娛樂百分百 2013-11-02 好友音樂會 倪安東 Kimberley

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Tipster Rednimer

66 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-11-02 好友音樂會 倪安東 Kimberley

    • 這種人演藝圈裡一狗票…但不是每個人緣都會好
      因為那些出道久的老鳥實在看太多做作藝人了 光會裝但是本性不好一樣沒用
      反而會被說心機女 雙面男…

      • 我看過保養很好也很正的女生裝可愛但是還是被人家說噁心 我覺得重點是要看你裝得像嗎 裝得像裝得久別人就會相信了。。。

    • 我就不相信一個人能把容貌,語言;聲音,言談

    • 你喜歡的裝可愛就會是可愛.不喜歡的怎麼樣都是噁心.就跟一堆噁心的娘砲韓國男嘔像在裝可愛一樣.我覺得超噁.但女生就覺得可愛

      • the same goes to 羅志祥as well
        撕粉絲的信 = 好帥
        掛別人粉絲的電話 (注意:是別人的粉絲啊) = 好帥
        口中的大恩人掛掉也不去追悼會 = 好帥

        • 哈哈 羅誌祥撕粉絲的信的時候蝴蝶笑得好開心哦,她那種笑法好高潮啊!蝴蝶也同意他的做法最後還說他這樣做很合理!以前只知道她很會裝可愛現在終於知道她的為人了!謝謝你讓我看到這些真相!

          • 高潮??甚麼東西?你懂不懂中文?她有同意他的做法嗎?我只看到她幫他圓場,說他不是故意的。不過你中文不好,你不懂我也是能夠理解的。哈

          • 所以我才會說黑蝴蝶的人 心都很髒
            看看那些人想法跟用詞水準有多低就好…真虧你們有臉說別人噁心= =”

          • 對阿,蝴蝶也沒說同意他的做法,蝴蝶每次幫小豬圓場,在主持戰隊,記者問她,她還幫小豬圓場是節目效果,卻換來的是有些豬迷謾罵,真有點替蝴蝶抱屈

    • 心態問題,跟年齡無關。相由心生。你心年輕,不管到幾歲都不會噁心。就像憲哥一樣。蝴蝶可愛也不是裝,是天生的,先天長相聲音以及一舉一動都有可愛的fu,有後天溫馨的家庭、可愛的爸媽生長教育出來,自然個性可愛。用裝是裝不來。從她身邊的朋友、工作人員就知道。當然你如果戴有色眼鏡,看什麼都是裝。

    • 蝴蝶如果是裝的 那就不可能在娛百混得下去
      因為八大一哥跟小鬼最討厭做作女 不可能跟她合得來
      話說小鬼也30歲了 一樣很可愛 你怎麼不去好奇?

    • 問題本身就是錯的..

      • 同感,來看綜藝節目也只是尋開心,成天想盡辦法的黑,看了都替他們累,腦子真的不知道裝什麼,真的是腦子裝屎看什麼東西都是屎…….而且不知道什麼時候開始娛百這邊幾乎天天成罵戰,連康熙都沒這麼誇張

        • 真的…一堆辛辣節目都沒這麼誇張= =
          幾乎每天都有專人在黑小豬蝴蝶 不管今天有沒有他們都一樣

      • 你不是說蝴蝶很嘔心 比較想要看10幾歲的嫩妹跟AV女優團體嗎?還喜歡勒…
        真虧你們倆好意思擺出比豬鬼還會看女人的樣子…光文筆就看得出程度了= =

  1. 大家怎麽那麽認真啊?看個綜藝節目罷了。有必要對Kimberley有那麽多意見嗎?她只不過是比較直率。留言的,你們跟她很熟嗎?不熟的話別對她有那麽多意見。她多說英文,你們不會的話也可以多學啊。哪有不好?

  2. I don’t think most people know Kimberley was essentially a child star and that she has been wanting to be a celebrity singer for a LONG. LONG. TIME. She has been pursuing this career path since she was like 5 or 6 and this is like a dream come true for her.

    I simple do not believe this is her “real” personality seeing how she’s used to being under the spot light. But, given her age (19?), I can see why she needs to put on a facade of being “cute,” “innocent,” and somewhat “childish.”

  3. I tot im the only one having the feeling of disguise towads that chick….. annoying face, and very rude, although she is cute but with her attitude….. -.-
    Ao quan is trying his best in this epi but still need more effort, looking forward to his work in future.
    Anthony lost quite a bit of weight. Very handsome indeed.

  4. Kimberley 效果應該知道是什麼吧?很多時候敖犬開個玩笑她卻不知給什麼黑臉把場面弄得好僵。這是綜藝節目,娛樂ok? 然後沒事一直在那裡說英文,知道你是ABC 啦,you don’t have to show off like this.

    • I’d be more comfortable speaking English if I were Kimberley and Anthony as well. It’s incredibly difficult to stick to one language, especially if that language (Chinese) is your second language. I mix English and Chinese as well (and I’m more comfortable with English) and I’m not an ABC. English had been my primary language for more than half of my life and it’s not easy to speak in complete Chinese in conversations, even with my parents.

    • i agree!! and i get that she’s abc and her chinese may not be as well as Ou Quan and Hu Die but she keeps adding random english words into the conversation as if she can’t speak chinese well… so fake…

        • Yeah you can tell she’s not speaking english bc she doesn’t know how to express herself in chinese but rather for the sake of being pretentious and appear more western… I don’t understand why she has to act like that though just be real… Anthony is also abc and you don’t see him speaking English on purpose and he seems so nice, humble and down to earth! 🙂

          • 英文本來就是她的母語,講自己的母語哪是”pretentious”, 她也沒必要”appear more western”, 她本來就是在澳洲長大的。她只是台化的不夠,所以有人看不慣。國英文夾雜就算pretentious, 那國台語夾雜也要算pretentious嗎?語言無貴賤,覺得她說英文是”show off”的人基本上就是把英文的地位看得比國語還高,才會這樣覺得。

  5. 敖犬蠻努力了 看得出他今天很想要挽回上次吐槽來賓結果被反嗆 後面就縮掉的窘態
    把Kimberley激到愛的小手都打斷算是敖犬今天的代表作 直率的Kimberley也很可愛
    吳宗憲表示:「只有一夕爆紅的歌手 沒有一夕爆紅的主持人」大家一開始都是這樣
    話說飛鴿膽子好大 哈哈哈

  6. All of them are doing well & funny~ lolz thumb up!! stop criticizing ppl over there… unless u can do better than them.. sigh.. everyone is working so hard and improving…

    • except one.
      the one who thinks he is the best and doesnt need to improve.
      the one who says: 這就是我的表演方法。我是不會理會人家怎說的。

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