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[YT] wow!!!明湘!!!脱胎换骨!!!她果然把老师说的话听进去了!!!他不要你了没关系!!还有一大堆在排队!!!!加油!!!!!
[YT] 即兴没做好~收音不好~整体不错
[YT] 看到 魏如昀 那舌環 覺得好恐佈
[YT] @wetpups16
Its better to have experience love before of course.
its a experience justlike everything in life, it prepares us for a better road along in the future ahead, even living as a human being is a experience just like a spirit would ask himself to stay on as a ghost or a human being.. gd luck mate .
[YT] 仁傑 is sooooo charm
[YT] 魏如旳’s voice is so cute
[YT] she didnt stand out much to me but her slow song! completely changed everything!
[YT] i luv queen but y does she put on that stupid wig!
[YT] i really don’t understand why he always has dancers. does he be bring them himself? or is it from the show. if its from the show i don’t think its too fair is it
[YT] 林道遠 is so sincere i really like him
[YT] zuo an an is so pretty
[YT] 喜歡 許仁傑 唱 HIGH歌的 把所有時間 全部都”借給我” 有力可是又溫柔噎
我相信它可以找到更好的女生 她條件很好 ^ ^ 加油!
[YT] I really want to ask all these people and others out there that have experienced love, is it better to have loved than to not have exprienced love at all? which would ya’ll prefer?
btw, everyone did amazing! I loved everyone’s performances, it really does bring out the true feelings everyone holds for one another! add oil!!(: I enjoyed listening to the songs very much!
[YT] queen nice ~ !!!
[YT] queen nice ~ !!!
[YT] kkkk
[YT] kkkk
[YT] @lildiana520 pretty girl
[YT] 小許要走了,好失望哦~~
[YT] When i hear her sing that song it really broke my heart but she really needs to get over it now for her own good. She’s a great singer. It takes time but time will flow through and as time goes by it will fade
[YT] 好娘。。台风很棒但配上他很怪
[YT] 好感動喔~~!
[YT] Man哥的客串超爆笑!
[YT] 不知道为什么每次看到Queen都会让我想起日本漫画NANA里的娜娜。外形和歌声可以很摇滚,内心却是满满脆弱细腻的感情。
[YT] 这个造型好有吴亦帆在金曲超级星的feel。
[YT] 明湘是真實的….所以在痛得唱不下去的時候,讓聽的人都一起疼了QQ明湘加油!!!!
[YT] 很有穿透力的高音
[YT] 媽媽好漂亮喔~
[YT] rose,i dropped my tears..u’r always good in my heart
[YT] 道遠這次你粉可愛哦~
[YT] 真的好好聽喲
[YT] 許仁杰唱得真的很好,他也是屬於那種會說故事的歌手,會讓人不自覺的在他溫柔的嗓音中回想起自己那段逝去的戀情~~
[YT] 期待在聽你唱歌
[YT] 小許唱得太好了,淡淡的悲傷混摻著溫柔
[YT] rose!!!add oil!!
[YT] 许仁杰唱的很好听,我的回忆也被唱出来了!感动
[YT] yea the key a bit too low for the first song, hardly hear wat he sang but second song is heart warming =) jia you
[YT] ling dao yuan so cute!
[YT] 陶子好好笑,永遠支持!
[YT] only the last part abit gay lol but kinda nice
[YT] don’t bring the emotions to live tv man, heartbreaking stuffs doesn’t just apply to her alone. seeing her behaving like this week in week out is abit turn off.
[YT] 牙齒要矯正會很漂亮
[YT] 牙齒要矯正會很漂亮
[YT] 魏如昀的眉毛我一直觉得怪怪的,妆前的确感觉有点。。。。
[YT] 真的唱得好好!
[YT] How he song sound so gay?…means good or bad?
[YT] 現在的星光大道越來越變味
[YT] 真的超級好聽,感情很深,就是有感覺啦。加油,一直走下去,一定可以找到自己要的東西。
[YT] 長的醜的這時候詮釋起地獄悲歌較有優勢。
[YT] 對阿= =噁心啥阿
[YT] 做作死了! 只會上節目在那邊講男朋友的事 看了就不爽 北覽
I don’t want talk about that 自己說不想說又一直說 不是自打巴掌嗎 = =
噁心做作女 快滾啦
[YT] 好喜歡Queen這次的表演,有開心到,而且很可愛xd
[YT] 第一次聽吳忠明唱歌,有點感動到,還蠻喜歡他的.
[YT] @522sing it is ding shi zha dan by kang kang. Yes, it is written by jay chou.
[YT] 真的好喜歡陶子:)
[YT] 加油!!!
