愛喲我的媽 2012-07-04 洞穴壁畫裡藏著外星人的秘密?

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34 thoughts on “愛喲我的媽 2012-07-04 洞穴壁畫裡藏著外星人的秘密?

  1. somebody pls teach them to GOOGLE, it has been shown that no myths on Salamanca Cathedral’s spaceman, its just an additional carving during the rebuild in 1992

  2. 甚麼我還是相信佛祖存在 悉達多本來就是印度一個王子 佛的本意是覺者 不是亂七八糟的人格神 一大伙不學無術的胡說八道 浪費時間

  3. 飛碟咧 媽的明明就是蓮花寶座 嘴炮馬可不可以惦惦說!!! 我真的寧肯看畦澔平,雖然瘋但至少有東西

  4. 馬先生其實真的不要什麽通告都上說 阿你上你瞭解的就好 阿他媽的不瞭硬聊是缺錢就對了?電影也當真的看還講的好像研究報告親臨現場一樣,淦,真正看不下去….如果要比research那找你來沖三小?

  5. 欧洲人想当年是吸取了古希腊罗马的文化才会崛起,讽刺的是,按照基督教教理,欧洲崛起的大功臣,这些希腊罗马先贤是会在地狱永远受苦的,因为他们不信上帝,就是这么简单。

  6. 小心選擇: 基督教是封建時代/暴君制度/—-因為它們只拜上帝; 相反, 東方的宗教是自由的世界。

    • theres a difference between 拜 and love. Christains do not 拜 God, do you 拜 your father? Ur 
      暴君制度 is talking about 天主教 not 基督教 they are 2 very different things. 

  7. There is no freaking god in this world. Those who needs these pseudo beings are weaklings. Don’t tell me religions are use to teach people good. That’s total bullshit. All those who actually needs that something which is not there to teach them and behave good don’t deserves to live. Being a good person doesn’t need any teachings. U see an old lady falling and u will help her up. That comes within your heart, not teachings from religions.

      • why fucking jesus? is christianity the only religion in the world? why not fucking bhudda or fucking allah? seems like you dont hate religion, just christianity. everyone has a right to believe what they want to. What the hell is wrong with you guys, why is everyone hating on christians? We are people too, and we can get offended as well. Looking at your comment, it seems you just thing Jesus is misleading, tell me, how exactly did he mislead you? it seems like you have never even read the bible. Dont say its misleading when you havent even tried to understand it. I pray that you actually try to understand before you criticise. You dont judge one person from opnions of another do you?

        • I think its because only christians will attack other religions, insulting other religions, forcing other ppl to join them, kept saying others will go to hell if they dun believe in christianity.

          Dun tell u there is no such things, i have seen a lot of christians doing all i mentioned above. Tat’s why christians are so hated all over the world. Christianity are the only religion in the world tat have been used for killings since the middle ages. Its just a religion for bad purposes. Te worst thing is christians treat bible as the law. U want us to respect christians? Then do something about it.

          • yeh christians attack other religions, but not all of us do. Just like the muslims, some are extremists and go bomb people, some dont. Each person has their way of getting their message accross, i know there are some christians that are a bit extreme. Our Jobs is to spread the word not force people to join us, that is what free will is about. It seems like christians are more hated than extremists? do people forget that they have a motive that is religious as well? 

            And to set you straight, it was not christians that are killing, it was the catholics that were starting wars, completely different things. Christianity was broken off from the catholic church because the catholic church was falling into heirarchy control, rituals and exploitation. They say u can use money to buy forgiveness, thus those who did not agree with cathloticism broke off and formed christianity.How is treating the bible as law a bad thing? The bible is the word of the Lord, and the Lord is our father, do you not listen to your fathers teachings?Truth is, we dont need the respect of the world, its just i dont understand why when the word religion comes up, christianity is the first thing that pops up with a negative attitude when there are so many other religions in the world. Why are religions that require you to commit mass suicide not frowned upon as much as christianity? If you say christianity is offensive, fair enough, thats your opinion, but thats all we do, we use words, we dont bomb ur local shopping centre just cuz you dont believe

          • Those are terrorists, they have their own motives. There is bad ppl in every religion. But christians are the only ones going around and irritate others with their beliefs.

