康熙來了 2011-10-11 康熙歌唱訓練班又來了

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Tipster Rednimer

224 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-10-11 康熙歌唱訓練班又來了

  1. 只是看电视而已吧。。只是两岸都有很多唯恐天下不乱的人在对骂挑衅,能够一样说中文就应该多一份亲切感吧,关政治什么事,如果被这些乱骂的人影响到也互相骂d饿人也太幼稚了吧。。。

  2. Wtf shut up lah cheena dogs. You want to discriminate Singapore then don’t come to Singapore to work/study! You people are just a waste of space! So much for foreign talents, talented in making bubble teas in Singapore? Hahahaha what a joke! And for goodness sake, Singapore was never a part of China. The one who said Singapore was, I think you better use the time to study instead of leaving offensive comments here.
    IQ 零蛋 + EQ 零蛋。哈!我看你还是死了算了。


    • because they are 犯贱.

      criticize so much, and yet when the floodgates open, they swam over like Singapore is a land of gold. wow wow wow.
      they simply wish the whole world is China, so wherever they go, they won’t be look down upon.
      well, keep wishing prcs. 😀

    • Don’t u find your own comment offensive too? That’s y they find singaporeans as being too arrogant. 


      Btw, i’m from sg too. 

      Ps. 别然别人有机会说我们没水准. 心胸宽大点.. Cheers (:

    • 你看吧,又是一个自以为是的新加坡人。Singapore is singapore and will always be singapore. I believe those who can read definitely know the fact from world map. Never once singapore was part of china. But before you, Gigi , make any idiotic and foolish comment here, please think more wisely. Think about your ancestor. They come from China!Oh gawd! So you thought that your great great grandpa and grandma appears from the earth in singapore just like that???! Did you use the time to study  or instead of leaving offensive comments here??!  Calling names or cursing people does not shows that you are better than them. In fact, you make yourself sounds like a loser. It is written there. Loser! I am a singaporean chinese.

      • Stupid. Then the ancestors of Indians and Malays come from China?! I said, SINGAPORE WAS NEVER PART OF CHINA, WAS NEVER UNDER THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Which part do you not understand? So what my ancestors are from China? We were not once governed by China government, it was the British government.
        Don’t disgrace Singapore please. Don’t even know your own country’s history don’t act smart leave stupid comments here. 

        AND, ain’t you calling me a Loser too? Talk about “CALLING NAMES OR CURSING PEOPLE DOES NOT SHOW THAT YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEM”. *clap clap*
        Pot calling the kettle black~~~~~~~~~~

      • Eh please! Singapore is a mixture of different races and religion, so you mean Singapore is also part of INDIA? HAHAHA joke. So you mean if our ancestor settle down in England, England is part of China too? 只要你们踏过的都是中国的?看看谁狂妄自大了!新加坡人的祖先是来自各地不只是中国!你脑残吗?

  3. 很贊同樓下一些星加坡人否認自己是中國人,因為跟本就是兩個不同的國家,唯一兩者相同的是大家都是奴,只是共奴和李奴的分別.

    • 如果你可以把中文’或’英文都说得很好,姐也佩服你。姐最看不起你这种一句话都说不好,又夹中文又夹英文的。

  4. 吵个什么呀?不管中国、新加坡、台湾、香港,大家都是人!


