感覺就像演唱會了 什麼鳥評論? 20:17 !!!!! 真誇張 還是小胖的好聽太多
[YT] 胡夏怕啥 怎么都不會九強淘汰你 安啦
[YT] 去掉歌詞,曾治豪唱得不錯耶
[YT] 就算林育羣有失常, 堂的分數也不可能到20分, 唱的平凡到不行, 也不感動. 不知道在評什麼…不看了
[YT] 雖然他今天的確失常 但平時也沒有算超厲害吧
比起他的i ll always love u , 更喜歡小Connie’s
[YT] 我觉得他大概是有不舒服或之类的。。。不然肯定是满分收场。。。
[YT] 看來評審很看好DuDu!
[YT] 潘的聲音是不錯,但好像沒有什麽感情
[YT] 唱完真係要 回家.
死硬派高音,冇前途 !
[YT] 治豪 has a very nice voice… very unlucky
[YT] 我認為胡夏會是「第二個小哥」,
[YT] 三帥 – start off the song very nicely… but then out of tune for the rest of the song…. most importantly, they are NOT good looking at all! very lucky…
[YT] 陈珂冰唱歌时看起来好漂亮!
[YT] very mature singer for a 15yrs old gal…
[YT] what the hell is 黃郁善 singing? RUBBISH…
[YT] 有方琳耶! 七分多快八分處
[YT] Close your eyes and listen…. you should know who is the winner…. 陸萱 is definitely a better singer…. 黃偉晉 just a VERY normal singer… nothing special…. I think you can find such singer easily…
[YT] 唱國語歌跟唱英語歌是2種不同的唱腔 只會用英語唱腔唱國語歌,根本唱不出那種味道 小胖應該唱低點,那個key太高了,唱得太用力,反而失去了歌本身的意義~~~
[YT] 看過林育群在超偶和星光的表現
[YT] 回家? 真的不太好聽
[YT] @jibikao who is William Hung??….
[YT] 林育群唱功了得~~不能因為他的外表看不起他~~以前嘲笑他的人,現在不知道換誰在嘲笑誰了~~~
[YT] 看到有人唱神婆的歌真的让我很。。。。。。。。。。。。
[YT] Last round Xiao Ling advised Su Zhiyu to take risk. Su took her advice this round but didn’t scored higher than last round. When come to PK, should not advise contestants to take risk as this may become their last performance. Competitors will do their best to win. Hence, contestants should give full play of their strong points to win the game. Hope Su Zhiyi could achieve another 22 points or higher. Looking forward to your best performance.
[YT] Du Du is singing Jazz which is supposed to be light……
[YT] 林育群 is better!
[YT] 舞思愛 太美丽可爱, 气质一流,请看她的无名小站
[YT] 品源 never aged…. still good!!
[YT] 林育羣一開始太緊張了~~~音有點不順~~不過越唱越好~~
張士堂~~嗯! 不予自評
[YT] @ppperi
[YT] Kimberly 真的是個很有天份和單純熱愛音樂的孩子
我想相較其他海外pk者,Kimberly 可能中文真的不好(年紀小且像是國外生長的)
[YT] omg…黃郁善真是奇葩…這個跳tone女王也歌路太廣了吧(星光史上最多變)
[YT] 蘇芷妤這首歌好好聽….(本來沒聽過的也變喜歡了)
[YT] @jibikao
I totally agree with you on this. Just another overrated Susan Boyle. We all thought Susan Boyle was so good because she was ugly. Her voice, compared to her looks were so much better. Same with this guy. Just because he’s ugly, doesn’t mean he can’t sing well. Yes, I agree he’s above average, but not THAT good. I hear many notable pitch problems in his singing…MANY.
[YT] @LiAiKoChAn
not really…林育群前2次都是高分贏對手, he’s the same fat guy, not b/c his looking
黃偉晉is really lucky this time again…黃品源的講評很實在…黃唱的比較自然、舒服
[YT] 阎的唱法不适合这歌。太外露,太凶了。
[YT] @cjxg 對呀!! 為什麼三帥要下去?!? 長得好又唱得好~ 他們比太多偶像團體有實力多了!!!!
我還等著看他們挑戰快歌跟舞蹈! 感覺他們會很不一樣~
[YT] 林育群被國外媒體注意是因為他真的很特別,有著和Whitney Houston一樣的聲線
[YT] @bearlovestw I think people think Du Du is getting “boring” is that she is really good at this kind of songs and she knows it! This is PKer round and I just think Du Du is just playing “safe”. I wonder what kind of song she picks next week. Du Du has the star-look and her stage performance is the best in Season 6. The bad news is Du Du is from Australia and she may not release an album in Taiwan.
