康熙來了 2011-10-17 男人也有失心瘋亂買的時候!

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Tipster Rednimer

130 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-10-17 男人也有失心瘋亂買的時候!

  1. 很多明星真的没大脑,被这些江湖骗子的谬论骗得团团转,这些听起来极其愚蠢的理论也能蒙到人,也许这就是这些江湖骗子们生存的土壤吧

  2. 一到林智賢的部分就冷場了。快轉、快轉、快轉—–

  3. 班傑笑死我啦, 只能說我這種凡人太膚淺了, 也不想批評他, 但他確實太瘋啦, 其實過份養身, 反而會不平衡吧? 唉, 營養食品是建議買啦 , 但浪費這些金錢去買其他物品, 太不值了!!與神溝通?還是先跟你的錢包先溝通吧? 

  4. 班傑Swiss Diamond® is premium cookwaremade in Switzerland. It features a unique, super-durable, patented and award-winning non-stick cooking surface using real diamond crystals. It won’t blister nor peel or scratch.Due to the long lifetime and the large amount of renewable energies which are used in the production, Swiss Diamond®cookware is a most sustainable product which offers you the highest cooking excellence.

  5. 這裡很多偽裝成不同的人,留下一些煽動的留言,只是要看你們互相開罵,你們還真的乖乖的開罵?要發表政治想法,可以到一些比較專業的政治討論區,在這裡開罵沒辦法影響政治,只是給那些有心的人看笑話。

  6. 其實近這二十年算是華人(包括所有生活在內地,台灣,星馬泰,世界各地等…..)最感自豪的年代,因為在歐美日等文明進步的國家監管督促下巳鮮有發生互相殘殺這起事來,但無奈大陸那些心懷不軌的共匪野心家仍不時在蠢動唬嚇我們,所以我們也要緊記在馬祖那幾句著名標語”爭取最後勝利 消滅朱毛漢奸 解救大陸同胞 蔣總統萬歲”

      • That is only true for people who lives in Taiwan. The best example is the Olympic Games, where “Taiwan” is considered part of China because they have to be renamed “China Taipei”. Internationally Taiwan is not considered to be independent from China. Just get used to it. Small countries doesn’t have to power to decide on anything and if you had read the history of China, you should know that Taiwan was indeed part of China and that is a fact.

        • China once lost its land to Japan, so does it belong to japan? Singapore once merge with Malaysia, so does it belong to Malaysia? 

          So if somebody bigger in size than you wants to bash you, you stand there and let him beat you up? You dont stand up for yourself? You just tell yourself: “I am small, i cannot decide. Please beat me up”. It doesnt work like that in life.

          • I will tell you some interesting history, there is a portion of the territory in the US that once belonged to Mexico and they lost it because of war and never recovered it. This just proved my point, big countries can do whatever they want, it is like a food chain. Besides, losing a war and merging with another countries don’t have anything to do with this. Taiwan was indeed part of China if it wasn’t for some “rebels” who escaped and have nowhere to go and decided to established there.  Also, I see more advantages than disadvantages in the unification of of the island and China.

        • 我只知台灣的護照可免簽行遍百國,而大陸僅二十多國,對我來說這就是國際對台灣的”認可”,
          我只知大陸一直以來即便到現在,仍有許多地方還在接受國際間的援助,台灣更是出錢出力從不落人後 !

          • 你怎么知道,你们没有得到大陆的各方面资助?农副产品免了你们多少税你知道吗?

          • 雖然我不是很擅長聊政治…但根據我對歷史的了解,國共內戰,國民政府逃來台灣…


          • 大陸對外援助才多得一個可怕, 只是對內…. 反正現在打起來而美國不介入的話, 台灣是輸定了

        • man… can’t figure out why we Chinese always think like a dictator.. is it because we live under dictatorship? anyway..if we can’t even show our respect for ppl live in Taiwan, what is the reason for them to unite with us?

        • 這裡很多偽裝成不同的人,留下一些煽動的留言,只是要看你們互相開罵,你們還真的乖乖的開罵?要發表政治想法,可以到一些比較專業的政治討論區,在這裡開罵沒辦法影響政治,只是給那些有心的人看笑話。

    • 你來這裡說這種話 是無聊孤單所以想被人罵or找人嘴砲嗎= =
      為什麼就不能安安靜靜的看節目= =
      其他中國人會以你的無知為恥= = 台灣明明就是個國家 
      那麼喜歡搞此地無銀三百兩 真是悲哀
      Taiwan is my home country!

    • 不知道你发这个留言是何居心~ 我只想说大陆人认同你这个看法的越来越少了~ 尤其是今年恰逢辛亥革命100周年,越来越多的大陆人开始认同中华民国~ 我虽然不赞同名义上的台独 (实际上中华民国很明显是一个主权国家),但是维持目前不独不统的现状对两岸的中国人都是好事~ 

      • Yes, but he looks serious about his spiritual stuff. Noticing when other people said the pan is gonna give him cancer. He made a cross with his fore arms……to repel the negative energy, probably.  I wouldn’t say that he is crazy, but he has very strong spiritual beliefs.

  7. 有点科学常识的都知道,大部果实子都是希望被动物吃掉的。所以会有甜美的果皮,比如苹果桃子梨子等等,以便内部的种子通过动物携带或者排便的方式传播到附近或者远方。。。。

  8. 很少能看到像班傑这样的混血喜欢搞这些虚的东西。。。。。第一次看老外卖大力丸  哈哈哈哈

  9. 汗…我是真的完全看不懂Enzo的那条裤子….其实班杰那裤子不会象S说的把男子气概都弄没了. 因为气概是表现在人的言行上嘛…:) 见过很多很男生穿那样的裤子,照样是很男人的:) 而且那个裤子好象现在在年轻男生之间超级流行吧.:)

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