  5. 嘆!我感覺到傷心又心寒了!之前有個好友和我就在討論到底是誰毀了華夏文化?滿清?毛澤東?文化大革命?都有責任吧!中國人真正的文化精神是什麼?沒有文化的民族和國家就沒有靈魂! ”華夏“ 是指 “純漢人” 而已嗎?也不對,因為五千年以來漢人一直有跟其他民族聯姻!只能無奈的解說成中國歷史上每個朝代都有盛世和腐敗,都對華夏有共獻也都有催毀華夏文明的無良心的漢奸和腦殘的獨裁者!最近又看到兩岸三地的人民不停的吵鬧, 政治圈也罷,連演藝圈也是!本人感到很傷心!我是美國華裔,父母是台灣的外省人,爺爺奶奶外公外婆都是浙江省寧波人,是隨著國民黨來台灣的!政治人物只關心他們自家的利益和權利,人民不該被牽著鼻子走!台灣和大陸對我來說都是手心手背,都有很深固的感情!我的眼裡只有正和邪,對與錯,是與非,只要是有利於老百姓的政策,不管是藍,綠,紅;不管是國民黨,民進黨,共產社會主義黨, 只要在進步,在盡力改善民生和讓教育和司法獨立,我就強烈支持!這就是在為百姓和未來子孫造福, 讓人民站起來,民富國強!別拿美國或歐洲來當榜樣,世界上沒有完善的製度,只有”適合“ 的製度!管好份內(自己)的事就好了!所以,台灣,大陸,香港,和來自五湖四海的炎黃子孫:拋開不同的政治關念因為那只會浪費時間。我們應該要向前看, 華人一直是以”文化和經濟“ 來往和被牢牢鎖在一起的!台灣和大陸都有腦袋清楚和文明的人,但不幸的是,也有無理取鬧的人!請盡量互相理解和包容好嗎?台灣和香港的朋友:”中共“ 非以前的”中共“ 也有人認為台灣才是華夏文化的精神支柱喔!繁體的漢字才是正統和美麗的!繁體的漢字能看出漢文化的靈魂!中國有在盡力了!要收拾毛澤東的爛攤子和養活十三(十四)億人口並非容易的事, 是一件大工程呀!誰都沒想到中國會改革開放,經濟起飛!讓時間和文化和經濟來淡化之間的仇恨和不滿。好嗎?可以嗎?有話大家好好說嘛!別打我,我只是傷心和說出心裡話呀!別再罵來罵去了!

    • 说的太好了!我觉得中国人关心的政治太少了。那些因为主权关系互相骂的并不叫关心政治。没有体系是完美的,所以我们才要多研究,多探讨。而不是人身攻击。最重要的是可以让所有人过上好的生活。

  6. 两名新加坡人一上知名综艺节目就把整个国家、法律、文化牵扯出来大做文章,是妒嫉还是吃饱没事干?

  7. 台湾回归问题只是政治游戏罢了。如果台湾只是个荒岛,而不是地理位置可以被美国日本监控,共产党会在乎吗?如果不是为了自己称王称霸,不想当别人的小弟听别人指挥,台湾的政治家会在乎回不回归吗?如果是蒋介石听到独立二字应该会死不明目吧,还不是想收回大陆自己当头头。现在不过是天方夜谭,不可能的事情。
    回与不回真正多少能影响到平民百姓的你多少?何苦为了一些野心政治家的决定要出口伤无辜的人?我们为何要为这伤和气?中华民国也好,中华人民共和国也好,始终我们都是龙的传人。很遗憾我交了世界各地的好朋友,诧异的是可以和日本人分享中医和汉字的好处,却很难和台湾人做真正的好朋友。台湾人对回归问题太敏感,或者有点太狭隘。其实你只不过是被人利用了而已。党派并不等于人民。或许很多人也与贫穷挂钩,台湾人觉得自己比较富有所以有优势,不想和大陆人相提并论,更甚很多台湾人更愿亲日本人,就因为日本比较发达,觉得做日本人比较“高贵“。很多中国人恨日本人是有原因的,因为日本人曾经对中国人做的非常的残忍,相比之下,英国人比起来要人道的多,所以才有为什么印度人或其他被英国侵略的人并没有那么憎恨英国人。我还记得南京大屠杀纪念馆里的一句话,对日本人做的,”Forgivable but not forgettable”. 虽然可以原谅,可以和现在的日本人做朋友,但是还是要记得曾经发生过的,而不能当汉奸!

    以后再有外国人问台湾人,你是从哪里来的。你可以说I’m from Taiwan, I’m Taiwanese. 但是请说的自信点,因为每次听到台湾人的回答都扭扭捏捏的,好像怕什么似的。

    • 影响很大! 回归了就要和中国一样穷和不自由了。 如果中国可以开放一点, 明主一点,那我相信他们也不用那么快的撇清关系。

      And the British did some pretty awful things in India as well, with massacres in the millions or at least on par with Nanking. The perceived greater anger of the Chinese to Japanese is not because the British were more ‘人道’, it is because of many other things. Such as the British occupation spanned hundreds of years, unlike the Japanese one which was mostly done during a war. Therefore the Indians have had a long time to absorb the language and much of the culture as well as some modern innovations which has arguably benefitted them in the long run. Japan left none of those things in China, though it did exactly that for taiwan.

