我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2009-11-25 向偶像致敬舞蹈大賽(上)

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538 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2009-11-25 向偶像致敬舞蹈大賽(上)

  1. [YT] 小禄刚开始唱的那首歌叫什么啊?
    what’s the name of the song that Xiao Lu is singing? please tell me the title thanks!

  2. [YT] 我說你這個死台妹
    沒本事當然跳不出來 只能改成初學版的
    算了 也是情有可原啦

  3. [YT] 這位大陸人
    WOW sounds like ur really good at dancing??huh??
    “像偶像致敬” 不是跳他們的舞蹈

  4. [YT] ongjaii 在那邊叫什麼 什麼叫汙染 嘴巴放乾淨點阿!說玉兔腳又粗又短 她腿明明就好漂亮 請問一下你女朋友有比她漂亮ㄇ? 你如果是女的 你有比她正嗎?腿有比她細嗎? 在那邊叫叫叫 你多行上去跳阿 媽的!

  5. [YT] After watching yeshou’s performance, i totally love the songs so i’m curious who SHINee is. I went to search on youtube & LOL I AM NOW A HUGE FAN OF SHINee!! ESP JONGHYUN!! MY LOVE!! Yeaa SHINee is really awesome. <3

  6. [YT] ok like I said, because I’m a performer, I have the right to judge, so if you don’t even know the first thing about dance don’t come on here and pretend you know what you’re talking about.

  7. [YT] Yes, I can, because I have already done this dance, she didn’t do any of the moves right, she used too much strength and sometimes not enough sexiness, BoA is a mix between fierce and sexy, but she didn’t dance that feel out.

  8. [YT] 不要污染少女時代啊-,-
    腳又粗又短 她都知道跳這個舞要有美腿才行為什麼還要跳?
    動作又硬 我不是少女時代的粉絲但是看到這個我真悲哀/_\

  9. [YT] @those who are critisising, K-Pop idols are all, mostly, all rounders. can sing can dance etc. and its FREAKING HARD to learn their dance steps, not as easy as you think. and this show is about 致敬. dude, they tried their best alr, if you think their dance sucks, who dontcha try dancing it yourself? -__-

  10. [YT] this is the 1st time i’m watching 我愛黑澀棒棒堂. it doesnt seem interesting as compared to WAHSH/MFBBT. i’m totally watching it just for the kpop perfs.

  11. [YT] 我很喜歡 哈韓

    好不好看 重不重用 大家皆知

  12. [YT] Wow. 野獸 danced pretty good. He even sang a song in korean language(even though he sang a little bit) which he probably didn’t know. I laughed a lot when 阿本 said 野獸 tried joining shinee’s 簽唱會 but was blocked by other members due to their own one.

  13. [YT] xiao han nervous & didnt dance well, dont need to blame xiao xun pls. If xiao han is gd means is gd, regardless first or last. I’m sure if put yong tu or the guys, hu ya for example, they will still do well. So dont nid to blame xiao xun.

  14. [YT] hahaha, ok, 糖果
    1, she can’t dance,
    2, she does not have that BoA feel
    3, none of her moves are right
    i mean the judges are just sooo nice, she is cute but, her dancing isn’t sexy or fierce.
    no offense to people who likes her, they’re just my personal opinions.

  15. [YT] 韓國人有多少個看得懂中文或是會點進來看~

  16. [YT] 跟原唱真是無法比較
    andy拜託你 好好的評論甚麼才是好

  17. [YT] 洪詩的搭配…


  18. [YT] 對啊中看不中用,如果有像他們那種系統的經紀公司,相信台灣也有很多能紅遍各地的藝人吧,希望認同的人也站出來發表意見!
    yes,台灣加油!雖然我也很愛韓流,但台灣在不努力真的就是外國人天下了= =+

  19. [YT] @o333opy:就是這麼說阿,台灣的經紀公司都太急就章了,一昧的講就速成;花大錢拍mv或打廣告,導致那些偶像都只是虛有其表、重看不重用,過沒多久就退潮了,便成了所謂的一片歌手,唉~

  20. [YT] 玉兔挑錯舞蹈了腳不好看跳出來不美.

  21. [YT] you can tell that many of these Taiwanese idols didn’t through much training (barely any at all i think) unlike those Korean groups from JYP, YG, and SM, etc etc.

  22. [YT] WHOA 糖果’s good at this. She should go after this style more. It’s better than the cutesy type.

    玉兔… Is… Amusing? LoL don’t know what to say. It’s better to not argue with the judges, is what I think. ^^” I totally just watched her part because it’s SNSD and I want to see how good she is. Her problem is that she’s not concise enough in her movements and she’s too… Out there with her expression and stuff. SNSD are a bit more contained with their smiles.

  23. [YT] LOL wow SHINee and Big Bang (ok Jiyong wtvr) AND SNSD… (Where’s my DBSK, huh??)

    …OMG. 野獸… His level is good enough for debuting in a boyband. Seriously, the confidence, the charisma, and his well-placed smiles. He’s got it down.

  24. [YT] LOL omg so many Korean band songs.