[YT] @jibikao
agree with you…有時看強的選手久了會失去新鮮感,因為他們一開始就維持在高標,而有些開低走高的選手卻讓人驚艷、也被吸引
當時我對二班文音也有類似感覺…但像 LaLa 或文音都是可以經得起時間考驗的優質歌手….希望DuDu也是 (不過她今天表演我也有點閃神)
[YT] 林育群definitely sang better than 張士堂。他用心來唱,而且唱功也比較好。
[YT] 潘唱功很好,但投入的感情有點表面(像是之前的曼青),眼神也會飄 …
[YT] 順子這首歌本來就不太打動人心,只是強調技巧。男生唱這樣的歌詞更是怪… 總不能不看他的臉。士堂的低音低不下去,但他有誠意要唱出歌中的感動。這是我的看法~
[YT] 哇,黄玲耶~ 下周好看了
[YT] @roroco19 他們從星光二班開始就已經沒有多少專業可言了,不然你以為梁文音是怎麼死兒復生的?
[YT] 不管錯誤啦! 單單用耳朵聽, 林育羣感覺就不一樣…
音樂是大家聽來爽的, 不是說”喔, 你這邊音跑掉了那邊氣換錯了所以整首歌就爛了”
雖然氣和音都是把歌唱好的因素之一, 不過林育羣整體方面明明就比較好阿!!!
[YT] @LionLionism 蔣一帆
[YT] 舞思愛長的怪怪的 好像臉歪的,,
[YT] 黃郁善的聲音怪怪的……. 舞蹈也瞞怪….
[YT] 17分沒很高ㄟ…. 黃偉晉真幸運 他傻傻的 傻人有傻福吧!
[YT] @jibikao there are at least 16 people agree with me and it proves that our ears dont feel hurt!!
[YT] 從這集就可以看出星光有多黑! 林育群雖然失常但還是比張士堂好
評審用兩個標準在評 虧我以前認為你們多專業
[YT] lin yu chun sings better with english song! (all english, no chinese)
[YT] 舞思爱好漂亮
[YT] 胡夏请您务必要保重自己的身体啊~不要给自己太大的压力,尽量发挥自己的实力一路杀到总冠军赛;要好好加油,我们会永远支持你!加油、加油、加油…
[YT] why Yan cried??
[YT] 那男的唱得满有感觉, 和彦斌 不相上下。 参考, 安以轩(新倚天屠龙记的赵敏)和彦斌
[YT] 陈曼青, DU DU &黄伟晋 jia you!!! i really hope that you all will be top 5… keep it up… do your best…
[YT] 陈曼青, DOU DOU &黄伟晋 jia you!!! i really hope that you all will be top 5
[YT] thumb up for huxia!!the texture of his voice is great!
[YT] wa 这届的pk选手真的好厉害!精彩!
[YT] 為什麼對於比賽結果總是這樣多猜測,
[YT] 哇黃郁善pk居然唱赶牲灵
[YT] @v35202
是他吸氣點錯誤吧 誰會在這兩個字上吸氣阿 即使鋼琴彈奏也不可能在這兩個音坐斷點呼吸
看來你也不是很專業喔 XD
[YT] @EDWARD101500 I don’t agree. William Hung was very popular too. 讓他紅吧… but he was famous for being “sucky”. He also loves singing too.
[YT] @ivantuuyu You know what, my co-worker (American) and I are arguing about this. He said I should root for Small Fatty because he is 台灣之光. I don’t agree. I think he is not that impressive. His vocal range IS impressive and that is about it. His look draws a lot of attention to him too. I don’t care if he looks handsome or not, I just don’t think his singing is that good. 台灣之光? I rather have the other countries pay more attention to singers like Jay and Lee Hom.
[YT] 為何不用雙聲帶那首phontom來比呢???
你的i will always love you 每次聽都會雞皮疙瘩…
[YT] @jackpingping 比張士堂好? In what way? Yeah, 林育群 makes my ears hurt, 張士堂 at least is “comfortable”.
[YT] @ee872 I think Du Du is suffering from what La La used to suffer when she kept getting high marks and people question “why”. Several months later, you go back and listen to La La again and you’ll realize La La is really that good! I do agree Du Du needs to work on her range. Her high notes worry me some times. I’ve seen her singing high notes before and she used to be able to sing quite high. I think she is going through singing style change now.
[YT] Yes
[YT] 唔緊要,二班第一,賴銘偉,都試過忘詞忘到咁,重癲
[YT] 張的第一句 我”的”小時候 就走音了阿 我以為這就是我說追求的世(吸氣)界 氣沒吸足 很不專業
[YT] 認錯真的很好聽~ 聽得心都覺得好痛..
[YT] 感覺 唱的有點趕 來不及換氣
[YT] 喜欢三帥的歌声的朋友们,希望大家能为他们多多加油!
[YT] @jessiewanguk 为什么三帥要下去了?而且到现在我还是觉得他们的合声还是很棒,唱的水平还是不错,他们并没有把6班的平均水平给拖下去,他们的实力可以进入5强的,只不过要三人合唱,要做到一致和编排多层次多样,会比个人唱歌比较困难.
