娛樂百分百 2013-08-16 百分百GoGoGo!

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Tipster Rednimer

38 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-08-16 百分百GoGoGo!

  1. What is the point of having discussion whether an artist received an injection or not? Altering outlook does happen in everyone. If it happens in artist, what so ever? I don’t care whether admitted or denied about your admission. Please stop posting comment like this kind of pointless “claim” because it does not change anything but just producing endless argument.

  2. I don’t think she went through surgery since it takes time to recover & she didn’t take any long breaks recently. So please stop thinking that way.

      • if you follow her on her fb fan page you’ll know she basically has at least one job every single day juggling between her hosting job at yu bai, shi shang wan jia, being a kids show hostess and going to different activities. so she probably won’t have the time to even visit the doctor for injections. 🙂 she recently lost 3 kgs so thats probably why.

        • O.O Why are you guys saying it for this one and not for the recent live? This one is not recorded recently. If you take a look at the recently live and compare to this… I don’t see any differences!

    • O.O Why are you guys saying it for this one and not for the recent live? This one is not recorded recently. If you take a look at the recently live and compare to this…

    • 看看以前的她和現在的她吧~ 可以看的出來她有整容! 可是我不覺得蝴蝶下巴變尖了!

      • 蝴蝶沒整容,因為生病得甲亢的關係,新陳代謝比一般人快,導致以前她常拉肚子,體重下降很瘦,後來看醫生,吃藥治療會慢慢恢復正常一般人,但副作用會變胖。她臉尖,只是她工作太忙,瘦了而已。

      • 我覺得樣子沒什麼差,頂多以前看起來很青澀,隨著年齡,慢慢成熟長大了~跟你拿大學時期的照片,過了十幾年對比,你也會發現以前怎麼那麼青澀是一樣的道理~再說了~怎麼可能整容特地整成臉圓的

    • 蝴蝶應該沒注射,有看過娛百出去玩預告就知道,有一幕蝴蝶去八仙樂園,掉下來撞到游泳圈,還撞水的畫面,有注射東西就應該沒辦法玩吧

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