            Muslim doesn’t teaches their ppl to spread and badmouth other religions.

            U believe ur so call lord is ur father, so be it. But u can’t force us to agree with u. We dun believe in the book. I dun listen to all of my father’s teachings also, i can tell good or bad by myself. Why is not treating bible as the law a bad thing? So u mean u can go around doing bad things and u shall be forgiven just because u confess ur sins? So u mean u can ignore the real laws set by the government? Christians have been using the bible as an excuse for all the things they did. When some christians force their thoughts on others, they pushed it to the bible, when something happens, they pushed it to ‘god’, saying its ‘god’s will’. If u keep quiet about it, no one would feel so annoyed. The problem is christians loves to put god in their mouth all the time. Its damn irritating. Muslims go around telling ppl about allah, buddhist dun go around telling ppl about buddha. Most importantly, they dun go around spreading accusations of other religions and say non believers of their religion will go to hell.

            When one person said something bad of a religion, we will take tat as bullshit. But when like u said, christianity is always the first thing that pops up with a negative attitude when mentioned about religions, something must be very wrong.

            Bottomline is, the spreading of christianity irks a lot of ppl. There is no such things as “its our job” spreading the religion. U christians probably dun know and dun feel the irritation we non christians felt when dealing with u ppl. Religions is suppose to be a free thing. One will believe wat they believe. The more christians spread, or rather forcing their thinking into others, the more hatred will form against christianity. U may think u are just spreading, but to most ppl, the words u christians use when “spreading” is very offensive. When other ppl dun buy the jesus story, almost all christians will put on a black face and “condemned” us to hell.

          • Thank you guest, and Meiyi i am sorry to hear that the christians you encountered gave you a sour attitude when you did not accept and that they bad mouth other religions. Like i said, it is our job to spread the word, and the rest we leave up to the holy spirit so i dont know what you are talking about when they say “forcing others to believe is gods will”. Maybe the christians you encounter are taking the wrong approach, but all we are doing is wishing you well, what you decide in the end is up to you.

            Also in the Bible it mentions we must obey the laws set by the government actually. Im pretty sure the ones you are talking about are a minority, and im sure you can find similar minorities in different religions. But yeah like Guest mentioned, its not about religion or obeying the law

            and cmon, using God as an excuse is not just in christianity, misinterpretations happen all the time, jihad in the name of allah sound familiar to you? Muslims will tell you the terrorists misinterpret the quran, so isnt it possible that some christians also misinterpret the bible, the terrorists dont represent whole of islam do they?

            Christians can be described on different levels, for example in a school there will be good students and bad students, but they are all students, and good students past exams, bad ones dont, its as simple as that, good christians and bad christians, so please, i guess what im saying is, overgeneralisation is whats giving christians a bad name 

          • Maybe some Christians used the wrong and maybe even bad attitude when they are preaching the gospel. That is sad to hear. 

            But being a Christian is not about religion or obeying the law. In fact Christ is against religion. It is about this person, Jesus Christ who is actually God incarnate that died on the cross and resurrected and now is the life giving spirit. (1 Cor 15:45)

            And spreading the gospel is a charge that is given to every believers because it is God’s desire for all man to be saved. But of course we should not force or show bad attitude just because we got rejected. Whatever the response is, we still have Lord as our peace. 

    • I hope you can read the article of Einstein about God, 
      serch it on google i think that can open little your mind

    •  Yeah love for all and being a good person should come from one’s own heart, and not from a outside source such as a religion per se.

      However, some people do need religion to help lead them to become a good person, or else without religion or any sort of confinement they might do bad/negative things onto them self or others because they lack the ability to follow the right path in life.

      So religion do help in some aspect of life, but it is not the answer and the truth people should seek.

      People should seek no truth but truth from within and never be bias in any departments of life, even through it is hard at times.

      : )

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