娛樂百分百 2012-07-20 百分百娛樂王

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170 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-07-20 百分百娛樂王

  1. 自以為是地批判一個現實生活中毫無交集的人,自由言論讓你以高姿態宣洩一下扭曲的妒忌心理,武斷的結論也只會令你內心更加卑微;

  2. 吵架只会两败俱伤,没有双方让步的争执是不会有结果的,话还会越争越难听,为何不一开始直接无视或collapse thread。


  3. Doremi, ur so friggin damn funny. Is there any need to reply on each and every comment with the same thing about zhu cant sing. How would u even know? So it means u’ve been listening to his songs ALL these years even though u ‘dont like it’. GG, what a loyal fan u are 😉

    • 她真的很白癡!! 這裡明明是娛樂百分百, 也不是羅志祥演唱會…走錯棚還亂開砲…夠腦殘

      • 恩   這就是標準的盲目粉絲  蝴蝶粉絲內就有像這種的低能兒   講不出什麼    就在那隨便亂扯亂比較    一點邏輯感都沒有

  4. 威廉會不會啊?!人家娛樂王莫名其妙叫小薰介紹新節目?天啊!祝哥走了~豬鬼又沒空,起碼也請一些紅的人來圓一下啊!一天到晚請一些有的沒有的,也不知道是誰…(rommie, 許維恩,Olivia …….)我不是討厭他們,可是說實話,那個新監制想的單元這麼爛,甚麼上課囉,美廚娘,ktv,都無聊死了,還有那個go go go根本和專題報道沒兩樣麻,就硬要弄,如果那些人不是為了小豬,小鬼(蝴蝶)根本沒有人會看了~本來我最愛的單元就是娛樂王,因為可以自已猜,還蠻好玩的,結果現在給我改那甚麼白爛的歌詞王=3=只能說,如果娛百停掉,不是因為豬鬼不回來,也不是蝴蝶不會主持,是因為那個幹他媽的監制,又沒想法又沒梗~~但我個人是挺這節目到永遠啦!多難看我也會看完它的!撐百分百到永遠!!

      • Exactly!! What has it got to do w/ 威廉? And for th previous 娱乐王, no matter who won, they still got to promote so what’s wrong w/ him asking 小薰 to promote? 你才会不会啊?!

  5. LOL srsly why do some pple have to talk about xiaozhu being in the music industry when all of us are commentin about ylbfb? Joke much. Anyway what can i expect from hudie’s fans? Kids mean kids~

  6. seriously at some points, butterfly does not look happy hosting this show, no spirit, I can see it in her eyes, expression-wise anyways. all she does is talk like she would to little kids wtf. dragging words like that to sound cute? annoying. I feel like all she can be is like a monotone host or something..she can’t really crack jokes like zhu and gui.

  7. A lot of people like to compare then here’s a thought, Zhu have been in the Music Industry for years, and his singing still sucks, he hasn’t improved even a little bit and people still buys it? hmmm…

    • Sigh this is called arguing in no direction. Everyone has their good and bad points. For Xiaozhu, he may not be the best singer, but he works hard. And he’s more of an all-rounder of singing, dancing, hosting etc. 🙂 And for butterfly, just spare her will you all! She’s like that, as herself. 

    • 真是搞笑耶, 就是像你這種無厘頭的小朋友在那亂發文!!  請問小豬有在這裡唱歌是嗎?? 這裡能看到的就只有蝴蝶的主持拉!!  你走錯棚了小鬼頭!!  還有阿, 小豬唱歌是沒好聽拉, 但他主打的是唱跳歌手不是單單歌手兩個字!! 搞懂比較!! 比較也沒點, 看了真無言, 讓人懷疑你受教育的程度! are you educated?

  8. 其實蝴蝶不算差了
    這個單元本來就比較難玩梗 就算看豬鬼以前的娛樂王也沒有很多笑點
    她以前主持常常放空 現在都不會了
    雖然我還是比較喜歡她以前 天然呆
    不過看得出來就算鬼蝶搭他們壓力也蠻大的 製作人問題(?)

