WTO姐妹會 2015-05-06 新加坡哪裡了不起?! 各國人來說分明!

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60 thoughts on “WTO姐妹會 2015-05-06 新加坡哪裡了不起?! 各國人來說分明!

  1. 新加坡人面對別人對他們的批評一定是來自鄰邦的馬來西亞人眼紅,酸他們經濟上的成就比他們好(有甚麼很過人的成就嗎??其實各國在各自不同的範疇都總有一點成就,)很同意樓下柔佛忠留言的最后一句話.

    • 在这里留言的新加坡人似乎都没提起自己的经济成就有多了不起,说我们了不起的是你们,说我们素质差的也是你们。无言啊!

    • 真的不是每个新加坡人都这么想。留言的人或上节目的人不代表着新加坡人的想法。单单看上节目的人就知道,那些新加坡人的个性都是大不相同。他们说的话,对新加坡这个环境有褒也有贬。其实我很意外有些人对新加坡有很差的印象,因为之前出国或在学校认识的外国朋友们都相处的不错。昨天读了蔡康永的文章,觉得有句话很有意义:“孔子還講,不以言舉人,不以言廢人”。言不代表做人,如果以上有冒犯之处,跟你说声抱歉,是无心的。我也当然希望新加坡也会变得更主动友善一些,好证明我们不是想象中的冷漠。很多人其实是比较被动的,但不至于冷血无情、傲慢。

  2. 并不是马国人酸葡萄心理,我们也当然很羡慕新加坡的成功发达和清廉的政府。对于新加坡的成功我们无庸置疑的,是多么超越马来西亚,但新加坡人民的素质的确不是很好,当然不是说全部,不是说很差,就是少了份亲切感多了份冷漠感,每个人都冷冷的,好像机器人。有些很无礼。

    • 了解 :)我也有马来西亚的好朋友,我不知道别人是怎么样的,但是我对我朋友,无论是那个国际的,是特别亲切。只能说每个社会都有热心的人士,也当然有会冷眼旁观的人。大多数的人是怎么样的我没去管,也管不了。

    • 你在找的是桃花源吧?怎么定义“素质好”?人人热情、人人友善?你能说出世上哪个国际大都会不给你冷漠感吗?


  3. 一谈新加坡,世界各国特别华人特别马国华人就酸溜溜了。

  4. jazz在最后打分時問”政府單位有在看嗎?”一句露出馬腳了,而他們那一致的九十或以上的打分跟其他國家來賓相对比較低的分數顯出新加坡人”是一定要”口是心非的.就像大陸人在接受中央台訪問時都會一致的大讚黨的領導英明偉大一樣背后都有强大的政治压力要考量.好可憐喔.請不要再把別人对你們的負面批評說成是酸葡萄來推誘而不敢面对現实好嗎虛脅的新加坡人?

    • 节目效果分不清吗?如果他真在意政府有没有在看,他前面就不会批评了。你们又拼什么攻击我们? 我们又不能反击?是霸凌吗

  5. lol forever the video got anything singapore sure got alot comments =D sinkies always like to kaobeikaobu infront of the computer smelly keyboard warrior =)

  6. 我是马来西亚柔佛新山人,和新加坡只相隔一条桥,对于新加坡这国家我们可以算是又爱又恨,爱的是他们的工作机会,兑换率,教育,治安,交通发达,夜生活,所以也算对我们很方便,只要我们觉得在新山找不到的我们马上就会想到去新加坡找,恨的是我们讨厌新加坡人,真的讨厌,因为他们长期在压力的生活下,一来到我们新山马上就变了个样,去购物总是一种骄傲的态度,霸道,在新加坡是不能乱丢香烟但来到新山他们却随地丢,我的新加坡朋友就是这样,开车总是乱开,要出就出要停就停,在新加坡他们总是循规蹈矩,在新山他们总却说:这里是jb,不用怕!但其实我们新山人不会这样,我们去他们的国家也都遵守他们的国家但不知为什么他们来到别人国家却不尊重我们的国家,就因为我们没有那么多的罚款就代表我们的国家可以乱来吗?既然新加坡政府把新加坡发展的那么好,你们人民素质也该提升吧,也让我们知道新加坡政府管理的好,人民素质也很好,但事实并非如此,也当然不是全部新加坡人,也是会有好的。但新加坡的确蛮无聊的,除了赌场,夜生活,购物,几个著名景点外好像真的没有什么特别的,所以建议去新加坡玩顺便也来马来西亚看看吧,我们有很多美丽的海岛,美食,各名族的文化,大自然体验,当然购物夜生活当然也是有,但特别提醒马来西亚的治安的确危险很多,但凡事小心也都可以玩的开心的。