[YT] @frying0stingray 是阿,所以我覺的她其實應該自己也滿矛盾的,因為她可能想藉由這種公共場合來讓自己重新振作或是訓練膽量,但無奈還是會有陰影在,所以導致她想用的這個方法 ( 意思是參加這公共場合 ) 也還是一樣是失敗的。所以我覺的她應該是要去先被輔導才對,等漸漸熟悉了一個人或兩個人之類的時候再來這大型的公共場合。唉!無奈這節目評審不是心理學家之類的,所以無法給她輔導,只能就歌唱來論她是放不開之類的而導致她更害怕,這樣反而久而久之她會更嚴重。真奇怪的是她父母沒注意到她這個創傷壓力症候群的現象嗎?!
[YT] 仁杰唱的這首歌好像是算翻唱的厚?! 很好聽!翻唱好像 是Westlife 裡有首歌叫 Open Your Heart,都很好聽,很棒!仁杰,帥!
[YT] @scott3773 我也听过她说她以前类似被欺负所以很自卑,但没想到被强暴那么严重,如果是真的话我对她表示同情并献上歉意。
[YT] what does na lu wan mean?
[YT] 難聽點說
要哭說留在k room哭飽才上台
[YT] @fishbelly 魏如萱是Queen的姐姐···你是想說魏如昀吧···
[YT] @gogoldgoal 其實大家可能還不知道,那是我有次在一間咖啡廳吃飯看到的一本一周刊寫的,好像當時還是星光3的時候,裡面有篇關於解糞軍跟徐家銀跟林心遺的報導,其中解糞軍有被爆說她之所以會這樣怕東怕西,眼神害怕什麼的,全是因為她在國中的時候被好像是被同班同學吧,男同學,被強暴,所以才導致她變成這樣怕怕的,這是真實我看到過的報導
[YT] @wpl525 其實大家可能還不知道,那是我有次在一間咖啡廳吃飯看到的一本一周刊寫的,好像當時還是星光3的時候,裡面有篇關於解糞軍跟徐家銀跟林心遺的報導,其中解糞軍有被爆說她之所以會這樣怕東怕西,眼神害怕什麼的,全是因為她在國中的時候被好像是被同班同學吧,男同學,被強暴,所以才導致她變成這樣怕怕的,這是真實我看到過的報導
[YT] @chonghqh 其實大家可能還不知道,那是我有次在一間咖啡廳吃飯看到的一本一周刊寫的,好像當時還是星光3的時候,裡面有篇關於解糞軍跟徐家銀跟林心遺的報導,其中解糞軍有被爆說她之所以會這樣怕東怕西,眼神害怕什麼的,全是因為她在國中的時候被好像是被同班同學吧,男同學,被強暴,所以才導致她變成這樣怕怕的,這是真實我看到過的報導
[YT] @frying0stingray 其實大家可能還不知道,那是我有次在一間咖啡廳吃飯看到的一本一周刊寫的,好像當時還是星光3的時候,裡面有篇關於解糞軍跟徐家銀跟林心遺的報導,其中解糞軍有被爆說她之所以會這樣怕東怕西,眼神害怕什麼的,全是因為她在國中的時候被好像是被同班同學吧,男同學,被強暴,所以才導致她變成這樣怕怕的,這是真實我看到過的報導
[YT] 正 好感動
[YT] the songs that they’re singing nextw eek are giving me goosebumps!
[YT] 林道遠好可愛:D
[YT] 我倒不覺得麻木~~@@
[YT] 閻奕格呢?????????????我要看她!!!!!!
[YT] Rose!! add oils ar~~~ people said: to over a breakup needs a double of time , means if you were together for 5 years, then it needs 10 years to forget… me i am from there too… it really broke my heart , but i will add oil too, lets get over it !! you can do it! Rose!! and you are really a good singer!!
[YT] 明湘加油吧!你唱得很好的.
[YT] 賴 妖氣太重
[YT] whats the 2nd song that he sang? Its written by Jay Chou? Does anyone have it?
[YT] add oilssssssssss Rose! ^_^
[YT] 唉, 不喜欢简凤君…. 唱歌好像在游魂一样~~
[YT] @sharolene
i agree. it’s difficult but in a competition, i hope she gets over it soon. for her benefit because she is a good singer.
[YT] some people take longer than others to get over a breakup. it’s not easy.
[YT] wow stanley~ very very good.
[YT] rose’s “i don’t wanna talk about it” gave me goosebumps and made me tear up. very emotional
[YT] @ylee728
my comment to janjanbeckham applies to you too.
[YT] @janjanbeckham
OI ! Can’t you see that she is trying her best to sing it without crying. She is trying so hard already give her a break.
[YT] love tanya’s 空白格. queen did a really good job on this song!
[YT] her cries made the song a little more touching..
[YT] 每分享心情故事时都快转,不要再讲了,谁要听啊?唱歌吧!
