娛樂百分百 2013-07-30 羅志祥慶生會

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56 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-07-30 羅志祥慶生會

  1. 蝴蝶送的礼物好可爱!哈哈,小鬼送的礼物真的是…哪来的想法呀?不过,还挺酷,挺特别的啦。真有你的

          • 如果小豬不開心,請問他會把手鍊立即戴起來把玩嗎?還因為一開始戴不下而被小鬼虧。你到底會不會看啊?如果你像葉少爺(酒駕撞死人)那種敗類-對你來說是真的很普通,那我沒話講,但對蝶兒來說是非常有意義,至少小豬是真心的接受這份禮物

      • well, the bracelet might not look nice to you, but if she spend NT$ 17,000 on it, at least that meant she wanted to give him something nice

      • 請問妳送的起嗎?不知道禮物的價值觀的妳不要亂寫好嗎?我還覺得妳才是過香爐的

          • 你到底會不會看電視啊!還是智障啊!請你重新看一次好嗎?那是小豬附和小鬼所鋪的梗,懂不懂?小鬼也有說那很貴,也說蝶兒對自己都沒那麼好,代表蝶兒對八大一哥的敬重。 如果不重要小豬會馬上把手鍊戴上嗎?自己的言論還推給小豬耶!智障

      • cartier是一個非常知名的牌子,所有產品都很特別,每個人都有不同的審美觀,別有那麼極端的批評嘛〜

  2. AHhhhh!!!! I’m so happy its Xiao Zhu’s birthday! It was a nice episode many good moments worth remembering:
    1. His fans are always the best dressing up and entertaining him . . . .they know him well (maybe to well lol but to bad they were not able to scare him and make him cry out like a girl).
    2.Hudie deserving of her tittle of little Jolin gives him a hello kitty present plus they look so cute when she is putting the bracelet on.
    3.The face he makes when the unexpected guest comes out that was priceless he looked so scared.
    4. Xiao Zhu looked happy and the interactions with friends were heart warming and I know that’s what counts . . . . . .
    But. . . . I do feel that every year the celebrations became more and more simple and less elaborate kind of sad.

  3. POST 這沒用啦,去SFC POST 吧。
    羅天王喜歡CYBER SEX。

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHOW LUO!!! You’re turned 34 now huh?! Glad you have new girlfriend and sooner, please you can married her.. You’re too much old la! SFC members are teasing you on, come on~

  5. Its hard to explain but even when I don’t speak his language Show’s charisma and love needs no translation. I think that any person that can make people from other cultures and that do not speak his language make them acknowledge him has to be a very unique and special person. To be honest I do think he is handsome but at this point I don’t even see it or care he is not a pretty face to me he is a beautiful and caring soul . . . .I know he is no saint he has his faults but that’s only human and after all that is one of the reasons that make me admire him more his ability to be real and authentic. HAPPY BIRTH-DAY SHOW

    • 100% Agree with you. I don’t understand his language but i love watching him and Butterfly! He’s very talented. Happy Birthday Show!!!

  6. 今年娱百送的东西好烂喔!是不是因为威廉跟敖犬的加入,娱百的预算变少了?因为今年要送五个人?小猪看到时的表情是"蛤"?但小鬼送的礼物笑死人了!哈哈!看来今年大家送小猪的礼物都… 但心意在就好了。:)

    • 算好了啦,羅主任這麼有錢,想要什麼早就自己買,而且每年粉絲送的禮物一大堆,什麼都有。要挑一個羅主任沒有的禮物很困難的,像蝴蝶送禮物就說怕他有了或不喜歡,連小鬼都得另想奇招買禮物。

  7. I’m so happy Xiao Zhu looked really happy laughing a lot in this episode and when the girl came out I though he was going to faint poor baby he was so nervous and you could tell.

  8. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Show! Es un honor ser tu fan y te quiero dar las gracias por todo, eres el major. Que Dios te acompañe siempre. Saludos a todos los fans de Show que hablan español 🙂

  9. 小猪生日快乐,从前的你总是极力维护自己的形象,说一些冠冕堂皇的客套话,现在的你放下了种种的包袱,能够轻松的站在台上做自己,真的很不容易,也许很多人会因此而讨厌你,但是试问有哪个偶像敢把自己赤裸裸的呈现给观众。无论如何,希望你能保持初心,记住那刚站上舞台的感动!珍惜每个爱你的人!

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