      The Chinese/Japanese Nanking anger is the result of heaps of repeated “shit-stirring” propaganda by both sides, so that everytime the people are ready to forgive and forget, someone will jump in to remind them.

      PS. And my Taiwanese friends do say “I am Taiwanese from Taiwan” very confidently and proudly. I think maybe you are just reading what you want to hear.

      • 中国穷?这是谁告诉你呢?难道你不看新闻吗?你们台湾所谓的有钱人,哪个不是在你所谓的穷中国做生意的?台北能和北京上海比吗?你台北有上海繁华吗?不要因为没来过中国,而下意识的以为中国穷!台湾没有农村吗?没有穷人吗?你太可笑了,而且告诉你,我们中国人不觉得自己不自由,OK?

        • 我说的 “穷” 是人民生活素质, 平均收入 和 低收入的比例。 不能因为有一小部分的贪官拿着90%的财富就说这国家很富裕。 Its called Wealth Distrisbution。

          “中国人不觉得自己不自由”, 那是因为没有尝试过或者忘记了, 所以没有比较。

          明白外国是这么漾的中国人也有觉得不自由的,OK? Eg, 艾未未, Facebook, Google, 达赖喇嘛 和 天安门的学生 都尝试过中国的“自由”。

      • 希望中国政府赶紧收起对台湾的一大堆友好政策,别再浪费资源在他们身上了,封杀他们,让愿意回归的回归,不愿意回归的,就在小岛上坐吃等死吧  

        • 願意回歸的大都已入棺了吧… 當在台灣所謂的”外省人”的曾孫, 曾曾孫長大後, 他們只會告訴別人”我的阿公阿祖也是在台灣出生的” 再過一些日子, 有誰還會是從中國到台灣的? 誰的父親/祖父是從中國到台灣的? 就好像遷移到東南亞的華人, 他們都已經居住在那裡好幾代了, 還有誰感覺得到濃濃的”我的祖國叫中國”味道? 多到外面的世界看看吧, 別再一直活在自己狹隘的空間裡, 完全沒有世界觀.

          • 其实台湾这块弹丸之地,对大陆来说真是可有可无.只要台湾政府坚持住,永远不要向中国政府妥协就行了!!GOOD LUCK

      • I didn’t say the british were completely nice. I just said they didn’t do as bad/nasty as what Japanese did. Killing is not necessary the worst if it’s a clean kill. Japanese used real human body to test bio-weapons and made the people living like hell. I don’t think it is a good way like you said people should forget what happened and move on. People should REMEMBER and FORGIVE and make sure this is NOT happening again! So Japanese should not change the history book! It’s not acceptable!


    • “以后再有外国人问台湾人,你是从哪里来的。你可以说I’m from Taiwan, I’m Taiwanese. 但是请说的自信点,因为每次听到台湾人的回答都扭扭捏捏的,好像怕什么似的。” —>?????

      這該不是你在中國看到的情形吧?! 台灣人在國外可是很大方也很開心的說”I’m from Taiwan, I’m Taiwanese” 會害怕也只有在害怕中國的惡勢力, 會給自己招來不幸的好嗎?

    • 我是台灣人在英國讀書 可是我有很多好朋友都是中國人
      我覺得政治的問題交給政治家就好啦 干我們屁事
      所以大家別吵這種問題好嗎 很無聊

  8. 你们这些香港仔,大陆猪,台湾狗和新加坡虫,迟早再被日本人,洋人强奸,鸡奸。 都不团结,成天骂来骂去。该死的华人畜牲!

  9. 父親是學系教授 年輕時走訪許多國家 在新加坡實習時遇見兩位一輩子最親 他們互相稱為兄弟的朋友 直到現在相處兩地兄弟間情感不曾間斷過 

    今年將是我父親第十一趟前往中國內第的旅行 雖然口音,生長背景,文化,和很多習慣不盡相同,甚至差別極大 每次父親回來便對我們說 每去一個省份 在他的家庭名單裡就會多一位成員 在當地他認識了許多人出手相助,搭救,因此成為畢生至交