  9. The show Wo Cai has come to a halt even with Jacky Wu as the host, a lot of people like to blame things if it doesn’t go the way they want, well guess what, “The World doesn’t revolve around You”, It’s not because of you that the world exist, Oh, and just to clarify things before any of you say that I’m a fan or this or a fan of that, sorry no, for me ZhuGuiDie is nowhere near the hosting capabilities of Jacky Wu

  10. 真不想一直喜歡的娛百被不努力的藝人做垮   不懂得努力的藝人   只會爛爛的主持   絕對不會盲目的支持   比蝴蝶努力的藝人可多了!!!

    •  You’re right, I don’t see Zhu trying hard to be a good singer either, been years in the music industry and SINGING still sucks

      • First of all I can’t believe u went down the list of comments n made the same argument about Xiao Zhu’s singing . . . But anyway u say u don’t seen him trying to be a good singer n that he sucks well I can’t argue with that cuz that’s your opinion n I respect that. The fact is like u also point out is that people buy his cd’s 3rd year in a row sales king how do I explain that? well people like his singing n they buy his cd . . Why? Well cuz to them he is a good singer. To u he sucks to millions he is great. Simple .

        • 是拉~銷售量沒意義拉~~多少場演唱會最能證明拉!!  Makiyo夠厲害,麻煩叫她辦個演唱會,一場就好了,然後看有多少貓貓狗狗!! 傻B

    • 我覺得跟節目內容有比較大的關係.很多大咖主持人.例如吳宗憲.主持的很多節目都收掉了更何況是蝴蝶

  11. 有什麼事都只會怪到蝴蝶頭上的人請閉嘴!
    我算是個豬蝶鬼迷 3個人我都喜歡
    我知道蝴蝶沒有比他們好笑 那是因為經驗不夠的關係 
    可是她很努力了! 而且其實也比她剛進娛百的時候有梗多了 
    你們不喜歡就不要看 不要在這邊純粹為罵而罵 

    • 一天到晚在那經驗不夠經驗不夠   都主持多久了   真努力想學    梗不會一成不變    甚至還倒退   哪來的變多?   就是一堆盲目追星的老愛同情人   想同情    何不去同情真正努力的其他藝人或團體?   另外    這集是連看都沒看啦   省得浪費時間   但就是支持桃太像這種不懂得什麼叫努力的藝人拉!!!   絕對不會支持!!!   就是一堆盲目的粉絲在那支持這種咖    難怪真正努力的藝人都被埋沒   然後咧    又一堆人在那一天到晚在那追韓國明星   無言喔.

      • 蝴蝶在娱乐百分百已经一年多,说久也不久。会觉得蝴蝶主持很差是因为你们把猪鬼蝶比起来。猪鬼在娱乐百分百有八年多了。的确蝴蝶不比猪鬼好,但如果要和其他和蝴蝶差不多同时间出道的女艺人比起来,蝴蝶已经很棒了~ 我绝对相信再过一些时间蝴蝶会变的更好的。

        • 硬要說豬鬼8年比起來是吧!?    小鬼入主ㄧ年多以後    主持功力的進步要跟現在的蝴蝶比起來    可說是天差地遠    蝴蝶完全是原地踏步    甚至倒退!!  

          •  the same can be said with the SINGING of Zhu, it’s not improving also and it sucks but still a lot of people buy it, how many years have Zhu been in the music industry??

          • I’ve never said I like Zhu’s singing!! But I like his skills of being a host!! Understood

          • 是你们开始比较起来的。
            就像小猪常说的 ,你们能不能将心比心呢?!

