康熙來了 2010-04-20 闖星光才會有真正的大道 林育羣 Olivia 閻奕格 吳盈靜 Kimberley

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490 thoughts on “康熙來了 2010-04-20 闖星光才會有真正的大道 林育羣 Olivia 閻奕格 吳盈靜 Kimberley

  1. He should just stop english songs! Although he has the voice, but you can tell he’s just singing the sounds but not understanding anything about the song-.-

  2. [YT] 陶晶塋真不要臉,那張智障的樣貌還敢拿袁惟仁的體型開玩笑,真是一位沒家教沒水準的白目主持人..凸

  3. [YT] 先絞清楚人家玩歌唱比賽的,並不是要當演員,莫非身材肥胖不能當歌手嗎?要是不喜歡他的話可以不請他來的,請人家來一直人身攻擊,算是什麽意思?請問主特人知否狗眼看人底是什麼意思?

  4. [YT] @Mr0800092000 mean she picked this song 相比其他表演者唱的沒難道, “kiss me” so easy for everyone to sing!!! understand????白痴 !!!

  5. [YT] 再講一句, 他在自己的家鄉被對待的, 被許多人冷眼以對的或許讓林可以心生警惕。 林育群加油! 不要忘記你是如何站起來。

  6. [YT] 剛開始聽說他要到美國,我簡直替他擔心,想他是不是一閃即逝的流星。 沒想到林育群通過,表現得如此好,感情爆發力, 讓人驚艷。 相較於在台灣被質疑的眼光, 在美國的確表現得很好。 也因此他得到更多的掌聲與鼓舞, 表演者與聽眾間感情的共鳴, 可以激發更多能量的交流,這就是藝人的舞台。

  7. [YT] 有關小胖大頭症的事件,我剛好在美髮院看到壹週刊報導,就是因為在等某一個大媒體,其實小胖早就在現場了.而其他媒體記者不知情就罵他.

  8. [YT] 我的感覺是,[因林育羣最近爆紅,觀眾特意想看此集康熙來了],藉此可聽到其他幾位不錯的歌聲.所以主持人多訪問小胖也無可厚非,想多聽其他歌手的人可在網上搜尋ㄚ.

  9. [YT] All the other singers might be famous in Taiwan, but will never make it in America. Because there are too many of them like these wannabe western singer copycat. Only 林育羣 is different. I bet you can never find another person like him in America.

  10. [YT] 閻奕格唱歌真的非常好聽…處理的也非常的細膩
    Olivia聲音甜美 百聽不膩(新專輯我買了^^)
    林育羣也不錯…聲音很嚇人!! 也許他不是真的唱得很好…但看得出他真的很愛唱歌也很努力!!! 還是加油~畢竟他是幫台灣加分的小胖^^

  11. [YT] 閻奕格太讚啦 ! ! 寂寞先生好好聽 快點發唱片啦 實力派唱將 又好正(大正妹一枚)^^ 一定會紅 快快出專輯 支持支持~ ((((林先生的我沒啥感覺-.-)))) 怪了 ~

  12. [YT] i have to salute ling yu qun..
    even though he uses 假音 to sing, but not everyone can do that..
    he’s kind of like susan boyle..
    i like Olivia, 閻奕格, and that australian girl as well..
    they are all talented singers..

  13. [YT] 當太多人去稱讚她的好 那他就會被擬神化
    他是唱的很好聽 但太過餘一直強調他的長處
    卻忽略了他的瑕疵 那歌唱本身就失去了意義

  14. [YT] @elmer6818 lol r u trying to troll here? btw, it’s xiao s not da s… 1st off i ain’t even taiwanese.. but do u realize you just made yourself sound dumb and racist by slamming taiwanese people while watching a taiwanese show? xiao s’s quick wit is one of the reasons why this show is funny and it is very popular in china.. bullying has malice behind its intent,.. kidding around on tv is a different thing altogether.. were u cheated by a taiwanese or what? hitler was german.. are all germans bad?

  15. [YT] @oOoOloli i choked when she said bowling ball! lol… please people.. she is just kidding.. regular kang xi viewers know that xiao s does not say all these things with malice… it just makes the show funnier.. and i really doubt this guy minds it…

  16. [YT] Olivia這首kiss me我重複看了好多次,她唱歌的表情很嬌羞甜美配合她的聲音很舒服,還有跟原唱不太一樣的節奏頓點,我覺得唱歌不就是要這樣嗎?