    並不想添加過多個人情感意見在這裡 但每當閱讀完這裡的留言都會覺得一絲絲遺憾

    說真的 我們應為”能說中文”感到驕傲 世界上這麼多族群,角落使用中文 很多人使用國語
    去過新加坡 不感到陌生 在那裡買東西 服務生知道我從台灣去便很努力和我說 他從電視上學到的 不是非常流利的台語 

    去內地 有次在餐館裡和鄰座便聊了起來 我學他們說話捲著舌頭 他們說台灣人說話有種很可愛的腔 但他們學不來 我從背包裡拿了滋路巧克力和維力炸將麵跟他們分享 臨走時他們送上我好幾罐我愛吃的內蒙特產,我最愛吃的奶貝

    我們的祖先都是來自中國 我是台灣人 爺爺是外省湖南人 奶奶卻是嘉義人 小時候不明白 只怕大陸攻打台灣 長大後才悟出這當中維妙的關係 

    在我那神遊來去的小小腦袋瓜常會幻想 如果有天 各大洲起戰攻打各州
    不管你來自哪一個國家中國大陸,香港,澳門,台灣,不管你是來自新加玻,馬來西亞,泰國,越南,緬甸,日本,還是韓國的華僑 這份關系便成為把我們凝聚在一起 最大,最隱形的且最具殺傷力去攻打其他-州的武器在台灣我不希望藍綠打起來 

    我相信網主在這裡設定這空間的意義是鼓勵來這裡觀賞影片的所有朋友能彼此交換意見, 彼此交流,切磋  

    我才二十三歲 沒甚麼大志向 只願世界和平 友愛,珍惜經過你身邊,在您的樓上,樓下 或一到二十樓在此或任何地方留言的朋友

    在此僅代表本人淺見 無攻擊任何人的想法  只想好好利用這小小空間,分享我對主持人,來賓和B2
    的看法(縱使目前有時負的多過於正的:D) 和聽聽來自各地的朋友對於康熙來了的獨到見解和想法


      • 你以為大陸人個個都希望你們台灣回歸嗎?最好別回歸,早點打台灣就是我愛看的,真是受不了一堆像跳蚤一樣自以為是的東西…這麼愛獨立就獨立阿,有本事你們國家就都自給自銷,都不要進口國外商品 都不要和別的國家往來,擺明的就一群勢利眼的傢伙,看到日本人都是態度好到像狗,看到中國大陸一些沒錢的就在擺出一副智商低的樣子,台灣人都被洗腦了還是怎樣?是從你上學那天起就被灌輸要與一切大陸有關的東西劃清界限?說大陸好的都是狗,那你是甚麼?連狗都不如。只會空穴來風在那瞎叫

        • 哀..看看人家叫你狗不是沒道理的,只是一顆屎亂發言,你就吠了整篇的廢話關於台灣。自以為有道理?是否是否是否是否!!!

          • …我笑了 我根本跟那個寫一大堆字的人不是一個人..你在體現你的智商低嗎..說話語無倫次

    • 寫得好好..,我也覺得大家都說同種語言,來自相同祖先,不管來自哪裡,都應該團結…多個朋友總比多個敵人好..

  10. 台湾只是一个小岛,新加坡只是一个小小小岛,全世界的中国人要团结,台湾与新加坡要回归中国!

    • ???! What? Whilst the Taiwan thing is mildly understandable though I would disagree, I don’t think Singapore has ever been a part of China?? Its not attached geographically, its population also consists of Malays and Indians.

      So how can you say “回归”?? It’ll be like saying America and Australia should 回归 to England?

      • Really don’t get those CHINA people … forcing their issues on other chinese people .. even chinese in different CHINA area, they are all different.  

    • 你还好吧?新加坡干嘛要“回归”中国呀?根本就扯不上关系好不好?而且新加坡也不是单一民族,你怎么可以这么自私+贪心,拜托用大脑想一想吧。呸!

      But of course, there’s no cure for stupidity. Continue dreaming then.

    • I think it’s fine they remained as their own countries.  Singapore is not all chinese people … it used to belong to Malaysia and before that by sultans … so it was never never belonging to CHINA!  