          • 笑話     我就算拿來比     也是拿同時間的情況來比較     不像盲目追星的     在那說8年跟1,2年的比

        • 因為有發表言論自由!!   你又憑什麼干涉?   畢竟不像ㄧ些人    盲目追星     閒閒沒事做     什麼都看打發時間

          • 你才閒吧.. 我們看自己喜歡的明星輕鬆開心一下 你特地點進來不看就只罵人 那麼有空看一些自己喜歡的東西 學會不要只顧批評 你的人生會充實開心很多喔:))

          • 給你們這些虛度光陰的小朋友一點建議!!  難怪台灣優秀人才越來越少…

    • 現在很多部分 是 跳看+快轉

      以前 會整集看完 到結尾 主持人來賓謝幕時候  有時連 片尾打歌曲都聽完


  12. 看了之前的娛百覺得有豬鬼主持的很好,很搞笑蝴蝶也不是主持得不好只是她跟豬鬼主持不知道要接什麼,才會一直”摁”最近豬鬼很忙,沒時間錄娛百只剩蝴蝶,才找代班等豬鬼他們忙完,你們就可以看到他們了啊所以不要再批評蝴蝶了, 好嗎?

      • 不知道不要接阿, 阿你不知道然後就自己幻想嘴砲攻擊喔!? 搞笑!? 你們老是搞得好像又是別人逼你們一樣!! 明明就自己愛幻想…

  13. 有些人真的莫名其妙…
    他們紅了自然工作量會多, 會多就比較難分配時間…
    請尊重每一個主持人, 如果不想看的話大可以不看…

    • 講真的   像小豬小鬼那麼懂的努力又敬業的藝人   以前再累來主持娛百   也從沒出現過像蝴蝶有時的擺爛態度   小豬小鬼每集訪談也都是全心全力的去丟話問   有沒有效果是其次   至少態度是可以支持跟肯定   與其像某些盲目追星的人去亂散播大愛好多了   主持人要想別人尊重他們   先學學尊重觀眾!!!   小豬小鬼這點絕對給肯定   像憲哥這種都這麼大咖的級數   也是說觀眾就是他的父母   觀眾最大   這種小咖的還用如此擺爛的態度面對觀眾   就算娛百面臨垮台的危機    也覺不會盲目支持!!!    

          • 在她的世界讓所有的人和事都是美好的 她的稱讚鼓勵都是真心的 我學會了對人和事寬容了很多 就是看不過有人惡意批評她 你可以說她主持什麼不好 沒必要用這種態度 我只想說我沒有盲目 我只是在她身上看到你看不到的東西 “學會去欣賞別人 不要只顧著找別人的缺點” 這是我在她身上學會的東西 🙂

          • 哈哈哈, 還真的敢打這種笑話    佩服佩服    “她的世界”是吧!?   是拉沒錯啦!!    就因為她只活在她”那自己的世界”   才會被批自我感覺良好    就因為這樣才不懂得什麼叫”努力”    因為她自認已經夠努力了    但實際上卻是一成不變反而倒退!!    還有阿     我的確是一直說她主持不好阿…    不然你以為我再說什麼咧?    說真的     她長怎樣不干我事    但是身為觀眾    如果看主持人爛    不能批評!?    “能說她主持不好” 可是你說的喔!!!    的確找不到她值得能讓人欣賞的地方    要欣賞    我為何不去欣賞那些更好更努力的主持人!?    是吧!?

  14. 不如這樣好了,當兩男主持都忙時,讓節目開天窗吧!或是停播一次、兩次、三次……。又或是當他們回來,連錄一整天節目,錄到聲嘶力竭,儲備節目也不錯呢。節目的其他工作人員也不用上班了!大家放假去吧!

    • 以當初入主的年數來說      入主同樣的兩年後    小鬼主持功力早已飛黃騰達     完全凌駕於蝴蝶之上    沒有為什麼    只有下了多少功夫跟時間    努力換來的成果!!!! 

      •  If you like to compare that much, then for me, how long have Zhu been in the music indusrty? A lot of people buys his album but his SINGING SUCKS,he hasn’t improve anywhere in that field,  kindly explain to me this???

