康熙來了 2009-07-03 該養生還是揮霍人生

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208 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-07-03 該養生還是揮霍人生

  1. [YT] 王瀅長的真漂亮~

  2. [YT] For goodness sake, just watch the show and enjoy it lah ! ( The “lah” as requested by you …. lol .) Dont act as if you are related to them or what. Like I said earlier, they are just entertainers. All of you are getting too defensive … its just a talkshow afterall ….. haha ^_^

  3. [YT] How judgemental! It’s merely theatrical effects they were throwing. Well, your English isn’t any better, more or less like “Singlish”. Why don’t you put “la” at the end of every sentence. What a “show off”! Eat your humble pie.

  4. [YT] I like to sleep and wake up early most of the time because sleep is the best and most important thing in this world!! I can never understand how people can stay up all night studying/do other things…nothing is as important as sleep!!

  5. [YT] It’s the way the show goes. If Xiao S gets over her head, kang yong brings her back down. Like in this episode, Xiao S was getting a little proud saying that english phrase, so Kang Yong had to correct her. It’s the the show’s effect also. Just for laughs. Dnt get so sensitive..

  6. [YT] There isn’t any need to argue over who is right and who is wrong here …
    We knew long ago both xiao s and kang yong english sucks ….. hahahaaaaa
    Just enjoy the show …
    They are just entertainers to entertain us …

    PEACE everyone …. haha

  7. [YT] i don’t think it was the show’s effect, who would correct someone when they’re right and say something wrong if so? he’s known to be a “du2 shu1 ren2”, so i doubt he’d use something wrong to correct something right if he wanted to create some show effect..and besides, so what if he studied in the US? I’m studying in the US right now and i’ve been speaking english all my life, spending a few years in the US only taught him basic english, it didn’t make him an expert.

  8. [YT] 康熙最近很强耶,话题和来宾都焕然一新,之前很长一段时间都比较无聊,现在又像刚开始那样要天天追了,很赞,掌声鼓励!!!

  9. [YT] 我是覺得這一集焦點都放在歡歡身上搞錯重點,其實養身不需要那麼花錢也可以,生活忙碌,更該養生,養生的重點,就是作息要規律,少煙少酒,多吃植物性蛋白代替動物性蛋白等等,誰說要向她一樣那麼花錢才能養生?至於潘若迪多兩三萬的花費則是在買保養品,那其實已經不算是養生了

  10. [YT] I don’t think there’s any wrong of 蔡康永to correct 小S whether is he wrong or right because in some wheres, this is their way of presenting themselves… it’s call 節目效果…

  11. [YT] i think its embarrassing that kang yong tried to correct xiaoS cos xiaoS was right and he wasn’t…and even if he was right, the way he corrected her was…kinda bitchy.

  12. [YT] 王瑩很普通,一點都不漂亮。。。=,=

  13. [YT] If you learn how to stay healthy by yourself, you should know that supplementary Vitamins aren’t necessary for our bodies. Sometimes they may even cause toxicity.

  14. [YT] 可能你已經看到別人的回復了:英文的可數名詞(countable noun)如果在句子中是單數,就應該加定冠詞(the, a, an),如果是複數或者不可數名詞,可以不加。定冠詞在這裡的意思和語氣很微妙的,the不一定表示那個,講英文少了這個the就很不舒服,就像法文的le, la, les一樣,必不可少。我以前的美國老師說,要聽一個人的英文好不好,就聽他會不會用定冠詞。

  15. [YT] The adverb, keeps away in this phrase is not used to describe the doctors, but to describe what an apple can do to you.
    “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” An apple is the subject of this sentence, since an apple is singular, keep”s” is used in this case.

  16. [YT] its not about the grammar. its how this phrase was written. the way it’s written is “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. its because people have their own doctor, so when parents tell their kids to have fruits they say this.

  17. [YT] This is the original *phrase* “Eat an apple on going to bed, And you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” from Notes and Queries magazine, 1866. And “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” is a shorter and better known version of it! Hence, using the is more appropriated according to the original phrase.

  18. [YT] “An apply a day, keeps the doctor away”!
    “A doctor” is singular, but in this phase, it is saying doctor in general! And it doesn’t make sense to only keep ONE doctor away! So we don’t have to keep away from other doctors?

  19. [YT] I swear, watching her on TV, makes me want to punch her in the face. I don;t mind people being health conscious, but to give people guilt trips and force people to be so structured… just live your own life.

  20. [YT] There are no such thing as healthy diet for everyone, because we are like snowflakes.

    Each of us is unique, innocent and beautiful. Like a snowflake. We are all snowflakes.

  21. [YT] 而且我是說大部分的牛奶和優格都「有」有機的,不是大部分的牛奶和優格都「是」有機的,這兩個意思差很多~ 請看清楚。

  22. [YT] houchi69,這怎不會是同一天錄的?? 你不知道綜藝節目一天都可以錄影兩集或以上嗎? 更何況是康熙來了收視率這麼高的節目,一天錄兩集或三集以上很正常.

  23. [YT] 其實到中國可以買到很便宜的珍珠粉 只是到了國外價錢抬高了 (價錢相差10倍)

    珍珠粉都是養珠而且用的都是不成型的珍珠 沒想象那么珍貴

  24. [YT] I thought it was “An apple a day, keeps a doctor away”
    meaning keeps any doctor, not specific. So 死娘娘腔的用法也不算很好
    In English grammar you will always have a definite article, it is usually add in front of a noun.

  25. [YT] 哎呦,蔡康永到底怎麼回事,他的英文並不好,憑甚麼一直糾正小S?!這次又賣弄和亂講,那句英文明明就是要有the,小S說得是正確的。康熙的後製也狐假虎威,非但不剪掉還做出字幕效果,難道都沒人發現康永的錯誤嗎讓他丟臉?

  26. [YT] ja,sicher!An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away。that’s the result i got from google
    s is correct , cannot believe kangyong made such a mistake.

  27. [YT] i think she is.. coz huan huan earned a lot of money during her hay days and she has said before she dun really spend money (other than on such stuff)

  28. [YT] haha iv never seen kangyong make a mistake like that before! it can be said his way, but the real version is xiao s’s! na ge yi sheng is “that” doctor, not the doctor, so embarassing haha

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