今晚誰當家 2012-05-18 小孩生日趴爸媽砸錢辦?!

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Tipster Rednimer

18 thoughts on “今晚誰當家 2012-05-18 小孩生日趴爸媽砸錢辦?!

  1. 你们不要那么苛刻好不好?吴淡如原本怀了双胞胎,结果只有小熊活下来,那么痛苦才生出来的女儿,当然害怕失去她!你们就不要骂了!将心比心!

  2. 为什么台湾都讲 App ? App 不是 Application 的缩写吗?不达意阿. 应该说 text, message, 或传简讯吧。

  3. 虽然知道吴淡如有钱,但还是低调点好,做主持人,不能摆高姿态,要低调才能贴近观众。不然真的会犯众憎。

  4. 虽然知道吴淡如有钱,但还是低调点好,做主持人,不能摆高姿态,要低调才能贴近观众。不然真的会犯众憎。

    • i am not sidin against who… but i think maybe she is not a bitch is just that if u undergo what she been through u may be will also be like her… at her age then she can get pregnant but lost one of the baby… this is not one can control … maybe her daughter is her life line… her only… if tat is the case u muz understand how she feel… but yes i agree she shouldn keep on emphasizing her wealth but if u compare to other richer ppl who show off like mad … what bout them?

  5. 吳蛋如的女兒 以後最後上學,上班,走在街上 都不會遇到感冒的人… 這種人死好 不然每次感冒都會怪別人

  6. 拜托,就你的孩子不能感冒啊吴淡茹女士?你的孩子是有多异于常人啊? 几个鼻子几只眼睛?切….

  7. 說真心話,我喜歡幾年前的彩樺姐,很放很搞笑…

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