      China is already big enough, stop forcing area back … 

    • 虽然我们只是一个小小岛,但比你们一大片土成功得多。至少我们基本教育做的好,知道新加坡从不属于中国。至少我们教养做的好,知道做人不要太自大。至少我们常识都有,知道新加坡有的不只是华人。我承认我们有华人,但不是中国人。

    • I nearly burst out laughing reading this phrase: ‘新加坡要回归中国’.
      Probably you will nead up some facts and history before making irrelevant comments. =)
      Singapore is NEVER part of China. Singapore was part of Malaysia. But well, this island had immigrants who were from china, India and Malaysia many years back. This might be because Nangyang (Malaysia/Singapore) was a better place to live in? Well, well, well. =)

    • Hello Roger! When a fellow Singaporean is trying to tell people from other countries what he sincerely thinks about his fellow Singaporeans, his fellow countrymen are quick to shut him up to upkeep the image of the country. That speaks a lot about the idea of democracy and freedom in the Lion City. Why don’t you all just strip his pants and spank him?

      This is jail truly, where I know I must be 
      Where my dreams wait for me, where that river always flows 
      This is jail surely, as my senses tell me 
      This is where I won’t be alone, for this is where I know it’s jail

    • It’s basically the same all around … there are always ignorant … arrogant… immature .. stupid ..childish people everyone !  I am sure with the internet these days, you will know that by now!?!

  11. Jesus, I’m sorta curious where everyone is from? Is it a thing to be super racist against other Asians  overseas? And as for all of the racist Singaporian stereotypes, whilst I don’t know if its true, but I do know that Chinese people are crazy racist against other, poorer Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Phillipines, India etc, so is it really so surprising that the same is being done to you?

    Can’t you all just accept that there are cultural differences and that all these seperate countries; China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, have problems as well as good points? Why can’t we all just get along?

    • Hong Kong is a country? You dickhead must be learning Chinese thru watching these tv shows. As for being racists I feel sorry for your father who got killed in Nam for nuthing’ by “gooks” lol.

      • I’m not American, I’m Aussie and also Chinese. I speak fluent Chinese but my computer can’t type it. But I guess since I expressed confusion and surprise at the various displays of blatant racism I must be a “arse-licking Yank” and a “dickhead” with a dead dad. This must be because you see racism as a good thing so instead of seeing my comment as an attempt at placation, you choose instead to attack everyone here who doesn’t adopt your racist attitude.

        All I can say is that your racist attitude won’t win you anything other than frustration because no matter what you do, you can’t make everyone exactly like you. Whereas on the other hand, acceptance will open up new experiences and friends.

        Ps. And yes, i’m sorry for my generalisation about HK being a country, I know its not. But for the sake of this argument, HK has been a British colony for the better part of 100 years and therefore it is culturally and economically the equivalent of Taiwan and Singapore in the sense that its ‘like’ a seperate country.

  12. 大家都是华人,吃米,用筷子,过新年。。。 只不过我们都在不同的国家成长,文化和生活习惯有些差异。你们这样打击对方,其实很多时候不经意地也在骂自己。请你们去读 cross cultural management.. 试着去尊重对方。大家开开心心的看康熙来了不是很好吗???

    • 我不吃米,我吃飯,我不用筷子,我用刀叉、湯匙,我不用簡體字,我用正體字,我不過農曆新年,我過聖誕節,我小時不讀毛語錄,我小時讀論語


        • 真正的中国其实只有河南省那块地方,其他地方都是攻占而来的,不然中国为何不统一韩国、越南、蒙古,那些地方在历史上中国也攻占过,中国与台湾与新加坡明明文化就不一样了,就像英国与美国一样。中国各省都独立,对世界的和平与人类的进步是有帮助的!

          • 先認真讀點吧書 不然真的很丟人 中原才是指河南 中原不同中國 我不教你太多了 先讀書吧

          • 真的很受不了有些人这么说,如果不喜欢大陆也没有人管你,只能说是文化差异,我能够理解那些想法,毕竟从小生长的地方不一样,接受的教育也不一样,但是也不要一味的批评大陆人,大陆人不是所有都是坏的,也不是所有都是好的,每个国家都是有好的人也有不好的,为什么要在这里口出恶言呢

          • 没错,中国人是个不爱和平的种族,如果兴起,对世界的和平,尤其是亚洲的和平会带来灾祸,对中国人自己也会很惨,对老百姓的白色恐怖也会兴起,

      • 如果我写错了什么东东,我能虚心地接受你的改正。是有差,都说了 Cultural difference.. 每个人的习好都不同啊,你喜欢上网不代表全台湾人都喜欢上网啊。论语我在新加坡也有学啊。。 我说什么你明不明啊。。 hais.. -.-

        • 台湾只是一个小岛,新加坡只是一个小小小岛,全世界的中国人要团结,台湾与新加坡要回归中国!