    • 一般国家对新加坡游客都没有这类负评,很少听到有人嫌新加坡人素质差、不守法。不排除新加坡有些缺德鬼,但只能说什么地方就吸引怎样的游客吧?

      • 那你是說新加坡人質素差而馬來西亞的地方不好是嗎?上面的jbppl巳經說了新加坡人是多麼表裏不一和hypocritical. 但其實大家都明白新加坡人活在一個專權的國家被拑制束縛着,所以一跑到國外在行為上會跟在國內的表現完全不一樣.而新加坡人在談到自己國家時一般都很正面甚至會有奌過度地稱讚(就像那個silver)來掩飾內心那份思想自由被政府剝奪的inferiority complex.

        • 好啦!你们爱怎么说,就怎么说。






          • 朋友,你不需要为了一些言论而针对马来西亚华人。再说不是所有的马来西亚人都嫉妒你们新加坡的成就。对我来说,你们只是另外一个国家罢了,与我们无关。当然,你们在很多方面都做得比我们好,尤其是治安方面,更是我们望尘莫及的。我并不想与你争论关于谁强谁弱这种幼稚的东西,每个国家都有良民与老鼠屎,不应该只是选择性看别人的坏处。再来,既然两国都是一衣带水的国家,大家理应互相尊重而不是互掀底牌。


    • 的确,一粒老鼠屎会坏了一锅粥。那些心态不正确的人真的该批评,但不是每个新加坡人都是这样的。只是不希望没来过或不认识新加坡的人对新加坡有成见,这样对很多人都不公平。还是谢谢你友善的意见。

  7. Are you serious…. I’m Malaysian studying in Singapore now and I don’t think this is a good place to stay. DAMN crowded and stuffy all the time and Singaporeans are so RARE in Singapore -__- on Sunday you can see all the Pinoys flooding to Orchard. Anyway the only good thing about Singapore is its currency. Oh and safety. other than that what else is good about Singapore !!! Lol. But then low crime rate doesn’t mean no crime. Those foreign workers from Bangladesh always looking at girls! Also feel damn dangerous ok?

    • Why study in Singapore if there is nothing good about us? We would be a little less crowded without the thousands of Malaysians studying in our schools and tertiary institutions. The air in Singapore would be clearer perhaps without the truckloads of Malaysians working in our factories or gambling away at our casinos.

      • As I said very clearly, the Singapore currency is GOOD and safety is also GOOD, so there IS something GOOD in Singapore. I don’t study in Malaysia because the safety in Malaysia is bad!

        Foreigners studying in Singapore are contributing to the economy of Singapore. If you don’t like it then you become the government to sack us away =). Anyway, Malaysians do not make up the most number of foreigners in Singapore. Maybe you can do more research before saying that MALAYSIANS are causing the air in Singapore to be not clear. What a nonsense. The only time the PSI in Singapore is high not due to Malaysia but Indonesia zzzz. Again, maybe you can explain what is good about Singapore instead of bashing us since you think Singapore is so GOOD.

