娛樂百分百 2013-11-07 街舞大賽

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Tipster Rednimer

59 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-11-07 街舞大賽

  1. 怎么看不了的?每一级都这样。。。 youku也看不到因为我不住内地。。永远看不了百分百了。。

  2. 吵吵吵!!!整天也在吵!!!日日也要說甚麼「沒有那個自大主持人就好看」,煩不煩丫,只要有一人幫小豬說一兩句好說話又要說甚麼「白目豬粉」!


    你們自己看2013-09-26的留言 甚麼「想跟By2玩3p」下面又有一個說「想食蝴蝶」
    為什麼不罵這些淫蟲 要一直在罵大家早已經知的事(即小豬霸道自大)
    玩3d憤怒鳥的時候 他的隊員射奧炮 他已經沒有不停痛罵隊員

    不過 算啦,再說也沒用,等一下又有人說我是豬粉

  3. 蝴蝶这次的表演真的超乎水准!比专业舞蹈老师还跳得好。因为她有一种独特的魅力,是天生的。她不用露都觉得很性感。真的棒棒!超爱你蝴蝶!加油!!!

  4. 蝴蝶惡武赢在情理之中,性感有了,舞技有了,还有因为蝴蝶的反差,平时可爱的样子在跳舞时候就成了性感,一直都没觉得街舞也可以性感,尤其是扭屁股的感觉。

  5. Sorry, i’m so fed up with this. Everytime the host participate, they win. Are they really better than everyone else every time? I dont think so? Why host a competition when it’s not even fair??? I knew it right from the start that the host team will win…too unfair…

    • UHMMM. is this your first time watching this show?!?!?! butterfly participated so many times before and there are several times where she didnt win. (eventho imo she deserved to win) and did you not see her performance or are you blind? she did AMAZINGLY. and her standards were wayyyyyy higher than just a random host and even some professional dancers. she DESERVED to win for her skills and talent! HATER!

      • 他病的很嚴重,經名醫診斷他對蝴蝶過敏應該沒藥可醫了,各家醫院已經宣布放棄救治他了。

      • 剛有位昨天自稱絕對不是豬粉的黑蝶人士出現 稱讚蝴蝶的文就同時跑出1個不喜歡
        但這算正常 真正奇怪的是 連這句也同一時間多出了1個不喜歡…巧合嗎= =?
        (此疑問單純針對他個人 非其他豬粉)

    • 這叫”在什麼崗位,做什麼樣的事”如果都要跳舞了,還扭扭捏捏的,舞就不會好看

  6. 這集好看 因為跳街舞很累 所以表演時間都比其他比賽來得短 很精簡 不會讓人看膩快轉
    整集我只有新聞的地方跳過去而已 (跟報誰無關 而是我本來就沒在看= =)

  7. when xiao hui laughing at what he said….so cute!
    I love hu die, although her voice may be annoying sometimes but she tries hard and shes 真心的! 😀

      • 看到「我很喜歡蝴蝶 但我講的是事實」害我雞皮疙瘩掉滿地 ><"
        要演就演到底 不要演半套好嗎?才剛講完這句就開始在上面狂黑 牙有這麼癢?
        黑蝴蝶的人真的沒一個正派的= =

    • Compare to sister’s alone, i think hudie wasnt exactly that sexy in this performance. i think its due to the oversized outfit!!

      • i think her outfit was perfect. allows audiences to focus completely on her moves instead of her body. her body is amazing but through this performance we can see that she doesn’t need to show off any skin to look sexy!

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