娛樂百分百 2014-06-20 兄弟大對決 Spexial

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56 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2014-06-20 兄弟大對決 Spexial

  1. 看前好奇瀏覽了評論 總結: 這團唱歌跳舞默契不行 但靠小孩劇有些名氣 粉絲得靠黑別人來襯托他們
    so skip & save 1 hour

    • 說話放尊重一點噢

  2. 就算前陣子小豬回來了這裡的留言也沒有那麼多﹑﹑

  3. 关小鬼什么事啊!标题又不是他!还有再说他不够厉害之前,请想想看他都能在这圈子里打拼那么多年就证明他有那个实力~ 有些人还是管好自己就好,除非自己也做得到!

    • 只有一個帳號換不完的黑粉啦(下面接近一半都是他 還中英文交替自問自答哩) 非得靠黑小鬼 (還有LPF及其他藝人)來襯托Spexial
      嚴重懷疑他也是S團的黑粉 因為如果真有這種粉還真悲哀

      • 自以為聰明很厲害分析咧~~笑死人了我說 討厭他的不只一個 不要再自欺欺人不肯接受現實就說只有一個人~~ 屁孩

        • 喔, 又換帳號啦???? 能討厭一個與自己生活毫不相干的人到這種瘋狂程度, 還蠻令人佩服的, 加油啊!!!

          • 你能喜歡這種沒實力沒品格 連說靠臉蛋在演藝圈打混都沒資格的人到這種已經腦殘的瘋狂程度,也令我蠻佩服的,加油喔!!! 而且都說了我不是那個11111的人,您讀得懂中文嗎? 一直雞雞歪歪甚麼換帳號,你是三歲小孩嗎? 哈哈

  4. 說真的,要我看一群相貌;歌唱;舞蹈都不什麼樣的男性表演,倒不如看一群女性穿性感衣服跳肯肯舞比較實惠,哦!!!!對不起:我忘了現在社會變了,現今以花痴為主,收入的保証.sorry sorry

    • 確實!!看羅志祥.小鬼.嚴爵…人氣那麼高就知道花痴有夠多!!還有EXO的歌超級難聽.不懂EXO為什麼那麼紅??

      • 对exo的成员没什么感觉,但他们的歌和舞我蛮喜欢,MJ的歌都还有人喜欢有人无感呢,不要拿自己代表全世界

  5. 你们很过分aye!这是spexial的舞台你们干嘛把小鬼给扯进来!他又没有说spexial很烂,你们骂他干嘛!更何况小鬼已经在努力了!你们如果说小鬼或spexial烂的话你们去做啊!去做一个艺人!在这里批评人家,人人都会。如果厉害的话你们自己来靠本领拼一个成绩出来啊!在网上说这么多也没用。

        • You so smart, you so clever, you so talented, you go take over lah. If you cant take over you dont have the right to judge them as if you know what is going on in their lives. You dont like Alien is your problem but you dont have the right to be so rude. If you wanna give advise you can, but dont be so rude. LOL. At least he is trying his best, he has done so much to get to who and what he is today give him credit for that. At least he is a good role model.:) Im not specifying on anyone im saying generally, like those who are judging people. 🙂

          • thing is, these people are people who chose to be in the entertainment industry. Singing and dancing well is their job. You can’t say “oh then let’s see you do it” because yeah I know I’m not good at it that’s why I don’t become an artist. It’s just like if you can’t cook don’t be a freaking chef, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to say if something tastes bad. Just my opinion. I think Xiao Gui is fine, even though he can’t sing/act/host well, he’s not terrible either and has a nice personality. Same goes for SpeXial. Anyways my opinion is irrelevant since to most kids now looks > talent.

          • Hey dont say your opinions meant nothing bc im sure it means something to the people in the entertainment industry. The thing is, bc it meant something to them when anyone judge them, they will get very upset and just wants to quit working in the industry. Im not saying that yall cannot give them your opinion, what im saying is that, tone down on the rudeness bc im sure you wont want anyone to directly say that “you are talentless” or “you are fat” right? Maybe you can be like “you can do better” or “You should go to the gym more to train on your body” in this way it shows that you actually care and this way it wont be so rude and hurt their feelings. Yea they chose to be in the entertainment industry, but that does not mean that they are not human correct? They are humans and they have hearts and feelings. Dont be too harsh on them. And not everyone goes by looks. Some of us actually wants to support these people bc we can see that they are really trying their best. And Xiao Gui is one of them, he has been in this industry for 10 years and along the way everyone can see the hard work that he put in.

  6. 批評他們??妳們也不看看小鬼唱跳爛到爆.不會跳舞.在HITO流行音樂獎唱超有感超級難聽啊!!!!!!

    • 又一個幫他們招黑的粉絲, 靠批評別人來墊高自己是最糟的策略, 連我這不是小鬼粉絲的人都看不下去, 他們好不好每個觀眾都可以有個人意見, 容不下別人建議與批評的藝人最好早早回家吃自己了
      就我所知小鬼從不標榜自己是唱跳型歌手, 他好像一向稱自己是偶像歌手, 更何況小鬼好或不好跟這團實力好不好一點關係也沒有

      • 小鬼表演那麼爛還獲得最佳舞台獎~哈哈!!不標榜是唱挑歌手.那怎麼把舞曲”超有感”當主打歌?????爛就是爛不用再護航了!!!!小鬼只是個賣臉沒實力的”人氣”偶像.連歌手也不是!!!!