        • then you are in the wrong place!!  here is for entertainment not music industry!!  And the most important point is that, I’ ve never said Zhu is good at singing, but he definetely good at being a host!! Basically, you are comparing two entirely different things, so that does not make any sense!! You should really learn comparison from text!!

  15. 某些豬鬼粉煩不煩阿..每次不是豬鬼主持就把節目批評的一文不值
    根本沒有豬鬼 你們就不會滿意  可有必要踩低別人抬高他們嗎?
    以前豬/鬼 搭蝴蝶被罵  我還有一點能理解粉絲的心態
    現在只剩蝴蝶一個  也要罵?  最好是沒人主持等著娛百收吧!

    • 真的!蝴蝶跟小猪搭的时候,有时搭不上话,他们批评我还能理解~但这集蝴蝶明明主持得不错~ 他们还是骂不停~让我感觉只是他们为了攻击她而批评罢了~
      一直骂说为什么没有猪鬼? 我想娱百也很希望猪鬼能抽出时间一起主持吧~但是问题出在他们真的很忙啊~

      • 真心為豬鬼好的粉絲根本不會這樣,而且我看很多SFC &小鬼的粉絲對蝴蝶其實都很好 !
        大家就不要去理會那些惡性評論了 ! 沒必要跟他們較真 !

      • 這跟小豬小鬼忙不忙有什麼關係呢??   難道蝴蝶主持功力是跟小豬小鬼忙不忙有關聯?    這什麼邏輯阿??    根本沒再討論小豬小鬼忙不忙   看懂再回文拉!!   盲目追星又盲目回文!!  這麼閒喔!?

    • 我只能說…
      那些根本就是無聊人, 充當豬跟鬼迷!
      我本身就是鬼迷, 可是我從來沒有批評過任何一個主持人…

        • Zhu is not singing in this show, so there is no point to talk about his singing skill…lol…you really got to “think” before you enter a place and before submiting ur comment dude!!

  16. 每天總有那”幾個人”在這留言攻擊蝴蝶..
    豬鬼沒空主持  幹嘛要遷怒蝴蝶啊  真莫名其妙

  17. 这集所有人都是high咖,挺好的呀


  18. As a Lollipop F fan and guimi, I’m happy to see aoquan and weilian coming to co-host yu le bai fen bai but of course, I wouldnt want to see fans saying things like aoquan/weilian are not funny because they are trying to help out as friends. Instead of criticising them, cant you attempt to see that they are putting in effort to make it funny? I understand it isnt th same without xiaozhu and xiaogui but cant some of you fans put yourselves into xiaozhu’s and xiaogui’s shoes? They are busy with their work and I believe they would also want to come and host if they could so please understand from their point of view. Hudie is also trying her best and I hope you all can give her more time to learn instead of saying she’s gna destroy yu le bai fen bai. Do you think she wants that to happen as well? Ps: just pointing out my view.

  19. 發現蝴蝶 跟 鬼配時

    因為很熟,會油條,常哼哼哈哈 不知所云 亂答一通   過一集  不討喜



  20. 有冇咁誇張呀?



    • no offence to the ppl who like butterfly, but i actually agree to “我想看豬鬼”, although i do not dislike butterfly, i think butterfly isn’t that experienced and it is a lot more funnier when xiao zhu and xiao gui are the hosts, and you cant deny that ylbfb has become less attractive these days, i think that it is more suitable for butterfly to be the subsitute host, so as to gain more experience. also xiao zhu and xiao gui know each other better, and when they are together, they practically talk about everything, but when they partner butterfly there are topics which may be quite sensitive between them, and it feels that this program is not as free as before.

  21. No Xiao gui/xiao zhu again

    Gan Ni Na i come in for 2 eps still no them


  22. 搞什么? 我的天啊。。。 没有小鬼和小猪。。。 只剩下蝴蝶�xC。。。 我真的。。。 对于白好失望哦。。。

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