今晚誰當家 2014-01-14 Nina 孩子媽媽要帶著你抬頭挺胸的走下去 離婚原委真想澄清會!

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Tipster Rednimer

52 thoughts on “今晚誰當家 2014-01-14 Nina 孩子媽媽要帶著你抬頭挺胸的走下去 離婚原委真想澄清會!

  1. 如果真的缺錢老公又不幫忙…為了小孩,那為什麼女方沒有去做正常人的工作呢?演藝工作那麼不可靠那為什麼沒去找別的工作…有沒有人可以幫忙回答這問題…這女生當初願意marry這藝人…她想要的也不單純吧…想說有藝人老公賺錢比較多吧…gold digger

  2. 男生一看就覺得講話眼神飄移 超不實在的 看他們結婚時 第一個想法是這個漂亮女生沒長眼睛嘛

  3. 看著他們結婚生子,沒想到下場是這樣
    一路看來nina 都是個很重視孩子的媽媽…

  4. 以前看到郭世伦觉得这个男人真不靠谱 后来看到郭人豪 觉得这个男的好不靠谱哦 跟那个郭世伦有一拼 后来才发现他们是一个人。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

  5. 郭世倫 還真的是爛咖 還好意思換名叫人豪 丟不丟臉啊!幸好nina 把一切都出來不然別人還以為 郭世倫有多正人君子!不要臉在外面演好爸爸好男人的形象,想你這種人連喂狗狗都嫌髒

  6. 我一直觉得郭先生人品不好,婚前就觉得。后来突然说要结婚。看到nina觉得这个女孩子蛮好的,怎么就嫁给郭先生?后来说是怀孕了才结婚。。。其实我个人很不喜欢郭先生,现在发生这一切,感觉就是他能干出来的。只能说,女人最怕嫁错郎了。希望nina以后可以幸福吧

  7. 冲浪,撞到礁石,鼠鼷部挂到流血?那泳裤肯定也完蛋啦,那jj肯定烂掉啦。怎么可能还好好的。。骗人能不能先思考一下

  8. Did Nina get date raped or something because I don’t see why someone with a normal head would want to marry him, and I think Nina is pretty normal as far as I can tell =/

  9. GUO is such a jerk! gamble, drug, abuse, disease, not responsible for this family the child. wow he literally did every bad thing

    • haha u duno meh…they fk first the got kid…then the guy wan to run also cannot run so act one toughing guy marry the girl…actually u ask me i think the kid also not his haha…the kid so cute u think he will look like him rotten jerk,,,>>>>>>???????????? haha….

  10. 那一天的郭世伦一直在绕话,没有说重点。看得级不舒服,就连在座的嘉宾也受不了郭世伦没有重点的回答。那天他说不恨Nina, 但是当他说出来的样子是带着怨恨的,狰狞样…

  11. Nina and her ex husband, both of them seems to be pretending and trying to get the sympathy from the audiences. Plus, i don’t understand why there are people think that their parents need to stay in home to look after their kids for them.

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