[YT] 大家各花入各眼咯, 比较让我感动是许仁杰和刘明湘的慢歌~~
快歌都。。>,< 期待下星期咯~~
[YT] 解放军还是那副德性,放不开、没眼神、身体僵,完全没进步,再加上忘词。唉。。那么挣扎就别再来比好吗?大家也看得不舒服。
[YT] Give her more time ba. It’s not easy btw. She just a girl after all.
[YT] rose is a good singer but she can be better with more control over her emotions. time will heal and hope hers be fast so she can aces the competition.
[YT] 又再卖眼泪!观众听得都麻木了,不要再炒冷饭可以吗?收视率惨不忍睹。。
[YT] 好煩 哭了好幾個禮拜 拜託下次別再哭!
[YT] 我还以为是我一个人的感觉~看来很多人都这么觉得,不过,我还是很喜欢她在舞台上的感觉~~:)
[YT] @enobmort I am not concerned. I am happy for him to drop hints like this. Geeze.
[YT] 聽到Broke 我心也碎了…
[YT] 為什麼這幾集 陳子鴻老師臉都好臭= =
[YT] Jian Feng Jun is totally not open at all. Gave her so many chances but she is still like that.
[YT] High song not high at all and forget lyrics somemore. What’s so good? She is still not comfortable on stage…..
[YT] 0.0…我覺得他沒打動我….
[YT] @stone0916 我覺得這個禮拜最感動的是魏如萱咧
[YT] 挖~~唱的好有感情@0@
[YT] Queen so cute. Still want work hard to let her band come on stage. And the picture is “happy birday”. While rose is cute too!” Zi hai!”
[YT] @ylee728 不就是個效果= = 有甚麼好噁心的呀
[YT] 他慢歌沒打動我@@”
[YT] 魏如昀…太棒了, 太好聽, 好聽到想哭…..
[YT] Q.Q家裡的痛是最難忘懷的….
[YT] 感謝許仁傑演唱陳曉東的歌曲~
[YT] 哇塞, 忍不住進來留一下言, 太嚇人了!
[YT] 他的”娃”跟”灣”真的很難分辨阿-w-
[YT] 大Q用”伴侶””對方”稱呼分手情人
一直避免用到”女朋友” 讓人懷疑是不是GUY
[YT] “就在記憶里畫一個x。。XXX”!哈哈哈哈
[YT] 這次沒有閻奕格演出呀?!又要等一星期才有得看,真的好象度日如年,只好看她之前那幾次演出來頂頂隱。另外這次覺得魏如昀唱慢歌聲音越來越有王菲味道,不如聽聽老師意見。
[YT] Hello, it’s so heart breakening and then people keep criticizing her just because she cant control her emotions and cry? People who dont understand this is because they’ve never been in love before. I hope she endures the pain and really move on.
[YT] rose so sexy…….我很喜欢她的声音…很迷人..
[YT] @lovelly010 掩飾難過想哭的表情跟聲音吧
[YT] 有点像香港泳儿。。
[YT] 今天比較讓我感動的就是劉明湘,因為蠻扣動心弦的,
[YT] 简凤君變瘦了
[YT] GAY!!
[YT] 明湘真的好brave, add oil, q^^pnever give up,你的歌聲很有感情,我沒想過你能唱到這種快歌,跟以往的感覺很不同.加油!
[YT] 没有阎一格 看这个节目就是浪费时间啊
[YT] no power a loser
[YT] 好聽呀,加油.
[YT] 簡鳳君太可惜了,不過子鴻講的很對..簡鳳君是一位很會唱的人…
[YT] 加油,你的歌聲很吸引人, 很好聽, 你真的要自信及加油呀, 支持你.^^
[YT] Queen唱歌真的好好聽!!!!!!
[YT] 简简加油!!!你是高音歌姬!!!
[YT] 她的呼吸聲很吵耳..!!
[YT] rose!Never give up!
[YT] 每次都这样 和小钟一样 老梗 受不了
[YT] so ugly
[YT] 好折磨人的比赛噢!
[YT] @dex0123
[YT] 我連聽都不想聽= =
[YT] Kang Kang well said !!! Gees….Rose, every week……
[YT] 陶子故意模仿原住民说话的时候让我感到恶心
[YT] Rose…. I Luv U =)
[YT] My tears dropped! Rose…+U+U…
[YT] rose broke up with her boyfriend?
[YT] she needs a psychiatrist to help her relax.. if you’re her fan in Taiwan, please find her a doctor.. i wish the best for her cuz she’s so talented~
[YT] @chyidaqida They broke up!
[YT] 幾週下來, 明湘真的好堅持!!
[YT] 這集沒有閻奕格 預告還一直打閻奕格 真扯
[YT] 简凤君样子看起来好放不开。。。
[YT] why when Lai sang, the song sound so gay……
[YT] 鳳君 improved since last time..she is more relaxed on stage
[YT] excellent Queen, Excellent!