          • 新加坡雖然是個小小小島, 可是不管是經濟或是安全都比中國來的好. 歸屁呀? 新加坡本來就不屬於中國. 請讀讀你的歷史吧~

  13. 我一個朋友問我說,”那些星奴因為主人說口香糖會把地方弄髒不准吃口香糖所以就乖乖的不吃了,但如果有一天主人快要蒙主寵召,在意識糢糊間說拉屎會弄髒,那時侯星奴會不會………..??

  14. do you like people to say bad things about your country ? if you don’t please stop doing it . it just show how well is your mentality

  15. 又在吵民族主义跟国家主义,烦~

    • 新加坡人均35163美元年收入

        • 中国是个虽然平均收入超低,但沿海拿到国外给人看的,都是super有钱人,加上中国人多,资源多,死了内地的农民、工民,活了沿海的商人

      • 你那是沒經過PPP調整的數據 不能真實反應生活水準 經過調整後是
        新加坡 62100
        美國 47200
        香港 45900
        台灣 35700
        德國 35700
        英國 34800
        日本 34000
        法國 33100
        澳門 33000
        南韓 30000
        大陸 7600

        以上是美國 CIA factbook 上的估計

  16. KID今年27歲,如果KID爸爸婚前追求過阿妹,至少是28年前的事,當年阿妹只有11歲,這有三個可能,一是KID爸爸認錯人了,二是KID爸爸有戀童癖,三是KID在瞎說。

  17. 有需要比較倒這種程度嗎? 怎麼又是一定要聊起國籍啊..

    如果是台灣或其他區域的音樂人, 但所有舉止是一樣的, 還會被拿出來說嗎?

      • 如果你們自己新加坡電視很好看為什麼要來看台灣做的節目,為什麼還要瘋迷台灣的鄉土八點檔劇?不要吃盡別人的好處然後撒野,你丟的是你們國家人的臉面! (中國也一樣!) 有種就自己去做好看節目,不要來看了又來罵!!

        • 如果你們自己台灣經濟很好看為什麼要來大陸做生意,為什麼還要靠大陸觀光客?不要吃盡別人的好處然後撒野,你丟的是你們的臉(忘記你們不受國際承認!) 有種就只做本土生意,不要時不時去向美國佬乞求救助!!

    • 沒錯!我在新加坡認識的新加坡人都短視近利,又自私又骯髒,不愛排隊自以為是高等公民,對外來人冷漠無情又鄙視,如果中國人一天到晚說的忘了祖國拋棄中華血統的應該是指新加坡人才對,也不想想以前自己的祖先就是從中國來的打工仔,現在自己卻厭惡起到新加坡的中國移民,自己卻說著一口華人聽到會想笑,歐美聽到會一頭霧水的中英文,可悲的新加坡人。台灣並不是你們李瘋癲光耀老頭說幾句屁話就會被中國收復的,管好你們自己新加坡吧!

      • 你凭什么批评李光耀和新加坡人?自以为是的人是你吧。。不要一竹竿打翻一船人。我喜欢台湾的节目,也喜欢台湾人,BUT I THINK YOU ARE PATHETIC. 他们俩只是上一上节目,需要扯到这里来吗?无聊。

      • 新加坡的语言变体是自然现象,请你到世界各地听一听当地华人如何说中文。他们在发音、词汇、句法等方面一定都具有当地特色。是你以自己为标准,看不起新加坡的语言变体。国语语言能力你比较强,但肯定你在人品上不怎么样。

      • On Taiwanese shows I’ve seen hosts laughing and mimicking the way other Chinese speaks. How China has the 卷舌,and of course the “weird” accent of Singaporean, Malaysian, Thailand, Japanese etc. when speaking Mandarin. I know you are proud of your language, but please do not use this as a basis to humiliate others. As for the “短視近利,又自私又骯髒,不愛排隊自以為是高等公民,對外來人冷漠無情又鄙視”, are there no Taiwanese who fits the bill?These very characteristics can be found in any country, any people which includes you.

