康熙來了 2010-01-29 明星丟不掉的垃圾鑒定會

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Tipster Rednimer

108 thoughts on “康熙來了 2010-01-29 明星丟不掉的垃圾鑒定會

  1. [YT] To be honest, I never feel tired and bored. In fact you`ll know my comments were not pointless…This show is never going to have interesting topics to continue.

    Why don`t you say these to others comment leavers instead?

  2. [YT] 銀陰跟招歌差差不多兩輪,撮合個屁啊? 是要人家怎樣選? 是想人家得罪別人? 還是要她說兩個她都要然后不得罪人家?


  3. [YT] Everyone. Just ignore sugoilove la. Ignore him, he have no one to play with, no one to bother him, he will get bored of his pointless speech and he will leave. Get on with life and the interesting videos put up for us.

  4. [YT] You don`t know what freedom of speech is, huh? If you could only hear good things. I recommend you consider immigrating to communism country, North Korea perhaps?
    In there you would never hear negatives.

  5. [YT] I don`t see the point. So, I assume you are trying to humiliate me by saying no one loves me? Pathetic? I feel pathetic when I have no money but these people on the show make money by saying something I used to say and call it 綜藝效果。

  6. [YT] 蔡老gay又在嫉妒羅北安在戲劇上的成就了,因為他老gay本身學電影卻一事無成,只能靠著攀附小s紅起來,真的個廢物

  7. [YT] 請問蔡老gay,什麼叫原文書?台灣很多白痴總是覺得英文書=原文書,歐洲經典與世界文學的原文都是英文,原你老木啦白痴

  8. [YT] sugoilove u can go fuck another idiot who come to this channel called yxuz, u guys are same kind fucking retard and attention seeking jerk, u guys should go fuck togehter and dont come here bother ppl

  9. [YT] 如果那個小熊是羅志祥的~應該很多人搶著要吧!!!哈哈哈^^

  10. [YT] 新加坡人其實很可憐耶!!!他們的祖先當年被人從大陸賣到新馬當勞工,服務英國人當奴才。英國人給口飯吃,它們當他們是神,覺得他們的語言很高級。

  11. [YT] 說新加坡人沒文化真沒錯!!!演藝圈優秀的新加坡人都不在新加坡發展跑來臺灣發展,可見新加坡真爛。新加坡狗,如果不爽的話叫那些新加坡籍的回去發片啊。。。

  12. [YT] 真不明白新加坡狗雜種在以為英文好高興個啥勁啊!!! 所謂英文好只不過是被英國人殖民英國人把他們當狗教它們說人話罷了!!!諷刺的是新加坡狗雜種認為英文講不好很丟臉,深怕自己被人取笑不會說國際語言。這就猶如狗怕主人因為不明白他們的狗話拼了老命在學英文。

  13. [YT] 恩
    可是一定需要很大的陽台(or 鄉下 院子裡) 晚上一邊喝咖啡or Tea 黑夜人靜吹一下就息了.
    好有感覺 so peaceful xD

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