娛樂百分百 2013-04-08 百分百遊戲王

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103 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-04-08 百分百遊戲王

  1. stop trying to find fault with xiaozhu already seriously. I personally find him a big improvement in this episode from the previous you xi wang episodes which i have to admit he changed and have not been very pleasant. But i found this ep very okay and even very funny. What with all those rules he changed for the 3D angry bird, it just made that whole monotonous part more funny and he had also suffered two blows from that game with his own rule changes. He can jolly well play with the norm and did not have to bear that blow which seemed to me was even harder than xiaogui’s. As for the board he wasn’t the one to change the rules some time ago in one of the episodes where they had to PK at the end they changed the board to a special one too. Even if they used three boards first and they tied for a zhugui ep they would barely allow that and this board would have to be used sooner or later. And how obvious that people are just trying to pick on xiaozhu cos people are complaining that ma yi’s hit on xg is a bounce off the ground and is unfair but isn’t that new female singer’s too? I don’t see anybody saying it’s unfair to xiaozhu? Yes, he’s the one who changed the rules, but that thing hitting him there would hurt as much as xiaogui too. Feeling so bad for him that his effort to make the show funnier just gave all of you more reasons to criticize him. Don’t get why people are commenting things like “Oh there’s xiaozhu then i shall not watch.” You sure bro? Then why are you here and even commenting? ._. Keep calm and just watch the bloody show.

  2. lol the girl in white frm xiao gui’s team looks like she’s from 20 years ago. what kind of hairstyle and clothes is that?

  3. xiaogui must have felt quite embarrassed during the angry birds game ba? why must xiao zhu do such things. I mean, they are good friends and are just playing around. But as a xiaogui fan i just don’t feel very happy about it:(

  4. Honestly I found this ep really funny..
    What is wrong with you guys?LOL
    Been laughing from the start till end
    豬鬼 is the best combination ever!!

  5. 我不觉得小猪有作弊。戴眼罩真的看不到前面,也不觉得他把眼罩带的很低或高。 我觉得其实在他要打之前他故意试探另外一边有没有人再快速的大另外一边。而一般人每次闪来闪去都是左右。 所以我并不觉得小猪作弊了。虽然我也觉得小猪是和以前有一点不一样。但是我还是最爱看小猪主持。

  6. Hey come on it’s just a game right? If its played so seriously then there’s no fun alr. rm also got cheat one what nothing wrong right. Also not say competition. The purpose is just to entertain. If you dw to watch then just get off And stop ranting like some immature ppl. Show some respect dude.

    • your english should get more serious. “”If its played so seriously then there’s no fun alr. rm also got cheat one what nothing wrong right. Also not say competition.”” what are you trying to say?

  7. 看到小豬主持就不想看了 如果有kid我勉強看

    各位不覺得有小豬的遊戲王 氣氛很僵嗎?

    蝴蝶跟小鬼的都爆high 寧可重播3/28那集 有梗多了

  8. 好伤心,虽然我是小猪的粉丝,但不可否认他改变了。自从他红了后,就变的很骄傲,输不起。真怀念以前的娱百,没有压力的。希望小猪能看到我们的评论,回到以前谦虚的罗志祥。

  9. 之前真的還滿喜歡小豬的..算是半個粉絲..

  10. 以前看娛百超喜歡豬鬼一起主持每個一個單元
    現在真的比較喜鬼蝶主持 比較開心因來賓也感覺比較不會有壓力

    又不會作弊.不然就拿出道幾年什麼的.. 來賓也會很無奈

  11. 哈哈…輸贏代表甚麼
    如果搞得自己不平衡 不要看就好啦0.0
    看個節目看得那麼辛苦做啥 ㄆㄆ

    • 主要是大家都發現了才會發言一下。不平衡是不是一兩次就會產生而是經常地發生這種事。之前看會覺得效果不錯,現在就好像一定要這樣才搞得下去。只不過不想看羅志祥把節目做得越來越低級。

    • 靠著丟節操作弊確實是好笑,但節目能夠一直這樣下去?尤其是這麼多人都發現。最近的遊戲王,小豬玩不過別人就只好用干擾、作弊、擅自改規則都可以察覺的。

  12. 看小豬眼罩的高度再加上他鼻樑較高,絕對至少可以看得到小鬼的腰部,自己試試都可以。而且爲了看清楚,他還明顯的把小鬼拉近。不過人在做,天在看,憤怒鳥馬上中兩槍~~~

  13. 最后一片的大便对小鬼来说有点不公平,因为小猪很肯定小鬼会输~ 虽然说用三片小猪会赢,但起码是平手,只能说小猪好胜心真的很强。

  14. 跳圈圈這遊戲簡直就是為小豬和小鬼設計的..只有他們掌握了技巧..缺了其中一個的那一隊都輸得很難看..

  15. 眼罩戴這麼高有意思嗎?空隙這麼大看不到嗎?頭抬成這樣是當我們笨嗎?想贏也別這樣好嗎?

        • 這正常阿, 主持人玩久了不需要作弊都可以百發百中阿

      • 覺得你們這些人很奇怪耶。 。 。來這裡也是因為想看,大部分想看是豬鬼迷,但搞不懂為什麼批評祥或鬼的卻有贊,鬼又沒有得罪你,不用這樣吧。 。 。

        • slippery slope fallacy…
          來這裡也是因為想看 >>not necessarily
          大部分想看是豬鬼迷>>not necessarily (actually it’s not even a good assumption; i personally dislike watching 羅志祥since a year or two ago)

    • 你這些小孩現在太幸福了, 現在有電腦手機,想想以前的小孩是怎麼樣過時間的. 拍片就是一種以前小孩會瘋狂的遊戲. 不是什麼都是韓國的. 當然娛百製作應該是看到RM才會弄這個單元的,

      • 其实我也不懂哈韩的这些小孩的心态。旦旦的外表就能俘获他们的心。。才华何在。 (不抛开他们的努力。仅此而已)

        • KPOP靠外表?他們的模式是從小訓練,長大才改造外型,實力可是很札實的。你要說他們整型我反而沒意見。外型能改,才華可不能

          • 那他們是不是還有Dance-sync?再説,他們也有很多演出是沒有Lip-sync的,基本上不用跳舞的都不會Lip-sync,有時候要跳舞的才有可能會Lip-sync

          • 誰説我不支持台灣音樂,台灣也有很多有很有才華的人,但如果你爲了支持台灣音樂而貶低別人的才華,那有病的應該是你吧,呵呵

    • 你有沒有聽過 “ㄤ仔標”…

          • 就當是同一種遊戲,那爲甚麼要把原來圓型的ㄤ仔標變成跟韓國的ddakji一樣是正方型?還有ㄤ仔標的大小應該像手心一樣大小,爲甚麼要變成跟ddakji一樣跟手掌一樣大?

          • 因為是在做節目,是玩給觀眾看

          • 是嗎?在節目表演魔術撲克牌就take到,玩ㄤ仔標就不好take嗎?

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