康熙來了 2014-07-22 令明星無法抗拒的咖啡廳美食

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Tipster Rednimer

56 thoughts on “康熙來了 2014-07-22 令明星無法抗拒的咖啡廳美食

  1. 蔡康永雖然是據說是國外念電影的。 但是從多次小細節中,我發現他的英文似乎不是很好。
    那個安安說錯了他也沒發現。 結果那個安安只是把音發的更假掰而已,似乎現場沒人知道那個是要發 NEI的音。 十二年國教失敗。

    • 看個綜藝挑英文有什麼意思呢 主持的義務是撐收視 娛樂大眾 英文好在綜藝圏有多大價值?

      • You are kidding right? Her english sucks like hell and still would not stop showing off. Just because she is married to someone who studied overseas, she thinks that her english is good when in fact it is not.

  2. 其实康熙为什么那么喜欢做这些美食主题?外景实境也就算了,你在棚内介绍个半死,观众真的有喜欢看吗?

  3. 汉典说酪梨是含有少数的脂肪的水果,我觉得他是要说:酪梨是少数含有高脂肪的水果吧

  4. You say to NAR do, I say to Nei do. You say po TA to, I say po TE to. You say to MA to, I say to ME to. Whatever.

  5. 酪梨不就是牛油果,国外sushi都是牛油果直接沾酱油和VASABI吃的,素食者更是直接切开吃。

  6. Wow I massively dislike 胡安安
    Knows nothing about coffee and how to speak proper English and just acts like such a cocky bitch

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