康熙來了 2012-03-07 新一代宅男女神舞蹈挑戰賽 (上)

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192 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-03-07 新一代宅男女神舞蹈挑戰賽 (上)

  1. 方志友看到沒有人投給她 蔡康永問她是不是想哭 她的原形就跑了出來 那種小孩感覺不見了 還說自己沒有裝 假到爆

  2. 果子像黃美珍(神木与瞳)

  3. 方志友誇語安唱歌好聽耶…最好不是挖洞讓語安跳喇…可怎麼看起來就那麼像是挖洞給人家跳…


  4. 完全記得陳語安, 上次來康熙時很像小孩的, 站在旁邊的, 最美是她.
    果子也記得, 上次卸妝那一集.

  5. 不看題目我還以為今天是在介紹動物園裡的珍禽異獸.她們比昨晚我在大陸當大爺時那堆500塊操一晚的鷄氣质差太多了.

  6. Yeah I don’t get the hating on 方志友. She’s the most attractive out of all the girls in my opinion. Outgoing personality is a plus. At least she doesn’t look like a slut like all the other girls. The other girls seem like they’d be very boring to talk to. Idk…maybe these guys like prostitutes or something. The one all the way on the left with supposedly big boobs (which I don’t see at all) looks like a tranny. I can’t believe they talked about her for so long. I don’t see how 方志友 is annoying…she seems pretty normal to me.

    • The others are saying that she’s faking the whole innocence personality.
      Which frankly I do agree a little. Yes she is amusing/entertaining, but it was so obvious that she doesn’t have the best intentions when she praised 語安 on her singing even going to the extent of saying her singing is like Wang Fei. She has a singing background and by saying that, she’s clearly putting 語安 in a spot where she can easily outshine her based on her singing.

  7. 瑋瑋好美舞蹈也好強呀,她那兩位同學也超搞笑超賤的!!想不到老師也是這種style!!哈哈.

  8. 王偉忠很爛,別再提他了!跟他有關的台灣綜藝節目不少都搞這種情色露胸,沒腦賣弄身材就可,我已經不愛看了.節目沒內涵的很多,又變相鼓勵少女處處露,真是影響社會風氣.少數台灣主持人的節目我還愛看,現改看大陸節目,看看大陸人的嘴臉與腦袋想啥有時還蠻有趣的.

      • 還好大陸節目很多選擇阿…每省都有電視台耶!

  9. 方志友是王偉忠的藝人 她不是宅男女神B2卻發她上這個單元 一定是公司要她走這個路線試試看 她不過儘量照公司指導在做 罵她做什麼呢? 只能說還沒把她訓練得夠自然 戲太多 B2就怱促把她推出來當炮灰 一些經紀公司都不想花時間好好培養藝人 想走宅男捷徑看能不能一炮而紅 不能就再換一個

  10. 哈哈 那兩個小踐貨 哈哈 這暱稱太讚了   那兩個小踐貨真的太搶眼了 我一直在看他們欠揍的表情 哈哈哈哈阿哈

  11. Just because the hosts are attacking 方志友 for “节目效果” , doesn’t mean all you 方志友 haters have to join the bandwagon. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

    • 不是吧,感覺他好像只在很使勁的在做身体操,完全沒有那种dancing fu呵,還有就是三不五時在街上看到一些有精神病的人也是喜歡這樣亂動手腳的.

  12. 哈哈~ 本来以为会无聊~ 西小瓜好可爱哇~~~ 不过他没化妆的时候是vcr里的哪个??

  13. 有點無言

    拜託 有 方志友 的畫面麻煩剪掉

    今天的談吐 動作 舉止  


  14. Those zai nan are either fake or really retarded, for not giving a single vote after weiwei’s dance. Also Xiao S and Cai Kang Yong need to stop attacking 方志友 even if its just for the shows’s amusement factor ffs. From a woman and gay fag’s point of view she might not be attractive but its simply not the case for guys. I find it unbelievable that she has 0 votes for being by far the cutest looking and in a school uniform to top it off, those are a bunch of fake otaku attending the show.

    •  其实攻击方志友只是给他镜头, 类似陈汉典,

      小伙英文不错, 可惜不太懂什么是”节目效果”.

      林采缇名声在这几个女艺人里最高, 搜索一下就知道了. 所以得票最多没问题.

      • I understand that the hosts attacking 方志友  is for “节目效果”, they do that always to the first person seated closest to them, but still I think its still a little overboard. Also 方志友 is the cutest girl in taiwan in my opinion, I’d pick her over all the other girls even before they turned around. No brainer decision.

        •  这种女人很假, 不喜欢.  你想要pick her估计得是高帅富,她可能会看你几眼, 你不是高帅富, 可能她理都不理你.

          • haha, I guess what he’s saying by “pick her” means “choose her as 宅男女神” rather than get to befriend with her. Anyway, I agree with you on the “高帅富” point.  XD 

        • I like 方志友 too.

    • 方志友’s being attacked because she has a 路人face and was always faking.  read all the below comments you will found the haters are marjority.

      • one could simply get the answer from you, an idiot impersonating the name of another and saying words about other’s mom and dad. Perhaps, you are anoraphan w/o mom and dad … Poor kid… what a pity

        • That’s the most polite insult I’ve ever heard, learn to talk trash bitch, your mom pity me all over my face last night

          • The most polite insult ? that shows how ignorance you are. you should be ashamed of yourself coward

          • ignorance is not an adjective!!! HAHAHAHAH What is “how ignorance you are”……YOU ARE THE IGNORANT ONE, go learn English CHINK!

          • LOL wtf are you retarded? You’re calling people chinks when your screen name is Chinese and you’re on a website for Taiwanese shows?? You’re a “chink” too dumbass. You argue like a 12 year old makin jokes about people’s mom and dad. GTFO you idiot.

          • but I’m not making jokes, I really did f&%k your mom last night, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. She was begging for more and now this morning she couldn’t stop calling me. Go ask her, and tell her to stop harassing me.

          • 你就別理那臭小孩吧,估計他被外國人問候父母祖宗問得多了,嘴皮子只會說這些話

          • Poor little retarded chinky coward… Your family is wasting time and money in sending you to the UK. Go and write an essay in English and post it here IDIOT!

          • 那白痴真聽話,自己來對號入座貼一篇essay in English,那不是承認自己是IDIOT嗎?笑死人!

          • Sorry Ronnie, I didn’t realize that you were replying to my post, because I am a chinky idiot, hahahah, I am so dumb. I guess you are right Ronnie, I am a chinky idiot

          • You are right, I am a retard, you see, my mother was a slut and she slept with too many men back in the day. I still don’t know who my father is. 

          • Oh my god, my mom is such a slut, I hate myself, where is my dad? I don’t know who my dad is because my mom slept with too many men, and a few women

    •  几年之前 星光大道的时候长得不错, 被王伟忠签下来, 但是过了几年变普通了. 看着不像21, 像25, 26

  15. 語安有點像張柏芝!!!  而且[性格]也很像,    說不唱歌就不唱…….   真有個性!!!!!  

  16. 方志友好假! hate her so much!
    故意把話說不清楚, 在裝可愛的啦!!!!!!!!
    留意一下, 瑋瑋示範撒嬌時, 方志友在黑面哩
    到她說話時馬上變臉, WTF!!!

  17. 第一支舞的伴舞是男的吧?说实话男生还是该跳男生的舞啦,因为再怎么跳,在做手术之前也还是男的,换句话说就是再怎么样也不如女生跳起来漂亮.

  18. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, 既然大家都这么看康熙 如果大家在用QQ或者facebook的话,我们一起建个群好不好?

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