我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2009-10-12 史上最強雙人舞蹈PK賽 鄭元暢

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492 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2009-10-12 史上最強雙人舞蹈PK賽 鄭元暢

  1. [YT] 不是被人罵或被人討論就以為很紅,開頭那什麼東西?誰可以跟我講,這垃圾片頭新聞到底是什麼?那兩隻垃圾 看起來很作做很噁心,很像國高中生同樂會再模仿程度一樣,一點都不好笑,製作這橋段的去死一死好不好?本來就覺得這節目很垃圾,沒想到久久看一次,更覺得垃圾

  2. [YT] 阿杰才開始就發威了,害我不爭氣得笑了出來。




  3. [YT] 開場那段新聞竟然也敢拿出入見人? 製作單位是白痴嗎 ? 他們以為觀眾的笑點真的那麼低嗎 ?近來剛對黑澀會再次重燃希望 ,但現在竟然大幅刪減美眉 ,多位台柱以後只能偶爾見到 ,那還有什麼意思 ? 衷心希望這節目快點停播 ,還是男女各做各的比較放得開

  4. [YT] 開頭動畫是抄襲日本「絕望先生」的動畫,而音樂則是直接剪日本K-On的音樂移植過來的,Channal-V. 至今仍死不認錯,只差日本原作沒來告製作單位而已。

  5. [YT] 我超想蚊毛贏的.. 他們的默契超好的.. 這是雙人舞蹈.. 而他們的默契真的很好.. 動作與舞蹈都有符合雙人舞蹈的感覺..

    雖然, 沒得名次, 我還是覺得他們的表演, 最印象深刻~~


  6. [YT] 我不是不喜歡美眉…

  7. [YT] weizhi and maodi should hav been first!! they were d best out of all of them!!!!!!!!!!!! n im not a fan of any if them. even i think they should have been first!

  8. [YT] yes, it’s true. all the mei meis are still in, just not this episode. like previously, not all meimeis are present in every episode, right? and now that the seats are lesser, even lesser meimeis will be in each episode, but they will come in some other episodes 🙂

  9. [YT] 我發覺合班不好的地方了, 就是各人的粉絲都會埋怨自己的偶像太少鏡頭, 而且還有很多人投訴六棒沒來, 我個人只希望看到精彩的節目, 今天跳舞比賽的規格都近乎年終評比那樣的水平了, 自從棒棒堂完結之後, 我很久都沒有這麼想要每天準時收看黑澀會了, 底廸跟美眉們都很棒, 希望各自的粉絲們都要支持他們!

  10. [YT] 洪詩 is damn sexy ~~~ luv their dance ~~
    but hope 鮪魚n洪詩wont be the first pair got kicked out (coz of the rule — no dating ! ) …. they surely hv the “chemistry” between them !

  11. [YT] yeah, i agree with JLuvAsM. if it’s some bigshot artist, they might discuss what they thought should be in the MV. but for newbies and most of other artist, they don’t really get a say in anything.

  12. [YT] i agree! i’m not a big weiyu fan, but seriously, he looks good in all his hairstyles! even back in the early days of MFBBT, his flippy up on his head kind of hairdo (if you know what i mean xD), he looks good!

  13. [YT] 我觉得把他们感情管那么严完全没有意思

  14. [YT] gosh seriously loving all the perfs all so amazing. <3

    always love meimeis perf the most. realized how much i miss watchin her dance. shes really amazing at dancing. love watchin her <3333
    xiaoma n meimei amazing!
    gosh heiren always gotta make fun of meimei x]

  15. [YT] to me wenzi/maodi ‘s dance is better than taco/huya’s one
    but anyway, taco/huya were super good too
    and I totally agree that meimei/xiaoma should be number 1 ^-^

  16. [YT] aren’t they in mainland now? I saw them in news with sjm
    that’s why they can’t come back in time for the recording no?
    but they will be there once they come back to taiwan no?

  17. [YT] hhahah maodi and weiyu n xiaolu!!! love meimei so pretty xD

    i hope tis is a new show! i thought i lost it all when both was cancelled but if tis is a new show with both joined im more excited! xDDD

  18. [YT] Although Choc 7 is great too, it’s not really 我愛黑澀棒棒堂 without 六棒!!!!

    and the meimeis and didis should totally sit together instead of on the opposite sides… that way it’ll be easier for the camera too!

  19. [YT] 小马跟meimei跳的根本没有taco跟虎牙和蚊子跟毛弟跳得好,根本就是私心。做人可不能这样哦。制作单位都说taci跟虎牙才第三啊? 嗞嗞。

  20. [YT] yea its been like that for a while already, his wretch album has picture of him with that hair since last last month? 🙂
    i agree. he looks really good in that hair.
    actually he carries all the hair he has really well but this one is just awesome. heh<3 🙂

  21. [YT] Are they going to continue with the 我愛黑澀棒棒堂 because today’s episode was great. I think they should have the show with the HSH girls and BBT boys together, it would get them higher ratings + it’s more fun. Can’t wait until tomorrow.

  22. [YT] weiyu and xiaoma are such gentlemen, they let the girls hold onto the money, but huya just grabs the money from taco and said “i’ll give her later”… such da nan ren… =.=

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