[YT] 沒錯= =
[YT] 曾志豪, you must not give up! You have my support from Singapore! Your singing career should not end here… continue to sing!
[YT] 个人感觉曾志豪不会来败部复活耶~
[YT] 吉他部分也太瞎了…這樣叫自彈自唱阿!?
[YT] 在上面裝裝傻就可以過關?哀星光越來越..
[YT] 对阿 好可怜哦 特别是在后台的时候!呜~~~~
[YT] Kimberley如果沒有跟我說她的年紀,我還真不知道她15歲而已呢!很厲害,唱這首歌很吸引我,想聽她唱下去!
[YT] kimberley is awesome! WOO! GREAT JOB KIMBERLEY!
[YT] 胡夏的身體好像很不好常常生病?加油阿!
[YT] 我喜歡這次蘇芷妤唱的!很好聽
[YT] @amy680727 我也覺得他唱得蠻好,名符其實。
[YT] @bingdian84台語像是他的外語,人在聽外語時
[YT] 黃偉晉撿到便宜了
[YT] 不知道該恭喜他還是…唉…
[YT] omg!!Huang yushan sang Sadingding’s song!that was cool!!i luv Sadingding
[YT] 抱歉 我個人觀感不同 雖然這位台灣之光唱的很棒
但是我個人覺得天黑黑比較有磁性、溫柔,我個人認為 他的表現較優
但是小胖 依舊不是他的國際水準!!!
[YT] @mingwk what you mean????
[YT] 張士堂唱得不好耶~_~
[YT] 哇, 兩個都很厲害很亮眼啊, 可以兩個都留下嗎?
[YT] 虽然阎小姐的歌声不错,但她没唱出让 的味道,没有杨宗纬的感情面,没有感动。让不算小歌吧?让 的起浮满大的。
[YT] not saying that 黃郁善 doesn’t have a good voice, but just that I always feel a sort of disturbed feeling after viewing each of her performances, and I believe what feelings the audience gets after listening to the song is very important too…
[YT] I think the judges only likes the singer based on their voice and looks… Like on part 4/11, the big guy has a WAY better voice than the guy with the guitar… I honestly think the big guy should’ve won, but they picked the other dude probably because he was ‘handsome’… And probably for this one… They did the same… Because her voice is very good/powerful, and yet they choose the other guy because of his looks…
[YT] @1982taotao
[YT] 他是真的熱愛唱歌的人.
真的很投入. 讓他紅吧!
[YT] 回家起的 Key 對他是太勉強….
他是有意識炫他的聲線, 但是就是唱起來不好聽, 好壓迫的感覺
兩個都唱得不好….”回家” 跟 “天黑黑’ 都是歌唱比賽的自殺曲…
[YT] 没事啊,,曾志豪。败部肯定会来的啊,,
[YT] 聽不出哪裡好聽,就是個沒有”轉大人”的聲音聲音的穩定度差,聲音也沒開。
[YT] 还是唱i will always love u比较好听~很棒~加油~^^
[YT] 作为校友兼系友,自然非常支持陆宣,她唱功一流。但是她今天明显太想赢了,故意选了很难的歌,可是唱得却让人有压迫感。希望她继续加油。
[YT] 不是每首歌都適合他唱的吧,大家給他的壓力太大了,感覺他已經有點迷失方向和自我了
[YT] i love 黃郁善 so much….she can be an international star!!!!!!!would buy her album
David never likes 黃郁善, he favors DuDu
[YT] 氣好像有點短 好像快氣喘發作的感覺
[YT] 恩…. 相较下还是超偶符那种黑人唱法的LISTEN – ln9XxiTNOys 比较好听…..
偉晉的确在进步着.. 比赛的态度是值得被学习..
[YT] 不可淘汰胡夏,让治豪比胡夏低分,然后淘汰治豪?
[YT] 林育羣很棒! 唱得很感人
[YT] 很棒!
[YT] I like Mun Ching’s voice more. Too bad..
[YT] 陆宣 正
[YT] 我比較喜歡孫碧娜的回家,比較感動到我,林的聽得不舒服……
[YT] 曾志豪很可惜…
[YT] yeah yeah! I agree!
[YT] the girl gonna blow eardrums off.
[YT] @waynewin7 大概就是這個安排的..不然也不可能淘汰他
[YT] @waynewin7 大概就是這個安排的..不然也不可能淘汰他
[YT] Du Du該減肥了
[YT] 第一位好漂亮!!!!
[YT] i attracted to kimberly’s voice so much!
[YT] lu xuan really should have won this PK.
