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[YT] @kyk87711 :蔥蔥是觀眾投票保送入選的
[YT] 姑且不論舞蹈跳的如何,Yui很可愛很上鏡,匯入選是可以理解的~
[YT] 172公分的3號,175公分的4號~現在高個的美眉真多啊~
[YT] 她跳得實在是很難看啦..
[YT] @LeeStone52 I THINK SO
[YT] 新妹not beautiful anymore
[YT] 配音的還是b2哥嗎?
[YT] 三號只是缺少經驗吧
[YT] 其實一號比二號好多了
[YT] 努比有點像蒙嘉慧…
[YT] 卡卡是最好的!!
[YT] 不會吧~~全集最順眼的蔥蔥沒中?
[YT] 幹嘛一直新生徵選…..?
[YT] 為什麼每個人試鏡片段比錄影美多了~~
[YT] 只有一個不太美的樣子而已.
[YT] 努比的嘴是不是歪掉了?
[YT] 153公斤 45公分
[YT] that was akward …..
[YT] 努比一直在傻笑
[YT] yui got a scary smile when she dances !! its fake !!
[YT] huh? what do u mean explain?
[YT] haha 鲔鱼 5:40- 5:49:)
[YT] 3号 也不是很好嘛
[YT] 與其選新 ,倒不如請回以前的回來
例如 albee .. 米奇..
[YT] yui長的像小支炸
[YT] 好恐怖*0* !!!!!
[YT] 唱得真的有夠難聽的!
[YT] yui有點像曾愷玹,滿美的:)
[YT] 不看了,以後這也可以跳過了,太悶了!!!
[YT] 我的天。。我听的都要哭了。这都些什么人
[YT] So these 4 just got in like that? Is there a 2nd elimination round like last time?
[YT] naw, it’s good to have new people, it makes the show more exciting and fresh. but it just doesn’t make sense that the first group of rookies haven’t even been on the show and they are already searching for more…..
[YT] naw, it’s good to have new people, it makes the show more exciting and fresh. but it just doesn’t make sense that the first group of rookies haven’t even been on the show and they are already searching for more…..
[YT] i just wish they don’t find new people sigh
[YT] i just wish they don’t find new people sigh
[YT] 卡卡配阿杰
[YT] congcong looks kinda like xiao ke the girl that got in last time =o
[YT] 整集用了10分钟看完
[YT] 这几应该是恶作剧!
[YT] @43hayhazel67 y would u include ur idols name in ur nicknam??
explain pls
[YT] how can judges not choose cong cong???! i wouldve chose her in the first place!! -O-”
[YT] @Loveerrrpop agreed. her songs are freaking brilliant<333
[YT] 請製作單位提高評選素質好嘛?不然每次看到新生徵選 想說看有沒有好的人選 結果都一次一次失望!!
這樣還有誰想看新生徵選!?倒不如 不要選………要選 請認真一點 好嗎!? 進來就是要有長相+才藝 唱歌嘛…至少要有阿杰.小祿.野獸的水準麻 是不是!?
[YT] Is Kitty, not KIKI!!!
they all forget her now…. 🙁
[YT] yui is really cute :]
[YT] 我被yui的跳舞嚇到了..我覺得好可怕哦- -”
[YT] 評審應該在說反話吧……
[YT] 唉.選這麼多有什麼用?
[YT] 剛聽完三號的,原來夜好不到那裡去
[YT] 終於回復有質素的徵選-3-”
[YT] 哇靠!聽過一號和二號的唱歌,今晚應該會發惡夢吧
[YT] 她把nobody跳得好奇怪
[YT] 努比 very hot
[YT] 下集有洪詩了 哈哈=]
[YT] 1號說她 153公斤 45公分 =_=”
[YT] 佩服佩服 勇氣萬分= =
[YT] meimei got do hand sign sorry sorry so cute :)Yui is sweet !
[YT] apple 好正
[YT] 哇. 音都唔準.. 好恐怖-_-!
[YT] 徵選好悶-_-!
