康熙來了 2009-12-28 浴火鳳凰來康熙 潘迎紫 屈中恒 戈偉如 皓皓

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149 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-12-28 浴火鳳凰來康熙 潘迎紫 屈中恒 戈偉如 皓皓

  1. [YT] 我也是受”不把妹”受幫助的人,曾經我一直收到好人卡,但自從我遇到他以後,並看了他的書、詢問顧問,我整個人生有了很大的改變,真的很希望他能幫助更多人,雖然她說一天就能搞定正妹,你看到這留言,我要跟你說:謝謝你讓我現在很幸福,我們即將在明年2月要結婚了,謝謝你! 你們可以上無名:asd88640 或是關鍵字搜尋:不把妹

  2. [YT] 对一代女皇非常有印象,潘迎紫的武则天很漂亮


  3. [YT] 拜託!



  4. [YT] @ hoo2006to2007 & ces20000, 都快2010年了,還有人在說他皮膚是「漂白」的!



  5. [YT] 靠,人家又有什么得罪你!她说的话没什么过分的地方啊,你太敏感了吧!
    碰到好多台湾人都这样 对大陆敏感得不行 让人感觉你们很自卑

  6. [YT] 都多少年的老问题了,你自己google下有白癜风的黑人后期都什么样。

  7. [YT] Botox is like 100-200 dollars these days, you dont need to be rich to look young anymore:O And at 64, it’s more natural, elegant and prettier if you have wrinkles I rkn:O

  8. [YT] @tclulu 是啊 明天還有周董跟志玲姐姐

    希望康熙可以回到以前那樣好看 XD

  9. [YT] 又是拿裡得罪你講話這樣
    碰到很多大陸人都這樣 見不得別人好別人有錢 讓人感覺你們很自卑

  10. [YT] Gee~ we are basically just commenting on how she looks and not saying that we hate her or anything. As I’m rather young and have never seen any of her movies though I’ve heard of her name being mentioned a few times in variety shows, I’m rather shocked to see that she actually looks like that! Hence, I thought I would just share my opinions about her looks. Don’t think we are being “喋喋不休” at all. -.-

  11. [YT] Gee~ we are basically just commenting on how she looks and not saying that we hate her or anything. As I’m rather young and have never seen any of her movies though I’ve heard of her name being mentioned a few times in variety shows, I’m rather shocked to see that she actually looks like that! Hence, I thought I would just share my opinions about her looks. Don’t think we are being “喋喋不休” at all. -.-

  12. [YT] Is it me or does anyone else think Pan Yin Zi looks a little scary? Why do i feel that her eyes look kinda “dead”? In my opinion, with her overly lined eyes, rather pale skin tone and reddish brown lips, she looks like a doll but not in a good way. I’m guessing it’s either the makeup or too much botox that made her face too stiff, hence looking a little artificial and scary.
    No offence to her fans!

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