        And so what if we gamble in your casinos? How does it affect you? Do you think the casinos in Singapore are built for Singaporeans? The casinos are to attract foreigners anyway as there is a S$100 entry levy for Singaporeans and PRs, that is to discourage you all to come. Or are you jealous that we don’t have to pay S$100 to enter? =,=

        • haha but it’s true that I am quite jealous that foreigners do not have to pay for the $100 to enter the casinos. Haven enter alr lose $100…

      • I didn’t study in spore and don’t feel like studying there either. Although our universities here in Malaysia are not as highly ranked as yours, but the quality of graduates is not measured solely based on the universities’ ranking. If you really don’t like the Malaysians who are working in your country, you can chase them out. Let me suggest to you the following policies that are useful to stop Malaysians from flooding your country – 1) Stop ASEAN scholarship. If you require foreign talents, you can get abundant of them from Thailand/ Vietnam/ Myanmar etc. There’s no need to cause a brain drain in Malaysia. 2) No more new working VISA for Malaysians. Existing VISA should not be renewed once they are expired. 3) Put a big NO MALAYSIANs sign at the immigration department. But hey, it is only fair if the Malaysian government does something in return. I would suggest that Singapore vehicles are strictly prohibited from entering Malaysia because they are using our well developed highways as racing tracks. Second, no singaporean should be allowed to buy properties in Malaysia, not even high-rise condominiums. And what about cutting the supply of water to your lovely nation since you already have state-of-the-art technologies in producing drinkable water from sea water? Deal?

    • hmm….but if that’s the case why don’t you study in you own country? agree that no country is perfect, neither is any one. hence why don’t u keep ur comments to yourself?? pinoys are also human RIGHT? so why do u want to restrict their movement. they cant go orchard to chill meh???? foreign workers also human being wat, if u can look at them, they cant look at meh??? LOLzz….

        • You can also keep your comment to yourself, but why are you commenting on my comment? OF COURSE pinoys are human, did I say that they are NOT human? And in what way am I restricting their movement?!

          I am saying that some of the foreign workers look at girls in a 咸湿 way, you think that is good and comfortable for a girl then you let them look at you. Many girls in Singapore, no matter what nationality are also afraid of them sometimes. Not all of them are bad of course!!! zzzz .. Maybe you can tell me what is good about Singapore from your perspective instead of disagreeing everything I commented -.- That will make your comment more meaningful.

    • As a sporean, I do avoid going to Orchard or town areas on wkend (esp sun) to avoid the pinoy and ah neh crowds. But that’s the only rest day that they have, so maybe we can be more understanding? You will find more sporeans in the neighbourhood hawker centres, parks or even cafes on wkend. I know that it is not easy to study in a foreign land, esp if you are alone. But since you are here, maybe you can try to embrace the culture here and find something you like abt Singapore, other than the exchange rate and safety? I also dun like to be looked at by the foreign workers, but it is something we cant help it. Just avoid eye contact and avoid walking alone in those quiet alley 😀

  8. And the moral of the story is, if you foreigners are here for holiday and spending, we most certainly will wholeheartedly welcome you and make you feel as comfortable as possible. But if you are here to steal our lunch, we’ll chase you out. We know it’s not you fault (we have some glitch in the controller side), but hey, isn’t that what the whole world is having problem with now? Trouble with foreign “talents” ??

  9. 如果不是李公光耀五十年前自行立國的話今天的星加坡人可能仍停留在爬樹找香蕉吃的階段.

    • 李光耀固然對現在的新加坡經濟良多,不過也不需要把他神化成好像真的沒有他,新加坡就一定會成為第三世界國家。

      • 星加坡在經濟上的確很好,但在政治上都被認為還是在第三世界國家水平,很多人都說他們的頭腦都笨笨的.

        • 哇,说新加坡人笨真是太客观、太独到的见解!新加坡人笨到大学在世界排行榜上名列前茅,新加坡人也笨到中、小学生在多项国际学术评比中成绩都遥遥领先…真是难以想象的笨啊!

          • 是典型的‘鸡蛋里挑骨头’,别管他们啦。说什么优点都是缺点的这种话,只是见不得别人好。我们从来没有说新加坡有多完美,我们只出自于爱国的精神而赞美。没说别的国家的不好,却被人家批评,当然冤枉。

          • 哇,真的成就卓越喔,有沒有其它?还是拿着這一奌奌就可以再多吃五十年?

          • 哈哈,能不能再吃50年?我们也不知道,但我们不会骄傲自满,会继续奋发向上。


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