[YT] yui長的有點像kama
[YT] 還飙高音…
[YT] +多1點`
[YT] 蔥蔥沒進不可能吧-口-!!!!
[YT] Yui蠻正的=)
[YT] 努比在跳沒靈魂的舞……
[YT] 糖糖是在嚇人嗎?
[YT] Yui 手上的應該是胎印;
看這麼多個;yui 最甜美`自然(:
[YT] Yui是長得蠻甜美的 舞可以慢慢來
[YT] 哈哈
[YT] 卡卡 is quite good
[YT] 卡卡笑得好好笑-__-
[YT] 還好吧
[YT] i hate new people. unless they kick some people out ofc not the “jing ying” s. girls ratio is already more than the boys. i think they should add boys instead of girls.
[YT] 糖糖既然說對樂器有興趣幹麻要唱歌= =…自曝其短…
[YT] mei mei 也在放空!
[YT] 看完真的替評審們辛苦
[YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 第一位是說 “153公斤 45公分” 你沒聽錯XDDD
[YT] 因乜解救唔比人回覆呢?!= =
[YT] 糖果在5:45放空
[YT] the first girl say she 153 kg 45m
[YT] 今天是評審來比假稱讚的?? 還是挑戰觀眾的忍耐力??? 好幾次有打爆mon的衝動……
[YT] Yui is awesome !! She’s really sweet !!
[YT] 個預告好似好恐怖咁`
[YT] kaka look werid…and the performance is bad
[YT] nubi was ok, not kaka= =
[YT] 也太难听了吧,这样也敢来,有病哦!!!!
[YT] 嗯,被吓死了!一个比一个恐怖!
[YT] 卡卡 got some laughing problems. -___-‘
[YT] yui’s hand has a biiiiiig mark
[YT] 唉~看到已經不知能說什麼了- –
[YT] 糖糖..很bad!!!!
[YT] Nubis audition video was funny and i felt really awkward for her. hahah how dry could that get, no music.
[YT] 不愛徵選!!!!-,-
[YT] 啊呀!!不好聽!!
[YT] 糖糖
嚴重搶拍…. 恐怖….
音都不準…. 可怕….
[YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 WORD!!!!!!
[YT] 好難聽,超級難聽。
[YT] tang guo is finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] @choyilam1 birth mark
[YT] i only like yui :X
[YT] LOL!! can’t they just say they can’t sing?!
[YT] i think yui is like . the only good one now —
[YT] 觀眾緣!?!?! WHERE!?
[YT] @quito345jay Umm 153公斤 45公分 the unit is wrong xD
[YT] 為甚麼又要徵選阿!!
[YT] What’s with FU as FEEL!?!? o common!
[YT] i don’t like kaka or nubi…….
[YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0
你冇聽錯. 係佢講錯哈哈
[YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 what’s wrong with that?
[YT] yui長的有點像梁又琳
[YT] bad , then bad , now another bad one .
though the third one is a tiny bit better , but still , no good .
T____T .
sorry .
[YT] that first girl doesn’t even sing good .
no offence .__.
[YT] yui手上那個是什麼啊…紋身嗎…?
[YT] 这次的甄选会,无语!
[YT] 我也覺得努比有像蒙嘉慧..
[YT] yui is cute!
[YT] why nubi over 蔥蔥???? i like yui and kaka… but y nubi… 蔥蔥 is better la i think
[YT] wow..dennis seems to think like he’s a know-it-all..
[YT] 又系新ddmm徵選。
[YT] Yui真的很美啊,希望她真的會出現節目
[YT] they would be even more stupid if they do that….lol
i mean they did that in 棒棒堂 and the ratings went way down and in the end it killed the show.
the new bloods to the show is good, but u just can’t replace them all at the same time….
[YT] Yui真的很甜美很可愛啊….
[YT] 努比… its like her face has been photoshop to a moving body.. her face have looked the same for the past 10mins.. tht exact BIG SMILE! =D but she doesnt look happy.. haha too nervous probably
[YT] yui was pretty good.