    I’m liking this~

    Now the girst girl… She’s… Too cute. o.O I mean she would’ve done so much better if she did say… I dunno, some girlband or something but Christina Aquilera… It’s a little out of her league. ^^” The dress thing was cool though.

  25. [YT] Why alot of Kpop rather than jpop or cpop, one reason, Kpop has more pop song that has dance steps you can copy.

    These dancers aren’t bad AT ALL, times are changing cpop is no longer just standing. However people who only stand usually can sing really well. Cpop has most solo singers while Kpop has more groups = different music trend. Thats way you cannot say one is better than the other because its different. Cpop is gonna have more groups, while kpop are going to need vocal talents in groups.

  26. [YT] this episode is just too good!! yes!! this is the way to be!! go WAHSBBT!!! to think that i almost gave up watching! I’m glad that i believe they will pick things up soon! they really did!!

    all we need now is liu bang. and it’ll ROCK.

  27. [YT] 沒想到野獸還會唱幾句呢!還滿標準的耶!



  28. [YT] 其實小涵今天很不錯:)

  29. [YT] 看到這集 突然會想念敖犬他們啊!
    當然 mm 跟dd也跳得很好啊!!
    不過還是好想看敖犬他們跳喔 好想念啊
    他們跳舞的帥氣 認真 真令人想念喔!

  30. [YT] 玉兔的dancer有美腿~

  31. [YT] 评审们讲得有点夸张…
    其实如果跟韩国的明星作对比…真的输他们很多… 他们很多细节的东西都没注意~
    不过也可以理解的。。。他们准备的时间很少~ 只有大概一个星期…~ 所以要求也不能太多

  32. [YT] 你什么意思啊·····


  33. [YT] 看到這些影片,,,,,有股火上來!!真不知道該說些甚麼!!

  34. [YT] even though tang guo is not that good in hip hop.
    but it is easier for her, becos she got dance and her body is more flexible.
    so i think its okok..
    becos normally if u are good in dancing, ppl expect u are good already..
    but i prefer ppl who doesnt noe how to dance then learn very hard, and dance well.
    that will then win, this is really call win

  35. [YT] and to add, even though wenzi’s my dance inspiration, it would have been amazing if she had chosen a boy band dance…example…dbsk …she has so much power…yet ,,,idk, i have feeling she’ll get buried by the others this ep….break your shell and bring on the attitude! wenzi fighting!~

  36. [YT] xiaolu!!!! he really likes justin timberlake
    im so glad he sang love listenin to him sing every single time. he looks so freaken handsome. meltin my heart x]

    wow love meimeis hairstyle. she looks really really pretty.

  37. [YT] BB在台灣越來越紅了 ^__^+

    今天要好好仔細看一下了 🙂

    小祿唱的那首是賈斯丁的什麼歌 3Q

  38. [YT] 小祿一唱歌真的不得了!!
    馬上被吸進去了! 視線一刻都沒有離開!!
    帥慘了! 小祿真的有聽黃國倫老師的建議往justine timberlake的方向走 唱跳俱佳!!

  39. [YT] I listened it like 10 times! xiao lu xiao lu xiao lu!
    today’s episode is sooo good
    I can’t wait for tomorrow, SO want to see meimei’s performance!

  40. [YT] let me tell you something.. THIS IS WHY XIAO LU IS THE BEST !!! singing and dancing if anyone was to “Dan Fei” it would be him but he won’t so its ok. JUST ALWAYS he is the best! i dont even want to watch the second part lol joking of course i have to Wei Yu is in it. lastly i think Hong Shi did a good job Big Bang is too unique to copy but her efforts were great =)

  41. [YT] you can really see Xaio Ma put A LOT of work into his dance because he doesn’t really dance so GOOD JOB to him. and Wun Zi i think it’s because she’s young and scared to be sexy that she lacked a little today. all the same she is still great. =)

  42. [YT] lets start off by saying I am already excited for Xiao Lu and Wei Yu … next Xiao Han i think she needs to let go a little more, i know she’s young but if she wants to dance to Christina A. She needs to be way more wild.

  43. [YT] OMG…i cant believe that ye shou is a SHINee fan like me too…hehe…i hope the next time they go to Taiwan they will have a chance to go on WIHSBBT
    ring ding dong…hehe

  44. [YT] 影片中小涵提到克莉絲汀唱過風中奇緣的主題曲是不正確的。
    風中奇緣主題曲Colors of the Wind是由Vanessa Williams演唱。

  45. [YT] wah!!! xiao ma look so hot =O hahaha!!! XD

    wen zi’s dance was so cool! like how the 3 people keep going over each other and stuff ^_^

    can someone tell me the songs xiao ma and wen zi was dancing to??? please ^_^

  46. [YT] I’m starting to like Ye Shou more and more!!!!!! He is wonderful, he can sing and dance so well. He is awesome! He is becoming better and better, more improvement to come!! YAY!

  47. [YT] Oh my god, every one of them amazes me, from two years ago till now, they have actually improved alot. They can actually go solo right now, every single of them, i am so proud to be their fans. 😀

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