        • Singaporean men piss in elevators.
          Singaporean women are mostly inactive in bed unless their are being banged by westerners.


          • Lol.You are really adamant in proving your point. I’m seriously not THAT free,but you can just flip through your local Taiwanese newspaper for similar news,or since you are on it, why not search it up on youtube?You seem to be the kind who enjoys look at these kind of news…Did I just make a stereotype? My bad.

          • I did not have to look it up, I just typed in Singaporeans and the news just popped up.

            But I apologise for sterotyping all Singporean chicks. Ting Pei Ling with a Spade bag looks like a decent politician lol.

          • So…when you were typing “Singaporeans” you didn’t have any,I should say, ill intentions? With such goodness in your heart you typed “Singaporeans” and these kind of news pops out? That must have had shocked you! And I do agree with you, indeed, Ting Pei Ling with a Spade bag looks like a decent politician. Who says politicians can’t have spade bags? I’m sure female politicians have those, I’m not too familiar with brands, LV? Chanel? Or was there a small print in those female politicians handbook that states they can’t?

          • Do you not feel that it’s a little immoral how you are carrying things a little too far? I think it’s fine by us that you do not like Singapore for perhaps the political scene amongst many other aspects, never mind how there is a dark side to every country’s politics that nobody gets to see. I too find it unfair that out of so many other videos or images (I refuse to believe that Google or Youtube has nothing good about Singapore to offer), you simply selectively picked Tin Pei Ling and her Kate Spade to be your point of argument here. All when you do not even understand the whole political standing in Singapore, and going on to decide that a young politician posing with a gift box is not very ‘decent’.

            And woops I’m not very sure which country’s President got into a court case.

          • Bian case is a political prosecution from KMT you jerk. You dun understanding anything about Taiwan either. The KMT is running out of lawful tactics and now trying to frame our vice-presidential candidate for some so-called illegal use of farmland. We came to Taiwan before KMT did lol.

      • 唉,台灣人都這樣,超級會抱怨,一有甚麼不爽的可以把人罵到死,搞的你們台灣是多麼神聖的一片淨土,每個人都超級有素質,超級守秩序,你知道法國人怎麼評價你們台灣人嗎,nationalist,愛國主義狂熱者,腦子里只有台灣,跟別人的聊天內容永遠只有台灣,自以為台灣是世界上最好的地方..既然這樣,你們就自我陶醉好了,幹嘛出來跟別人爭論?

      • i would very much like to listen to how you bring across your so-called “并非一頭霧水的中英文“。 if your mandarin isnt as good as the chinese, and english is worst than any of the singaporean, do keep your mouth shut. by the way, “我在新加坡認識的新加坡人”(quoted) , this sentence shows that you are currently in Singapore? i hope you are not pursuing education or a job in singapore. if it is so, it just show how pride-less, how bastard you are. commenting on our people but on the other hand taking some advantages from us. how hilarious it is.  

        “管好你們自己新加坡吧”(quoted) we are very good, in term of our country well-being. but how about taiwan? self-reflect dude. ex-president exploiting government funds and jailed etc. wow! so exciting for taiwanese.

    • 婉轉地說,新加坡和香港人都是過分自信。。自信是好事,不過不是對著自己人。。既然這麼有種,去外國佬面前自信看看

      • 在外过老面前也可以很自信啊,为什么不可以?亚洲人之所以看起来卑微全是你们这群自以为外国人很强的人害的。外国人不必亚洲人勤奋,看学校成绩,工作表现就知道。为什么认为亚洲人(包括新加坡,台湾,中国,香港人)比不上他们呢?外国人之所以歧视我们就是因为我们先歧视自己。自己都看不起自己,别人又怎么会看得起你呢?这种争论用两个字形容,那就是无聊。

    • 真好笑 每次台湾人都以为自己是华人世界最优秀的一只  实际上只是井底之蛙被自己的声音淹没的可怜虫

  18. 我今天才算是认识了真正的小s,或者说我早应该想到,她恐怕自己都忘了自己当年是怎么哭着说《我不难过》这首歌的。

  19. 祝昨天(10月10日)中華民國台灣100年生日快樂、紀念中華民國辛亥革命100年、感念國父孫中山先生、感念辛亥革命的革命先烈、三民主義萬歲、台灣民主萬歲。

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