[YT] @rayyong8281 watch in hq
[YT] i think the 1st two is fans of the show… 1st one got name from guigui… 2nd got name from tang guo… =.=”
[YT] I hate it when they cue a bubble that says “好聽” on top of 許哲珮 twice already!!
Geezz…she’s not stupid, she can tell if the girls can sing or not…so stop making her look deaf
[YT] 評審真的不要在說客套話了拉…
人應該是從失敗中學習 而不是讚美 = = 而且是很假的讚美
[YT] 看不到呀!!!
[YT] 為什麼都一直找那種看起來清純的美眉啊?而且感覺都超級沒有內涵的 重點是..長得又不漂亮…唉 也完全沒有特色 才藝勒 更不用說了 根本不懂觀眾 = = 又不是每個人都喜歡看帥哥正妹 才藝跑哪去了 唉
[YT] 看不下去
[YT] omg wtf only yui should go in the rest look like they just climbed out of a hole 😡
[YT] 請問第一位是說 “153公斤 45公分”嗎?
[YT] 唱得很敷愆的感覺
[YT] maybe the plan to get a lot and then replace all of the old people? 🙁
[YT] 阿杰好正!^^
[YT] 這些新生真的..醜爆了-.-‘
[YT] nubi 笑容也怪怪 好嘴唇都歪一邊耶~~
[YT] nubi….sigh….even kaka is not good enough to be in the show… the judges are ouf of their mind … I think only 蔥蔥 deserves to win.
[YT] 卡卡有一點怪怪
[YT] 這次入選就直接成為黑澀會嗎?? 還是只是進入複選??
[YT] 難道是節目不夠長 所以找三個在前面壓收視率(當墊背)嗎?
[YT] 他”很上鏡” 很有”觀眾緣”??!! mh…. 我覺得最該被淘汰得不是參賽者 而是這群評審才對 上一次 新生沒入選的有幾個比他們好太多 應該找沈玉琳 Kimiko或大目 老師 再加一個星光或超偶的評審 嘿嘿 ….= v =
[YT] 真的都唱得不怎么样….KTV自high就可以了。。
[YT] 卡卡唱的還不錯…總算有個不是大走音….
[YT] 去看康熙來了 許常德老師 評 Ma媽媽 那才叫做評審 最看不起那些不敢得罪人 的評審 如果連難聽都不敢說 還要拐彎抹角 講一堆屁話 當來賓就好了 說他們是評審真得是言過其實
[YT] 努比跳舞有一種想一拳打爆她的感覺
[YT] can’t agree more
[YT] nubi….the judges got issues 0.0
[YT] this is just stupid.
the first group of people that they selected haven’t even been on the show yet and now they are already doing another draft.
they r just doing becasue of the ratings probably, which is pretty stupid.
[YT] i like nubi. somehow she attracted my attention. plus she reminds me alot of how xiaojie was like. braces,cute face,chubbycheeks,big eyes. 🙂
[YT] 153公斤 45公分 我笑了 囧
[YT] xiaojie<333333333333
[YT] weiyu <33333
[YT] 看好Yui;D但她跳舞拍子不太準- –
[YT] 努比這樣叫跳舞?!
[YT] Dennis!!
[YT] 超级受不了dannis!!!
[YT] 好難聽
[YT] 努比有點像蒙嘉慧…
[YT] 質素愈黎愈差…
[YT] 疯了。难听到这样能上电视!!!!!
[YT] omg… my ear is so painful now…..
[YT] du like the first first one.. she can’t sing…..
ps…. i dun like her name too… remind me of gui gui… haha.. miss gui gui
[YT] 看完Yui,我覺得前面表演的女生不是一個叫鬼魅,而是三個都是鬼魅。七月都過那麼久了,怎麼還跑出來嚇人。
[YT] yui its normal.xDDDD
butt ii loveee their shoes:):):)everyone have it and i want those.where can i buy those shoes???i dont know where…
[YT] 評審老師真的很厲害
[YT] 真係好快,即日就有得睇!
[YT] 真快