[YT] Kimberly表演完說”謝謝”的樣子好可愛~哈哈
[YT] Love both performance, tat sa ding ding’s song sounds cool ~
[YT] 个人觉得陆萱在样子和声音上都有点Elva的味道
[YT] 好像现在拿到25分特别容易似地,David老师评选标准好像前后不一,对黄郁善那么严格,却对台语歌这么情有独钟,是出于新鲜感吗?
[YT] He sings foreign songs better than chinese song!
Anyway,Keep it up!
[YT] i like chen ke bing
[YT] 三帥一點也不帥
[YT] 陸宣 is really good and should have won. She lost out mainly because the judges know 黃偉晉 better and have given him encouragement points for showing remarkable improvement over time. For ppl who watch the program for the first time, the tie should not have even gone into the 30sec PK as 陸宣 is a clear winner.
[YT] 台语歌我都跳过
[YT] i like the voice of Lin Yu Shun.
[YT] 為什麼唱歌一定要分女生跟男生,唱歌不就是touching heart,只要能讓人隨音樂擺動,可以停下來注意聽,那唱什麼歌,音準怎樣,我倒覺得不是重點;所以有時候不要想太多,想太多反而會把聽歌的原始的感動抹滅了,好比說周杰倫,他唱歌技巧真的不算好,但是聽他唱歌會讓人有一種聽下來聽的念頭,既然這樣,那也不就夠了嗎?雖然比賽一定會分高下,但畢竟是比賽而已!
[YT] 黄龄要来,恐怖!
[YT] seriously he fucked up~ lolx , he can’t hit the note~~~ LOLX
[YT] i seriously think the guy should have won!!!!!!!!!!! Dudu delivered the song quite flat…. dun try to compare her to Jennifer Hudson…. she does not deserved the high points.zzzzz
[YT] 黃偉晉超可愛XDD
[YT] 只是看剛剛的預告, 我覺得 康偵婷 的轉音比那個歌姬表現得更好, 但聽過原唱的 mv, 是很棒, 可能在陌生的舞台上有點緊張吧, 預告的片段表現沒有很好, 感覺有點斷續, 不太順暢, 音也很虛。
[YT] @m890324 我认为陶子姐说的是实话,他都没有唱衰伟晋
[YT] haha k shes pretty damn good especially for her age, but just a hint overrated…haha not taking anything away from her shes still young and shes quite a natural, especially with the way she enjoys herself up there…shes gonna be great in no time
[YT] i didnt like kimberly at all…
[YT] @chonghqh 陈曼青和黄郁善的声音听腻了!
[YT] 不是忘词曾治豪应该赢的,key也选对了 歌也很适合他,忘词忘得后面都都放弃了 好可惜
[YT] 黄品源唱得好听!
[YT] 我覺得潘芊樹唱得很好耶~人也很正,可以簽一簽發發一發了啦
[YT] 好討厭陶子一直唱衰黃偉晉 這樣會讓他唱歌時很沒自信耶
[YT] 林育羣~
[YT] 边的声音不论音色,张力,弹性都超级棒,但就没有特别感动人,应该是不够专注,好可惜
[YT] 小胖很有大將之風 加油 去替台灣爭光
[YT] 黃郁善 is so unpredictable! Sometimes she flop and this week she did so well. Her vocal range is very wide! I can understand why people dislike her becos she is more reserved and cool. But I do like her becos she is different from the rest. She has star quality which either you like or hate her. And Ma Jia Xuan from Malaysia can sing really well too! Kudos to both!
[YT] 黃郁善~好詭異=”=
[YT] Same fate as Alisa from Season 2. She performed so well during her 1st two performances but she went down on the third cos she starts to feel the pressure. The PKers perform better previously becos its their 1st or 2nd time on that stage, whereas the contestants have been in the competition for so long, no doubts there will be stress on them.
[YT] 他唱得好怪,声音一直在抖…
[YT] 上一集我猜就說他被淘汰了
[YT] @lord0shawn cannot agree more…
[YT] = = 不喜歡黃郁善
[YT] 天啊,黄品源怎么还这么年轻啊?我很小的时候就听他唱歌,这么多年过去了……
[YT] 他比較適合唱英文或歌劇…聲音太尖銳了
[YT] 志豪 敗部復活回來吧
[YT] her chinese song not that ok….
[YT] 天啊~黃郁善!太棒了~
[YT] 三帅 you are lucky 舞思爱 not that strong
[YT] 我覺得他有可能是想救胡夏
[YT] aww…poor wu xia he looks like he’s in so much pain
[YT] 偉晉已經進步超多了啦!!!
[YT] 听了真的好想在听 Phen is good
[YT] 我一直以为被淘汰的是陈曼青~~ 怎么都没想到是曾治豪~~
说实在的, 百人初选的时候不喜欢曾治豪, 以为他是靠他老爸… 其实到了后来, 就越能感觉到他的真诚, 他的用功, 越来越喜欢他, 他确实是唱得不错! 无论怎样, 在这里深深祝福他! 加油!!
