大學生了沒 2013-08-28 令人難以置信的大學媽寶

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Tipster Rednimer

20 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2013-08-28 令人難以置信的大學媽寶

  1. 幹這集是假的吧… 怎麼可能會有人這麼大了不會綁鞋帶.. 還寧願買新的碗筷. 我幹!!!!! 這什麼世界阿..

  2. 陶子姐中間都沒有講話(可能都剪了?)連Cue大學生的都是Ken跟豆@@鏡頭也完全沒有,還以為陶子姐中途離開了…(但是看到最後她又出現了@@)難不成是看那些媽寶看傻了XD?

    • 陶子姐應該是中途有離開,之後再回來,你們都沒發現中間那一大段鏡頭都只有帶到Ken跟納 豆,沒拍到他們兩個中間的位子,可能是製作單位怕麻煩不想多做解釋,所以就用這種方式掩飾.

  3. 第一个可能有阅读障碍(dyslexia),要找个专家诊断一下。很多人活了大半辈子都不知道自己有这样的condition,只是以为自己笨什么都学不会。真是的把孩子养成这样,是父母之过。

      • 我中文不好,有时候想不到就只好用英文。


        The first guy might have reading/writing obstruction, a condition known as Dyslexia. He should seek for some professional diagnosis. A lot of people live through half of their life without knowing they have such condition, many think they just being dumb and not able to learn stuff. It is really the parent’s fault, when their kids turn out to so useless.

          • Look, I don’t mean to show off or anything so you don’t have to go all offensive about it. Chill and thanks for your criticism though!

          • Sorry but tháts a different person, not the original “guest”. And i was just kidding. ;P So ya, everyone just chill!

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