娛樂百分百 2014-08-07 LIVE

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23 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2014-08-07 LIVE

  1. I haven’t been watching every episode of 娛百 but it seems like there has been a lot of hate towards Xiao Gui. Why can’t you all just let Xiao Gui does what he wants and accept that perhaps Xiao Zhu and Xiao Gui like similar things. I support both Xiao Zhu and Xiao Gui. If it doesn’t bother Xiao Zhu, why are you bothered? I don’t find Xiao Gui fake at all, he is always so humble and he works hard too. It is sad that some people are so small-minded and feel the need to “defend” their idol without thinking straight.

  2. 就知道小鬼身上有纹身一些人又看不爽有话说了~ 拜托,那样有的人全都是copycats咯…

  3. 請問台灣是不是覺得有紋身就會很型很帥,要不然都超過30歲了還跑去紋身,記得當年梅艷芳剛紅時被別的歌手攻擊有紋身而爭上位,梅艷芳立即澄清沒有,可想紋身對一個公眾人物有不良的影響,現在很多人花錢把少不甦事的紋身擦掉呀???????(個人感覺)

    • 學歐美的啊!!歐美歌手.演員.運動員…超愛刺青的!!他們覺得刺青很帥.甚至刺一些很奇怪的中文字.有刺青感覺會比較有個性.不過看起來髒髒的.很像混黑道的

      • 以我個人的經驗連我及我的朋友在內地叫雞也不會找有紋身的小姐,所以連做雞也會低人一等.

  4. I want to like xg but he just makes it so hard. He always has to copy Show no matter what. When Show got a tattoo I knew xg was probably getting one. A year later I was like so he has not maybe I’m wrong and now there it is xg has a tattoo. It would be too much to have it in the same spot but still. xg has no guts Show must first do something to prove fans/media accept something for him to be ok and do it. Fake ass dude.

    • I actually agree. Not a fan of either Show or Alien but between the two i prefer Show. Alien just comes off as such a tryhard (no offense) his jokes arent funny and seem too forced and he’s just so… unoriginal. And hes aging pretty bad. But he’s nice though so i’ll give him that

    • Then don’t like him! So noisy for what? What copycat no guts all. So whoever gets a tattoo after Show is a copycat and a fake ass. I see I see! Logic of a dumb ass. Oh and did you even bother finding out the meaning behind his tattoo? He got the tattoo with his dad, they tattooed each other’s face on their body. Such a sweet act you say until copycat and fake ass and no guts all. Dumb ass.

    • i’m not a Xiao gui fan at all or even try its just not worth it, most of his fans think be is a victim all the time living under Show’s shadow but if you pay close attention he is a opportunistic fraud. Yes he has talent and without it he would not be were he is at but more honestly he would be a no one without Show’s friendship. He is more like living on Show’s lime line and now that he thinks he is famous he has this arrogant attitude. His clothing brand looks like Stage he does everything Show does without losing a step he even behaves like him at press conferences and award shows. He is like you say a fake ass dude!!!!

  5. 台灣吉祥物完全被冷落= =要搞吉祥物可以用心一點嗎??完全被日本吉祥物比下去了.裡面的人也應該要訓練過!!

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