[YT] soso
[YT] @chonghqh 可能因為臉太瘦 看起來比較兇
[YT] 黄选这么有优势的歌还是唱成这种效果
[YT] 黃偉晉真的是很可愛
[YT] 咦 怎麼唱英文歌跟中文歌差這多= =
[YT] 舞思爱~~ 她的五官应该是好看的, 为什么我觉得她面目狰狞?… 特别是在唱歌的时候..
胡夏, 好像病的不轻啊, 挺让人担心的!
[YT] hoo….. Avatar is very good……..
[YT] 不能因為黃認真唱可愛就贏吧 那pk有什麼意義呢?
連陶子都覺得很誇張 難怪星光6 會愈來愈沒人看
[YT] 哇!! Kimberley超强呢!!!! 那种自信是天生的吧!! 真好听呢!
[YT] 张士堂矫情得很。。。
[YT] I really look forward to Ms Yan vs DuDu next week. Listening to either is just pure joy. Ms. Yan is obviously very talented. Du Du has a very rich repertoire of songs that she can sing. As far as I am concerned, the PK next week is a must see.
[YT] o…. her voice so sweet 🙂
[YT] 不喜欢黄郁善~~=(
[YT] 不過說實在曼青清唱的key好怪?
[YT] 三帅中好像少帅的声音比较突出,李广博最好看。。。另外那个总记不起名字=,=
[YT] Miss Chan is good, she since to very enjoy, I love you….
[YT] 胡夏, 依然是我心中的冠军!! 就算出错, 还是有天籁的声音!! 要注意身体!! 期待下次的演出!!
[YT] 舞思爱!
[YT] 大陆转音歌姬黄龄竟然要来踢馆 ?太恐怖了!她的那首"痒"曾经被前届的康侦婷翻唱过,那可是真正的高难度转音歌曲,绝对期待她的完美表现!
[YT] 小胖加油!!!!
[YT] 黄品源行不行啊。。都破音了。。。
[YT] 苏芷妤加油!! 我超喜欢你!!
[YT] i like 邊’s voice!
[YT] @jibikao i agree…. its fine time they pick a chinese song!
[YT] 在长这样界里, 黄伟晋算是很能唱的啦!!! 陶子姐说的~~ 哈哈!! 真的唱的不错啦! 加油!!
[YT] 請問那邊可以看到陳軻冰?
[YT] 奇怪了,為什么唱歌要讓人心服口服。你們說話也不見得讓別人心服口服。他唱的開心就好。你們批評人也是讓你們自己爽,那會顧慮到別人的感受。
[YT] 不看字幕聽林育羣唱回家好像在英文歌喔……….
[YT] 太ㄍㄧㄥ的感覺, 這首歌超難
[YT] 樂隊還蠻屌的可弄得快要差不多
[YT] 胡夏加油,相信你一定会成功的~
[YT] 吳一點也不上鏡 就算她出唱片我也不會想買 她頂多只能上上節目或當個駐唱吧
[YT] 其实女生里, 我还是最喜欢苏芷妤, 可是苏没有杜的自信, 她应该学习杜的舞台感染力, 加油啦!!
[YT] 林is a bit overrated.
[YT] well, 10强里, 我听腻了的声音有两个, 一个是陈曼青, 一个是黄郁善, 感觉没什么特色…..
彭先生唱的不错, 为什么外型让我有张宇老师的感觉? 头太重了吧? 哈哈….
还有…. DuDu的外套我哪里见过? 是不是苏芷妤有穿过啊??
[YT] dunno why but this avatar is one of the contestant whom i really really dislike…
[YT] 小琥像小琥, 彥斌像彥斌
[YT] 吳盈靜唱台語歌聲音有點像黃乙玲, 但是沒有黃乙玲的哭腔. 很好聽. 台語歌壇好久沒有這種聲音清新但是又有濃厚感情的女歌手. 希望能有唱片公司注意他, 甚至出片.
[YT] wow im proud of mr huang ;p ..i think his 30 second is the best he did so far. Sounded good..I had youtube alt tabbed and I alt tab back to see who was actually singing.
[YT] 黃偉晉也太可愛了吧!
[YT] tbh.. i dont think the girl is that great?!
the way she belted was just horrible. 15 pretending to be miss dependent, not gd…
[YT] Fatty should have just sang that phantom of opera song..instead of that song he said. Tang tang sang better than him
[YT] 好猛噢 黃小姐
[YT] LOVE黃偉晉!!!!!!;)
[YT] LOVE黃偉晉!!!!!!;)
[YT] 伟晋唱歌的时候, 陶子姐的表情很有趣。。。!
[YT] 伟晋唱歌的时候, 陶子姐的表情很有趣。。。!
[YT] 我非常喜欢曾志豪,我觉得他是选手中最真诚的!!!