[YT] 每次看到簡都想吐
[YT] 看到簡小姐的樣子
[YT] 小許唱這首歌還我都要落淚了
[YT] 小許唱歌很有感情 聲音很舒服
[YT] 聽到How you broke my heart這句……..好想哭……..
[YT] 我以為這禮拜會有我喜歡的閻奕格
[YT] 我覺得他唱這首慢歌挺好聽的~
[YT] i like Rose, but this is a competition you can’t just keep crying every time……
[YT] 简今天的妆很漂亮。
[YT] 加油明湘!!!!move on!!u deserve a better man~~
[YT] 有d 似謝安琪
[YT] 順從加油!
[YT] 仁杰好棒!!!!
[YT] again Miss “Left peace peace”….??
though glad to see Miss “Little Tiger”!! =P
[YT] 康康酷斃了=DDD
[YT] 明湘要加油~
[YT] 林道遠加油 : ) ) ) )
[YT] who cares if he is gay… why are u so concerned jibikao?
[YT] 很感动啦…我都哭了~
[YT] 唱到我心坎里了
[YT] Did her boyfriend die? Why there’s no news about it and she just keeps crying?
Did I miss anything? Google showed no result….
[YT] @musictung I think he doesn’t mind but the show tried to “cover” it or at least the show tried to make it not as obvious. I think it’s very obvious to me. 😛 Good for him though to come out like this. Those who can sense it will know. Yes, I have gay-dar.
[YT] @jibikao
[YT] thanks supercwm2010 for the high efficiency ~!!!
[YT] 阿娘唯~嚇死人
[YT] yeah.. she needs to be herself more.. and be happy :]
[YT] 閃閃惹人愛 動感版”” : )
陶子姐 說話很有趣呢。
[YT] 這很困難耶
[YT] 明湘的聲音裡充滿了生命。
怎麼 有人這麼捨得 讓一個人
這麼的 難過 傷心 流淚…
[YT] 雖然我不是她的歌迷 但 這首悲歌”空白格”
會讓我心裡 迂迴”的感覺。
這首歌就如魏如昀 所說的
其實不需要 找很大的歌
就是把自己的""專長"" 然後放大 變成自己的特色。
[YT] 更期待下个星期康康和阎罗王的演唱~
[YT] 唱的不错啊
[YT] Good Job Rose! Though the past must have left great pains, let them be history and move forward. The broken vocals hurt so much, not in your points, but hurt in the hearts of those listening. Be Strong, Girl! There is rainbow after the rain!
[YT] This show is soooo good! Can’t wait for part 2.
[YT] 康康老师是因为被他的骚味熏到了 台上舞群黯然失色 赖圣恩你太有才了 够骚!!!
[YT] Rose’s Superman did really well IMO. That’s the “old” Coco Lee I love. I hate her new stuff!! I would have changed the arrangement a bit right after the rap part because this is live and she didn’t really have time to follow every note.
[YT] Wow, Queen’s “White Space” is very good. This song really fits her.
[YT] 死小胖 你自己又聽了多少歌阿~~~愛在那邊耍嘴皮…就像那英講的 你講的都一樣都是廢話!!
[YT] Big Q needs to watch his pitch. That seems to be his biggest problem… but he passed! Yeah!!
[YT] Qeen 真的太屌了!!
[YT] LOL Big Q use “partner”. You guys didn’t notice? The show had to type “her” but I think he meant “him”. Big Q is dropping so many hints for the past 3 performances especially when he sang Alisa’s song. That song is about gay couple. Go Go Big Q!!! I support you!!!
[YT] @lovelly010 但是大Q毀了這首歌…
[YT] 以前就很愛定時炸彈這首歌 超好聽的~~~
[YT] @lovelly010 maybe that is actually what she is like in real life. She has been so nervous on stage. I like what I see today even if it’s a bit too 裝可愛. Her 2nd song is much much better.
[YT] 今天簡鳳君有點太做作了一直在裝可愛…
[YT] LOL I like that “flower dance” but I would raise the key a bit. He can’t seem to sing low keys well and if he is dancing, low key is even harder to sing well.
[YT] I thought the fat’s Taiwanese song is pretty good. I likey! Go go go!
[YT] 魏如昀妝前妝後真是…哇,但唱的是好的,也對,不一定一直當rocker
[YT] 買你好聽
[YT] His key set bit too low….. else shld b very good. =)
[YT] Not a song from Hell, but a sweet song from Lai. Like it.
[YT] 身為JJ的歌迷 不太能接受JJ的歌名被報錯= = 明明是”娃”
[YT] thanks supercwm2010 so much!!!!
[YT] 我wooo………1st viewer 1st spammer…