  7. 我相信這團經過磨合.很快就能幹掉lollipop F了!!雖然現在默契.歌舞.都還不是很好.但已經小有名氣了.這只是個開始.之後會越來越好.台灣難得出現像樣的男子團體.加油啊!!!!

    • Lollipop F除了會唱會跳會演戲,還會主持、會搞笑、會作詞作曲、會編曲編舞、會自己設計表演、會自己編劇拍短片與MV,個個都是體育與遊戲高手,還有個別團員會武術、會樂器、能畫畫與設計,跟他們是完全不同類型的藝人,很難比較吧。


      • 下面的留言不讓回覆,只好回在這兒:

        Spexial走的是傳統偶像團體路線(靠賣臉賣身高,但他們的顏比起飛輪海還有一段距離),而 Lollipop F走的是綜藝唱跳路線,還真不是靠臉蛋和身高吃飯,所以我才說兩團不應該放在一起比較啊!至於唱歌,小煜的音色也許見仁見智但現場很穩 (其他人唱的部份很少只能算陪襯,也從不宣稱自己唱得好,他們主攻綜藝與現場效果,負責帶動氣氛的)
        Spexial的唱功不論音質、音準、與穩定度都待加強,可能多點訓練會變好,但舞就….. 目前的確不論外型或唱與跳都類似飛輪海當年路線,但現在韓團又高又帥又能跳的一堆,再走五六年前的老路恐怕……
        戲主攻青少年,至於演技就…….(紅是因為戲而非人,任何青春偶像演這戲應該都會蠻紅的) 沒否認若公司肯花錢花時間栽培也許有機會,但以目前狀態研判 似乎還沒訓練公司就急著撈錢了

    • Lollipop F and Spexial are not even in the same league, I think. Lollipop F has been in the industry for about 10 years and the members are also almost 10 years older than than Spexial’s. Plus I think Spexial will focus more on filming dramas while Lollipop F has focused on hosting (as well as other side investments) besides Ao Quan. Taiwan already has so few active idol boy groups, that there’s really no need to pit them against each other. I think Spexial has potential though, since they were created to be the successor of Fahrenheit, and their company is willing to invest in them.

  8. 一大堆只会用批评的方式给意见~只知道自己看到的,却不知道背后别人的努力~每个人都有进步的空间。。。spexial也一样,至少他们都有舞台站上。。不像只会有评论的人,是谁都不认识!!!

    • 當藝人,就要經得起善意建議與評論,不然在家裡當觀眾就好,哪個藝人敢說自己不努力?

      • 公司逼那3個新人加入.還沒很熟.沒多久就出道.他們能怎麼辦??還是必須硬著頭皮出道啊!!!!

  9. 又一團訓練不足就急著發片…. 舞沒特色又不齊… 音沒唱準…. 受訪默契也待改善 (看得出有些團員彼此不太熟) 又一個公司急功近利的實例
    唯一值得稱許的是有勇氣唱現場 (但實在唱得不怎麼樣…..了解現唱跳有難度所以不是苛求歌藝 而是營造現場唱跳效果的技巧不佳) 需要不少耐心才撐著看到最後
    至於外型記憶點不高 只注意到身高很高

      • 那幹嘛急著發片? 訓練默契都不夠,這理由實在令人傻眼!
        老實說懷疑舊團員也訓練不足, 因為分不出誰新誰舊!!

        • 廢話因為多3個人.跟那3個人又不熟.7個人的舞又要重新排過.練過.那3個人才加入多久??有沒有1個月??不知道為什麼那麼急著讓他們出道??歌.舞.默契都沒有練很好

        • Pretty sure the company wanted their album to be released in conjunction with the new The X Dormitory drama series, which is why the new members were probably rushed with their training.

    • 發片是過趕了但畢竟是公司的決定由不得成員做主, Sx已經很努力了也盡力試著和新成員打成一片 但真的太突然加入了。歌唱實力也有待進步。相信再給他們一點時間他們一定會變得更棒! SpeXial加油!!

    • 無所謂至少已經小有知名度了!!!!!他們已經不錯了.台灣難得出現像樣的男子團體.之後會越來越好的

  10. 一開首看到他們唱”Break it down”時,應該是Live吧。總覺得唱不太準,與CD/MV有差別。而且他們的舞步還是有點點凌亂,不過這一切還是可以透過練習而改善的。畢竟7人的舞台還是得適應的。
    Spexial frighting, support support you!

    • 才加入新團員沒多久就發片.感覺默契還不太好.我覺得這團不錯了.畢竟沒唱對嘴!!台灣難得出現一團像樣的華語男子團體

      • 嗯你說的也是我想說的。雖然他們唱Live的表現不太好,但他們的勇氣很值得欣賞啊!我期待他們以後的表演,一次會比一次更好。即使是今次一開首的"Break it down”與最後的「愛這種離譜的感覺」,後者比前者發揮得更好,不過畢竟” Break it down”是主打歌,還是得這首歌給練好。

    • SpeXial之前是個4人團體(子閎,宏正,明杰,偉晉)

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