我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-02-10 新生徵選會IV

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179 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-02-10 新生徵選會IV

  1. [YT] 不好意思…你所謂的唱爛是怎麼個爛法呢??

  2. [YT] 球球 has potential.. reminds me of 郭靖 … both in looks and voice…

    she got good voice but not powerful enough yet… but i think got alot of potential and plus professional training can become the next 巴冷 (a.k.a 梁文音) …

  3. [YT] i agree… qiu qiu may be one of the best contestant for a while (the other being 蒂蒂 in 4 dec 09 epsisode… who unfortunately withdrew from 2nd round?)… but not THE BEST EVER as they make it to be…

    probably the BEST EVER must be the 19 mar 2007 batch, with 巴冷 (a.k.a 梁文音) — best ever in singing and 蚊子 — best ever in dancing…

  4. [YT] somtime it good to have new comer show… because there is few chance where fan can go in…at least they can use this chance to see thir idol…. i mean we might not get to understand as we can only sit behind screen… now i feel so jelous…

  5. [YT] 好幾集新生都亂來= =什麼人都可以參加 那個mo. .照片跟本人-__- 本人的眼睛還有的脫窗,唱歌超級刺耳難聽 什麼東西啊 試鏡的才應該找來上節目吧 光看照片也隨便上 製作單位..有點不用心-__-

  6. [YT] seriously! I’m so sick of all the horrible contestants T__T
    Especially some when they sing it makes me feel sooooooo uncomfortable and Qiu Qiu actually didn’t make me feel that way. oh and also the horrible dancers…. oh gawd.

  7. [YT] 球球 is so pretty, great potential…so much emotion in her singing, bright future ahead of her. Wow she can sure sing high notes. Love her outfit<3 She looks mature for her age.

  8. [YT] well, she’s not amazing amazing..but compared to all of the other girls who’ve competed…she’s pretty amazing…
    She sang the second song unplugged too…hopefully more serious contestants like her will come =D

  9. [YT] … qiu qiu is good compared to everyone else, but I don’t think she’s that amazing.. but than that might be because I always listen to my friends from choir sing and they are sooooo much better xD

  10. [YT] qiu qiu is a good singer, but i don’t think she’s brilliant like the way they make it out to be; iono maybe i’ve just watched too much superidol and unconsciously set a standard

  11. [YT] i like eva and qiu qiu :]
    i actually like them . lets just hope their performance is good when they’re acutally airing . and lets hope they’re well mannered, unlike xiao ding and xiao ke T__T

  12. [YT] 那个mo 什么的 照片跟本人也差太多了吧 – -! 先不说唱歌怎么样。 她眼睛是不是有问题啊?

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