愛喲我的媽 2012-08-01 先進軍事武器 都是外星人傳授的終端科技?!

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TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

24 thoughts on “愛喲我的媽 2012-08-01 先進軍事武器 都是外星人傳授的終端科技?!

  1. 希望这些专家抱着科学的态度,把真实的资料能够说完,不要只说一半,剩下的那一半说出来就是完全不同的结果了,不能只为了节目效果,使得年轻人误入歧途。

  2. 幹 一直說人家 google 馬, 請問在TW有多少人會去search這些資料?? 現在有多少學生, 上班做報告的人不是去上網找資料的?難度你的老師/上司 會說你是 只會google 嗎? 最重要你有引用資料來源+自己的見解跟分析就好啦…人家去上節目最起碼也有做點功課, 不是割 8 掰出啦的好嗎? 
    如果什麼都要親身經歷, 那看來要找上 NASA 工作過的人 找可以說出一些”真實”外太空資料

  3. GOOGLE馬, 每次講話都愛帶無聊的問號………一堆廢話………

  4. 這集後面好看, 期待饒自強再上節目說出更多祕聞, 還有, 庹宗康也很厲害, 居然可以三不五時補充資訊, 不像其他主持人只會提白癡問題, 喜歡看他的節目.

  5. They are just jealous of US technology. Keep saying alien giving US the technology without proof.Keep saying technology 50 years ago cannot make this cannot make that. Like they really know US technology then. Why dun say Steve Job is alien?

    • you are just as ignorant as a 3 year old, Alien contact and reverse engineering is always a solid fact to the US government, but kept secret to the US citizens. Whether you believe it or not, a truth is always a truth. Roswell is true, and the proof of Alien reverse technology is in Area 51 and Dugway Proving Ground

      • Your SOLID FACT is  from where? google or gossip from some variety show? Don’t sound like you saw alien before or US government tell you and show you evidence? Or you saw alien contract before? Maybe you sign it? JOKE. SOLID FACT.

  6. 維基解密文件發報 –
    當年美國封所羅茲威爾不讓事件曝光, 之後有3所大學為數278名學生群起到當地示威,

  7. fucking google ma like he personally saw all incidents with his own eyes (own when on goole or youtube ba wahhaaa..)

    • 現在是網路世界 我不懂你門這些爛咖一值在批評甚麼
      你要他門到美國採訪軍方,nasa 等等阿 幹

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