[YT] 閻奕格其实唱得挺有她自己的风格的。的确好像power不够,不过是因为原唱的power太厉害了。就觉得她不够
[YT] 我也不覺得他有多厲害… 就還好阿. 其實每次他唱我都快轉…我覺得很刺耳… 當然以他是男生來說, 能唱那樣的高音是真的厲害,但是聽久了就覺得#$&*… 如果他能找到好的老師, 幫他訓練聲音的控制或範圍, 多充實, 或許他能真的讓更多人心服口服…
[YT] 我也不覺得他有多厲害… 就還好阿. 其實每次他唱我都快轉…我覺得很刺耳… 當然以他是男生來說, 能唱那樣的高音是真的厲害,但是聽久了就覺得#$&*… 如果他能找到好的老師, 幫他訓練聲音的控制或範圍, 多充實, 或許他能真的讓更多人心服口服…
[YT] 三帅这个名字起的就很俗烂。
[YT] 我就喜欢david听high的时候就打鼓。High了不发泄出来容易憋出病来。
[YT] 天阿黄龄要来啦!!!!!!黄龄要来啦!!!!!!黄龄要来啦!!!!!!黄龄要来啦!!!!!!黄龄要来啦!!!!!!黄龄要来啦!!!!!!黄龄要来啦!!!!!!黄龄要来啦!!!!!!黄龄要来啦!!!!!!期待!!!!!!
[YT] 三帅赶快下去,不要把6班的平均水平拖下去吧
[YT] @yzlinpan SHE后面有多少人帮他们做音乐,一个歌唱比赛很难啦。我觉得他们就是唱得太死了,什么歌都唱得像民谣一样估计我爸喜欢他们的风格 -_- 应该看一些国外的男子组合是怎么唱的。。如果可以的话他们唱一下英文歌啦。但是估计他们是因为英文不够好唱不了吧
[YT] @jibikao I agree with you. I am a Taiwanese, but I don’t think that he is “that” talented like other people said. I mean, yes, he is good at high vocal, but other than that… there’s nothing. And personally I just don’t like him, not because he is chubby, just because. And they said he is Taiwan’s Susan Boyle, that’s just crazy!
[YT] 黄小姐真的是台中人不是陕西人?Kimberly真的只有15岁?
[YT] 我好不喜欢黃大煒听high的时候就假装打鼓。so disturbing…
怎么可能只给黃郁善两分。我觉得歌唱比赛应该有variety.什么个人特色是真正做歌手之后再去追求的。看得出黃郁善非常努力,对她 太苛刻了。 至少给个及格分吧 -_-
[YT] 堂堂好棒!! A refreshing change!
[YT] 堂堂好棒!! A refreshing change!
[YT] 治豪加油
[YT] 这首歌很适合胡夏的,完全可以唱成他的经典歌曲的!!!排除胃痛的因素,胡小夏还是略微羞涩没放开啊!!
[YT] 陸宣太強了巴
[YT] 陸宣太強了巴
[YT] 这集证名林育群不试和国语歌。
[YT] 这集证名林育群不试和国语歌。
[YT] 心疼 夏夏 。
[YT] 哇賽!她竟然是紀曉君的阿姨
[YT] 林育群就算失常,唱的還是比張士堂好!!
[YT] 听伟晋唱歌的时候心情就变得好开心啊~~~
[YT] kimberley looks like a very good cock sucker. oh yeah every nite.
[YT] 好可惜喔 曾越唱越好 可是歌詞 唉!
[YT] miss chen man qing, if ur english is not good pls don sing english song for PK…
[YT] miss chen man qing, if ur english is not good pls don sing english song for PK…
[YT] PK dudu 的都很easy
[YT] 聽楊宗緯的版本好了…
[YT] 阎羅王很漂亮= =
[YT] 怎麽那麽容易就拿到25分。
[YT] 我反而觉得 pink 唱得比较好
[YT] 比曾志豪唱的爛的多的是……
[YT] 我也是越来越喜欢黃伟晋。那种遇到强敌也能展露出的信心。还有唱歌也越来越好!
[YT] Oh yes!!! 閰魔王 VS Du Du!!! Now that’s exciting! I was saying that Du Du has been pretty lucky so far. I hope 閰魔王 can pick another Chinese song that is more suitable for her. I actually like her more and more now. I just can’t believe she challenged Aska’s song as her first Chinese song performance here.
[YT] Oh god.. Kimberly picked another English song? Oh come on!!! Chicken shit. Look at 閰魔王. She challenged probably the hardest Chinese song on this show. Kimberly, I understand you want to use what you know the best to PK but this is 3rd round, you gotta let us see what you can do on the Chinese market. Ok, maybe you don’t want to be in Chinese market? Then I wish you good luck. Your shock value of a 15-year-old can only last for so long.
[YT] Good high notes, but needs to be more stable on low notes.
