娛樂百分百 2013-11-26 百分百遊戲王

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Tipster Rednimer

50 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-11-26 百分百遊戲王

  1. 不是主持人的問題,不是少了小豬所以不好看
    以前live好看在小豬小鬼的閒聊和打打鬧鬧,現在live大部分都是看vcr (最討厭kuso那段)

    • 問題就是少了小豬 就算他回來也沒以前效果.因為他更本沒事間 現在他那麼忙 回來也只是出一出就走.
      以前他們會開會討論節目 現在是制作單位話事.

    • 問題就是少了小豬 就算他回來也沒以前效果.因為他跟本沒時間 現在他那麼忙 回來也只是出一出就走.
      以前他們會開會討論節目 現在是制作單位話事.

  2. Ok? please tell me someone else can see how xg is trying to hard to act xz getting mad randomly and acting like spoil kid when not winning. Its like what the f**k? He would never act like that if xz was there thats for sure.

  3. 小猪在娱百资深有发言权,如果他觉得单元不好,他可以改规则让游戏变的更好看。可惜鬼蝶不敢和制作人顶撞,只能按规则来,制作组说怎么玩就怎么玩,搞的节目不好看

  4. Omg this show is so boring now I know bunch of people say this program can survive without Show but I just don’t see it. Came on just look two years back and its a total difference. When Show was here everyday every episode was worth it but now its just a like one good episode for every ten and even though Show is here sometimes its just not the same.

  5. 喬丹11代?放在別人家?有人跟我一樣想到2013-10-28的小鬼突襲果凍姐姐家嗎= =?
    雖然一開始我也覺得電玩那裡 遊戲畫面跟來賓畫面應該反過來
    但是反過來就變成一直在看兩個低頭族玩遊戲了 這是拿手機遊戲來比賽的缺點= =
    其實玩腳踩的那種跳舞機應該會比較刺激 可是那個會玩跟不會玩的人會差很多

  6. 打電動好無聊,如果是wii fit 或者是kinect 或者是ps3 move 的會好一點,而且大畫面應該是來賓,小畫面是電話screen。

    • i totally agreee…………and now when the fans come to the show to interact with their idols…..they hardly even get to do anything with them except playing some stupid game liked shaking the dumbbells or blowing eggs to the top…………no real interactions….

      • I like it when it’s like you get to have a small drama with your idol… It’s much interesting than just play some stupid games and give the gifts to the fans… I don’t like the 百分百女孩 thingy too… Its just a waste of time and episodes …

          • Yeah . . . Well expect Show cuz he always gives personal objects like articles of clothing that he uses in his videos/concerts/appearances. He is the best!!!! 🙂

    • 現在我都在看哈新聞跟完全娛樂了.娛百就網路看.挑主題看.現在的魚百都靠主持人在撐而已.節目內容超無聊

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