  17. [YT] 媽的 外國連唱詩班就有那種實力了 我幹麻要花錢買他的?
    只是可悲的人類都喜歡這種大反差 也是最可笑的 一個月就銷聲匿跡了啦

  18. [YT] 不喜歡 林的風格… 有點太油… 真的… 技巧根感情放的太多就真的感覺有油掉… 聽了就真的有點不舒服… 反倒是 Olivia 的歌聲 今天是第一次聽~ 但是一聽就有感動到~ 整體的 feel 真的超棒的~ 很甜很好聽~ 這就是可以紅很久最大的本錢~ 在演藝界重要的真的還是整體的 “舞台魅力”~ XD

  19. [YT] 決得很多網友很無聊
    為什麼男生 一定要唱男聲
    聲音好聽就好了 為什麼一定要侷限男生才能唱男聲
    攻擊這點 實在很無聊

  20. [YT] 所以星光大到那些評審耳朵都壞了
    若他曇花一現 至少他還有這個美好又珍貴的回憶

  21. [YT] 閻奕格歌聲感情豐富,林聲音就只是一昧的高,老外只不過是喜歡一些奇特的東西,就跟孔慶祥當時還不是超紅,一樣是假音,我直接聽女聲唱歌還更有感覺…真的要聽高音歌手,我會選擇已經走掉的張雨生寶哥,他的真音高音才是充滿感情充滿希望與力量的真材實料

  22. [YT] 這一集…感覺就是把4個女生晾在旁邊一直訪問林育羣…


  23. [YT] 有人連批評主持人名字都說錯,會不會太好笑

  24. [YT] Why didn’t OLIVIA sing Ru Yan ? I’m so in love with her voice and that song. It just goes together. Please ask Olivia to sing Ru Yan! 😉 Support Olivia please!!!!

  25. [YT] One suggestion…閻奕格, they should de-grease her face before the performance. Her face looks to “greasy” la! I am glad she keeps singing Chinese songs.

  26. [YT] 大S是毒舌, 自己也沒多美, 老又過氣, 還敢批評別人外表, Taiwanese 沒水隼. 在美國, this is called BULLY. 大S 才是大頭症. Before you open your mouth critize others, Look at yourself first. What do you have??????? At lease he has a voice. You have a big tongue and evil heart. 林育羣smiles and laugh throughout the whole show. That is professionism. He is already a Start>>>>

  27. [YT] really, i was watching this cos i saw that guy who sang the song & got super famous. but after this, /: he doesnt seem that good? Like they’re better/just as good singers. it was just amazing cos he doesnt look like he can sing i think..

  28. [YT] @houchi69 I totally agree! I like 閻奕格 more and more now. She used two English songs to PK and I thought she was just going to keep using English songs but after those two performances, she keeps using Chinese songs to impress us. Olivia is already good enough. I think 林育羣’s shock value is fading soon…

  29. [YT] @w123456h She picks a very bad song for her. I don’t like her that much either. She keeps singing English songs. I want to hear her Chinese songs.

  30. [YT] 閻奕格聲音很好聽!!他的聲音很耐聽..小胖是第一次聽到真的會很驚艷

  31. [YT] @pinksocks115 cos she used to be a professional singer in singapore, and as the teacher (jian ning) said, she had release her album before in japan & singpores!

  32. [YT] @yauming2 agree totally
    there s even slips in his singing… OMG
    n he can only sing i’ll always love you
    amazing grace and 回家 was a disaster

  33. [YT] 點解唔返香港發展……..閻你好過好多香港歌手,外型又幾好,唔難紅!!!!

  34. [YT] that fat guy is totally overrated. how could he be the center of the conversation?
    i mean like olivia can sing 10times better than him..
    he just wow-ed people cause he sounds so much like a female.
    he might just be a one hit wonder

  35. [YT] @top80736 現在的麻辣記者很多 東森的吳宇舒主播 就是從小小的記者 然後才當主播的 吳宇舒 應該不會麻辣 可能那個酸小胖的記者 也想紅吧

  36. [YT] 雖然閻奕格跟olivia都唱得很好 但是還是有很多跟他們同型或很像的歌手 林育群的特色跟歌聲的確是很少人可以達到這樣的

  37. [YT] 剛剛看了林育羣上ellen的影片 說實話我覺得好感動 很難想像一個外型平凡不會講英文的台灣男孩居然能夠站在美國知名的節目上接受訪問表演 小胖現在像王建民一樣都是台灣人的驕傲 雖然不知道他能否紅得持久 但我覺得他的故事可以給很多激勵啟發 人只要不害怕嘲笑勇敢的追逐夢想 還是可以超越外在的限制闖出屬於自己的一片天

  38. [YT] he came to the U.S. right?? i think i saw him on some news…but i know how nervous he must feel about talking in english cuz i went through that too, its scary to first start talking in another language but he’ll get used to it 🙂 wish him all the best!