[YT] 林育群回家了….
[YT] You know what, I think 閰魔王 was very brave. Not only she picked a Chinese song, she picked probably the hardest Chinese song on this show. Who dare to challenge Yang’s song on this show? Yang is like “untouchable” (well, except for Jam) and 閰魔王 tried to challenge. She could have picked an A-Mei song. There is a youtube clip of her singing A-Mei’s song and I am surprised she didn’t pick that.
[YT] 這次聽蘇唱….感動得都快哭了.
[YT] @ppperi 放心吧,夏夏下场应该要恢复了。曾夏两个人给自己心理压力太大了。一般来说,女性的心理抗压性往往比男性要强。
[YT] Mmmm, Kimberly didn’t pick a Chinese song. Chicken shit! Miss Independence is a very hard song to sing for sure but I was really hoping she can pick a Chinese song. The other 25-PKer didn’t do nearly as well and only got 18pt after singing a Chinese song.. her low key couldn’t handle the song.
[YT] The “teacher” sings really well but I think she has reached her max. She just don’t have a unique voice/face. She is good for teaching others though.
Song choice, song choice.. song choice!! Damn, did she pick a great song that matches her personality. She is one strange student I have to say. This is why she could be the hardest to PK because she can do very poorly or impress everyone else with something strange!
[YT] Although he’s not the best singer in this competition, I really like his attitude. He’s also very hard working and improving. =D
[YT] @zorroxin 我觉得是三人一开始定位失误。定位美声组合,需要精准无误的配合,和谐度,最忌个性。其实我觉得他们可学she,会多点发挥空间。他们以前个人表演,三人风格很不一样。如果还有机会留在台上,希望他们尝试快歌。比如以前广搏唱过将军令,还不错。他们也必须跟评委说清楚不再走美声路线,否则持续用美声标准打分,很不公平。我想这是三人害怕改变的原因。
[YT] @YangQinTony1117 治豪这次的歌词确实错的太离谱了很多句都唱错
[YT] 好好听的认错!!!! 好爱!!
[YT] @v030201 我觉得胡夏和治豪两个人都是一开始就太优秀,所以压力太大。胡夏年龄还小,心理素质比不上嘟嘟和以前的徐佳莹,治豪则有着明星老爸光环的巨大压力,感觉性格上也是会考虑太多的人,所以有些患得患失
[YT] 这次看的好紧张,胡夏和治豪都是6班里面我很喜欢的歌手。结果两个人今天都发挥失常,做到失败区,好可惜!心情的很纠结,真希望两个都不要淘汰。当初很看好治豪决定他肯定能进5强的。希望还能有复活赛让他回来!!!也希望胡夏早点康复,能重新站起来有好的表现!
[YT] @00787J I agree!!! Su has done very well in PK so far. She and Dudu are the only two that step up against the competition (although Dudu is pretty lucky). 胡夏 on the other hand hasn’t really impressed me. T_T Su’s performance gave me goosebump.
[YT] I’m sorry but 小胖’s only weapon is his high voice. Technic wise he’s only soso. Out of all 3 performances, only “I Will Always Love You” was good. I think his hype will be his biggest enemy, if he thinks he’s all that good, he will not improve more. I have high hopes for him, but he needs a lot more work to stabilize his voice
[YT] 陆宣 leaves very good impression of herself. She is very humble and she knows she didn’t do that well. I don’t mind seeing 陆宣 again. He may want to do something about her hair.. Roger!
[YT] I think 黄伟晋 did not so good this time BUT this song is extremely hard to sing well. As for the female PKer, the song is too hard and she gave so many reasons for the judges to take off her points. She is actually very good but the song is too hard.
[YT] DuDu has performance and skill, but she has no range, that’s one of her bigger problem.
[YT] 台灣之光~上遍各大外國媒體~外國人用不同角度去欣賞他~
[YT] 太模仿了 meh 又沒感情
[YT] @jontz1963 I don’t know why those articles keep saying that “Small Fatty” is going to win the contest. He is NOT on the show. He may get some kind of deals outside the show but he is NOT on the show. And the show will not allow him to stay on the show because if they do that, who would want to join Season 7? I feel sorry for the students who worked so hard to get into Top 10 and all they talk about is this fucking He-She voice. It sounds annoying and very uncomfortable.
[YT] 覺得YAN唱得很好聽
[YT] @yzlinpan Oh.. this is one terrible “Come Back Home”. Sorry. Yes, we all know he can sing high but it is so “uncomfortable”. Just like my prediction, I bet more than half of PKers can’t sing Chinese songs as well. I think his “WoW” value is gone. This is the first time I didn’t fast forward his part. It is painful to finish listening to the whole song.
[YT] @frying0stingray 我也很喜欢石康军这首歌。5年前听很多遍。
[YT] Du Du is better at singing this kind of song. She is not suitable for A-Mei type of songs, just like La La.
