TVBS哈新聞 2013-08-27

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

18 thoughts on “TVBS哈新聞 2013-08-27

  1. 大小S往昔的言行有時太過份 ! 看不起台灣本土文化:::欣賞布袋戲的都很”土”? 不疼惜自己的鄉土. 你當前的言行,一樣的—不會忘記你對台灣的:不尊重:!

  2. S不是講了嗎,因爲她大力的推廣所以有義務出來道歉。她都已經承認錯誤了,名嘴想干嘛,讓她在鏡頭前哭?還是下跪。真要這麽做了,你們又有別的可以講。麵包店是財團運營的,投資只佔一小部分。而且明顯MIKE所負責的就是推廣。他們不知道也很正常。而且S她們不也出來道歉了嗎?

  3. 真是所谓的墙倒众人推啊。这几个女名嘴真是拆字高手,把小S的话拆开来各种注解加诋毁。人家至少有勇气出来道歉和面对。台湾食物安全那么岌岌可危,任何一个明星代言都有可能遇上相似境遇。把重点放到管理食品安全上吧。本末倒置。

  4. I don’t think Barbie said anything bad about Joey Wang, just that she was sad her looks are so differently, it’s normally .. I was shocked as well … growing old gracefully .. it is best .. obviously she did something to her face and it didn’t turn out good …

    The old lady is so stern on them … dislike her!

  5. 小s下身前一秒的面部表情是笑的,道歉前还叹了口气,不比被李敖告那时的心虚。

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