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so true!!! guys want to have sex in the 3rd date….
are u saying this across all nationalities?
I agree! Don’t know why they said American men will carry their gfs’ purse?? Perhaps, only few American men who live in Taiwan will do that.
my bf does carry my purse for me. I think it is just depends on the personality.
ruby is very very annoying..
太誇張了 你把人家當男友 人家把你當玩物 一百多人 太誇張了 歐洲人再開放 也不會喜歡老婆公開曬奶吧
Who is Ruby anyways. I keep on seeing her on variety shows but can’t find her info on google
這個題目應該找艾利克斯來, 除了超級好笑之外, 他還可以非常理性分析, 不像那個ruby大嬸, 沒深度.
思想開放有時候反而是說對自己身體和內心的自信,不一定是和性暗示有關。大家思想單純一點吧,don’t sexualize everything.
別再說外國人開放了, 我一位歐洲女性朋友去台灣玩, 我請我的台灣友人幫忙招待, 台灣友人都跟我報告說, 歐洲人多開放, 還跟我的歐洲朋友討論許多私密話題. 結果那位歐洲女友回來, 對我很困惑的抱怨, 台灣人怎麼尺寸這麼大, 對素昧平生的人說一堆有的沒的, 但她人在異鄉只好敷衍了事, 其實內心感覺很不舒服.
而且歐洲社會也不認為參加性愛馬拉松是件稀鬆平常的事, 雖然不會嚴重批判, 但絕對不會視之為普通人.
所以, 台灣人別再自以為是了, 普通外國人也是有自己的尺度, 對某些行為也是會罵得很難聽的.
台灣有的男人會四處去炫耀說跟哪個女生有關係,而且跟男生說就算了,還自以為幽默的跟女生說,拜託,我們根本不想討論這個話題好嗎? 噁心死了, 超low的…
你朋友啥咖耶 還牽扯到全台灣
尺寸是多大 18? 20?
人家是指說話的尺寸太開放, 你想到哪去了?
神經病! 正常2個不認識人一見面會討論這個?
個人問題智商問題還真能鬼扯 我只能跟你說 白痴全世界都有
“開放”不是拿來這樣形容的好嗎? 不是比誰嘴巴比較髒
還敢拿出來說 丟臉
bahaha love Ruby, she’s friggin hilarious!
Why there’re so many black people in Taiwan…
just like any foreigners in the country, they “teach” English while taking adventage of the women.
i dont think it is really like that?:) i mean it is just like every one who is working or living in a country which is not his/her home country which is just to make a living i suppose?:) besides, @Gggg, well there are colored people everywhere as well as there are so many asians ( especially chinese speaking people) everywhere in every country. it is just that there are more of us i guess 😛
台灣人以為外國人是很開放的其實不一定 都要看家庭的水準的
有地位一點的家庭 可不是這麼開放的
小孩子行為 家庭一般無法控制拉
很正常 只是更會掩飾而已