  39. [YT] 其實Olivia 比較特別啦, 聲音真係很好聽
    但看Olivia 的表演就真的是整體感覺都很好, 說不出來的淘醉

  40. [YT] 阎罗王唱得很棒喔! 快发行个人专辑吧。我一定支持你的!


  41. [YT] @bananaboatqt i think he is going on TBS late night talk show, which usually makes a lot jokes. And he doesn’t really understand english, so they could get away with making fun of him in front of him….

  42. [YT] olivias very pretty, but she sings english songs like… some random friend you have, im not awed at all is what i mean. strangely she was AMAZING with the chinese song she sang last time, wonder if shes actually better in chinese songs…

  43. [YT] i really don’t like that Olivia girl!! what’s so great abt her?! i mean she’s not ulgy but she ain’t pretty anyway. and it’s a singing contest so appearance shdn’t be important. To me, all these four girls are cute, no difference at all. but if it comes to voice and singing skills, 閻 is def the best!! the Olivia girl is sooooo out!!!

  44. [YT] 每個人都有適合自己的歌路啊,小胖中文歌不優又沒什麼大不了的,英文歌一把罩就好啦。

  45. [YT] some ppl might like 林育羣, might love his singing. i have nothing to say abt his singing skills, it’s just his style. but i can say it’s not the type that i will fall in love with. and most of all, i do not find fat people as cute or what, i think it’s unhealthy to be as fat as him. i am not criticising him, just stating my own opinion.

  46. [YT] 閻奕格 has a more dynamic future.
    she’s more suitable for the ‘pop’ music

    Olivia is very good, but she’s limited to the ‘specialty’ singer.
    unless she improves her chinese dramatically, or start singing well in chinese song
    I don’t see her staying in this field for long

    after all, ‘chinese pop’ is still the main stream in taiwan

  47. [YT] 搞什麼這集全部都在訪問小胖阿,幹嘛請別人來阿???
    其他人又不是唱很爛 而且也長的很漂亮阿

    個人喜好:Olivia >閻 >林育群 > Kimberly

  48. [YT] 我覺得小s說得很有道理!!!而且才紅沒幾天 就開始有大頭症了…..
    爆紅是一件事 但能真正紅很久才是真正的紅

    聽他唱其他歌 就真的不好聽…..感覺適合他歌路很狹窄


    p.s 上次跟olivia 一起上康熙的一位女歌手,就是唱歌尾音都是ㄚ音 那個人是誰阿?

  49. [YT] 我覺得小s說得很有道理,而且林育羣最近負面新聞說他大頭症…….
    不知道為什麼感覺他只能紅一下而已 不詳的預感!!!!

  50. [YT] @mclim0101 Totally agree! The initial “wow” factor comes from his feminine voice, ppl are just shocked to see a man singing like a woman. But, as time passes, the excitement is gone and ppl start to scrutinize his vocal quality and techniques which still have a huge room for improvement.

  51. [YT] He has the natural talent b/c he possess a very good voice, but his singing is not unique, so I doubt he would make it internationally. There wouldn’t be 2 Whitney Houston, or 2 Beyonce in the market. So, if he really wants to succeed, he should try to find his own uniqueness and portray it. Plus, his singing techniques have not reached the superb level.

  52. [YT] 我觉得林育群唱歌还好吧,他好像每一首歌都唱的太高音了,有些尖锐,而且还是有点虚。是不错,但真的不至于大家说的那么夸张的好。

  53. [YT] 以一個十五歲的小朋友來說 Kimberley算唱的不錯,但以專業來說 我真的不覺得他唱得好….每次他唱我都會快轉….沒感情又抖抖的…..真的得不到共鳴…..

  54. [YT] @katherinejklo Agree. He can sing Whitney Houston’s song, but compared to many others, his power isn’t strong enough. I think he only got famous because he’s a man singing a high pitch song…and the fact that he’s asian.

  55. [YT] @Jackobe24
    americans aren’t racists….not all of them….only some of them…
    but i don’t disagree that some shows will make fun of him..i think it depends on wat show he’ll go on…like if it’s Oprah..then he’ll be fine.
    either way, i’ll support him for sure…=]

  56. [YT] 才20歲真是大有可為阿 閻羅王!
    改掉一些多了的哭腔你會更棒!! 加油 想趕快看到下一級PK你的倩影!
    低音很有Alin的味道! 好聽

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