愛喲我的媽 2012-06-06 警告! 從沒看過的水中生物 全面入侵

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19 thoughts on “愛喲我的媽 2012-06-06 警告! 從沒看過的水中生物 全面入侵

  1. Alright, so according to the professor, there are scientific proofs indicating that mermaid is not just mere fiction, but has been around for at least 12 000 years, and the first “real” one he showed us was around 100 years old. If what he said was true, then the majority of the scientists in the world must be either behind a major conspiracy or very dumb 😛

  2. Alright, so according to the professor, there are scientific proofs indicating that mermaid is not just mere fiction, but has been around for at least 12 000 years, and the first “real” one he showed us was around 100 years old. If what he said was true, then the majority of the scientists in the world must be either behind a major conspiracy or very dumb 😛

  3. I love episodes like this, but I’d rather hear more realistic stuffs. A lot of “facts” 馬西屏 talked about turned out to be speculations

  4. 全都是放大,没有一个真正的了解就出来上电视夸张。那个鲶鱼不是因为喜欢吃人也不是先把人拖下水。是因为他的形体大而当他要进食的时候把嘴巴张开变的像一个‘水里的小黑洞’ 因为water and air pressure而形成的。所以会把东西拖进去然后进食。

  5. 這單元越來越扯…難怪哲青哥後來都不接這通告了..

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