[YT] 會不會為了效果把閰魔王的分數打到太低阿~
[YT] @jontz1963 *she haha
[YT] 我不觉得林育羣唱的好听,就是听着奇怪不舒服。随便找个女生都比他唱的自然。而且我觉得他英文比中文唱的好。他的双声带也不怎么自然,内地有个李玉刚,他的女声更自然,他的双声带更好听。以上是个人观点,no offence。
[YT] I have no idea why this fat boy is that popular.. I literally fast forward both of his performances. lol Just not my cup of tea.
[YT] 治豪我支持你..不管你输了还是怎样我们支持你的精神永远都陪着你…加油..
[YT] 胡夏大小伙子,面对镜头要坚强,挺也挺过去!
[YT] Kimberley 好强。。听了真的好想在听。。以后不管她去哪里演唱都会成功的!
[YT] 胡夏胃炎耶
[YT] 胡夏: 你要吃一颗止疼药就行了!
[YT] 第一次听到黄品源的声音耶~~ (孤陋寡闻)
再多听一点又感觉其实 蛮不错听的~~ ^ ^
跟我爱的游鸿明老师稍有那么一点点异曲同工的地方吧 不过丫明近年声音好内敛… 基本上都没有再玩悲情了
反正 双鱼的责任 好听啦~
可惜我在国外 都买不到… (泪)
[YT] 真的蛮喜欢陆宣的歌声,可黄这次真的唱得很讨,哈哈
[YT] 其实我不大喜欢这3位男生的表演第一次听到我会很喜欢,但是,我也不能总是这一届老师听你们一样的唱法呀,完全就没有成长,来来去去都是这样唱,没惊喜~~
[YT] I think 小胖 sang well,too.
However, unluckily he still stays in Taiwan , if he comes to U.S , should be sucessful. cause the
judgement is not fair to him , even though there was a little bit defect , he failed . The winner was not pretty better than 小胖. why ? I think they should let 小胖 have next time to perform due to 小胖 is so famous in the international stage and web.
[YT] 我觉得后唱的人,要戴耳机
[YT] 死掉了啦! 最後治豪出來墊背````胡夏又逃過一劫
[YT] He was so cute when he asked “Is she really 15?” lol so adorable…Kimberley does have an amazing voice. I think it was kinda funny when none of them raised their hand to PK her…they must be very nervous/scared.
[YT] 陕北民歌哦~~:)很不错~~:)
[YT] 天黑黑 也是非常有感觉的!!小胖胜在人气吧。
[YT] 破音= =!!
[YT] 越來越喜歡黃偉晉了
[YT] 呵呵,真金不怕火炼~~:)冠军的路肯定不好走的,多磨难磨难,一定会有大气候~
[YT] 30 秒清唱不是不思考前面的歌曲嗎?
[YT] 歌詞真得是唱到爛掉了…
[YT] go bienbien
[YT] 胡夏好可怜哦!忍着胃痛唱歌。要养好身体哦!!!
[YT] I like Ma’s voice, nice control with flexibility.
[YT] 黄,这个,怎么说呀,好吧,他很讨喜呵呵,呵呵~
[YT] 即使忘词, 还是觉得很好听啊,胡夏加油。
[YT] 还是沛慈的天黑黑最好听~
[YT] 胡夏好像快死了..講話好輕
[YT] 喔!下集有黃齡呀! 期待呀
[YT] Kimberley 唱得很好 讓我喜歡上了這首歌
[YT] 石康军几时能再出专辑呀!那么棒的声音真的很可惜呀。
[YT] 本更”操””尼”找”嘛”格
[YT] 黄伟晋真的好可爱哟!~
[YT] hahahaha XD Wei Jin at 1:45-1:46 didn’t see that coming~! XD
Love Su’s voice so much~! well done~ Jia Yiou!!!
[YT] 冠軍相的胡夏…失敗嗎?
[YT] 萧敬腾版本比较好
[YT] PK 投票時應該要像Roger 跟 品源這樣講原因
不要隨便就說我投給誰 這樣才好
[YT] his time his singing is probably not gonna go international,
because he choice a song thats not English. Just an opinion
[YT] I think 小胖 sang well, the last few times I heard 回家 i had no feeling for the song.
This time I actually got emotional
[YT] agree with Candy!!!
[YT] Pan has a very sweet voice with a nice tone. Sort of like Liang Wen Ying, but better.
[YT] 偉晉唱的好棒,越來越進步
[YT] 開始覺得Du Du悶…….
[YT] 會死得很慘
[YT] 彭很pro
[YT] 还好吧。。。
[YT] 他很棒呀,唱回家~~~~
[YT] 30 秒清唱不是不思考前面的歌曲嗎?
30 秒清唱就應該算清唱的吧
[YT] 悲剧的胡夏
[YT] 真快 謝謝!!