姊妹淘心話 2012-05-07 外遇風暴來襲! 女人們妳擋得住嗎?!

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19 thoughts on “姊妹淘心話 2012-05-07 外遇風暴來襲! 女人們妳擋得住嗎?!

  1. 陶子的说法站不住脚的,首先人是动物,区别在于使用了婚姻制度来规范配偶关系,然而在自然界里面,雄性本身的天性就是寻找雌性交配。再说,人类世界为何是男性社会,就是因为性别的特殊导致社会对男女的看法不一样。

  2. 外遇又不是甚麼大不了的是,不要有感情或小孩就好了啊,誰敢保證結婚30年只有跟老婆sex媽

  3. 接受回頭的浪子不是不可能,一切都是時間的問題。時間久了就會淡忘,畢竟恨一個人是很累的。所以要衡量這個人值不值得被重新接受,或者前面有沒有更好的人在等你。

    • even if you think you have ‘forgiven’ your cheated man, it doesn’t mean that your relationship is okay… you might be haunted by this forever  and could never be able to smile form your heart, ever.

      you should just know yourself better to make a better choice.

  4. 我自己是女人

  5. 為什麼是女人怎樣做男人才不會外遇??



    • 如果達成共識 就沒爭辯 沒爭辯就收視率!
      節目/主持 目的就是要搞分化,引起男女/社會中憎恨與歧視。

    • I totally agree with you!! what the fuck is this bias about women having to figure men out and prevent them from having affairs?! Men should take responsibility for their own actions (if they are mature enough, of course). Adults make their own decisions, GROW UP!

      • Most of the women are born thinker, they are all happy to spend a lot of tim thinking what went wrong; whereas men could never bear 1 second to sit down and think, they will forever skive away from the problem – men is always the first one to walk off from an arguement, do you not think?

        Its just the nature of male and female, of course there are always exception.. im just reading the stats off..

        And of course i dont think its women’s responsibility for figure men out, but for the sake of men’s incapabability, women may as well help them out a bit… ?

    • I totally agree with you!! what the fuck is this bias about women having to figure men out and prevent them from having affairs?! Men should take responsibility for their own actions (if they are mature enough, of course). Adults make their own decisions, GROW UP!

  6. 这个阿德老师说话总让人听不懂,还什么两性专家。。。。还是陶子语言表达能力强。

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