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我真的覺得主持人們會因為肝癌死吧 看他們都不注重衛生 一起吃東西…真可怕~~
鴨嘴魚 = Peddle Fish. They have it in US also. But they are considered as a protected specie. They are not allowed to be caught.
Why watch the show if you dont like it? You go watch your gay porn collection.
我是没什么兴趣啊,因为是我家乡所以特别留意了一下~ 我知道您有特殊嗜好,也用不着以己度人到所有人都跟你一样喜欢gay porn~
Im not interested in gay porn at all~ but the only one that I watched was performed by your dad and grandpa~ they seemed enjoying their treats for each other~ bitach~!
qiao qiao always mess up
She is one dumb bitch pretending to be cute.
I agreed. Finally….
蔡伦 东汉造纸术发明人 黄盖 三国名将
好吧 如果说 毛泽东 蔡锷算近现代就算了 清朝的你他妈也不算古人啊?还跟老子辩论。。傻逼