美少女時代 2010-05-29 韓流來襲偶像團體模仿賽

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264 thoughts on “美少女時代 2010-05-29 韓流來襲偶像團體模仿賽

  1. [YT] 失敗 !
    不整齊 又亂改動作 動作僵硬 不然就是太大力 有時候動作又太小
    MV 再多看個幾十萬遍 再來挑戰吧

  2. [YT] 那叫Mr.嗎 !? 那是殭屍在跳舞吧 ? 僵硬的像什麼一樣 !
    就算屁屁舞那裡不好就算了 ! 但是連其他地方也跳得像殭屍一樣..
    這叫做很多練習嗎 ?
    笑死人 !
    難道他們眼中的 KARA跳舞時 是像個殭屍一樣跳嗎 ?

  3. [YT] 好失敗喔!韓國團體的舞蹈 就是延展性 跟整齊 這是什麼鬼阿~!
    模仿勒~有一個 看起來就是不熟舞蹈 動作又超小 一看就知道不會跳了
    到底來幹麻的 斂財協會的喔!當然也有跳的好的 只是不會跳的在裡面
    看起來就很礙眼 就變了失敗的表演了!

  4. [YT] @ch0cstr4wb3rry no offense. but most of them can dance well. SNSD have 4 main dancers that can dance really well. and the rest of the five vocals can also dance well. Maybe you should look at their performances then comment ba. They are very busy now and all of them have their own activities that they hardly have any time to gather together and practice. But when they dance, its amazing. afterall, they have being training for an average of 5 years.

  5. [YT] first time watching this show. Just watching because its of korean theme. seriously the girls are so noisy. Its irritating to watch them. Wo Ai Hei Se Bang Bang Tang girls are much better than them.

  6. [YT] OH GOD . Did you guys see how bad they dance … I’m not saying it on purpose , or something … but seriously they made SP’s Sorry Sorry look so bad ….

  7. [YT] OMG ! how come 美少女時代always have the same unit as wo ai hei se bang bang tang ? I got so piss at those girls … Wo Ai Hei Se Bang Bang Tang is much better than those girl …

  8. [YT] @andy190973 i know what u mean and agree with u!!!
    才藝不行,這個可以體諒,可以慢慢去增進!!不過她們這様的態度真的很糟!!!! 很難幫她們說好話!!!唉!希望她們好好反省是真的!

  9. [YT] 可以還我真正的mr.嗎???
    怎麼會被跳成這樣!!!!!!!!! 我們都要哭了~~~
    屁股用力的部分 完全錯誤!!

    阿啊~~不要這樣阿 要練習壓~

  10. [YT] 根本那群”美少女”和黑澀會就沒有得比呀

  11. [YT] 唔該啦`扮咁有質素ge少時..`就跳好d`練好d啦`唔好影衰少時啦`我想嘔囉`唔該`收皮啦`依班人`同你地講野`曬哂我d口水`-,-唉,,

  12. [YT] 每次都看到有人說 黑棒多利害比美少女好多之類的話 但不想想黑棒他們出道好幾年了
    他們在鏡頭前表現過百次以上 他們比美少女好是正常的 為甚麼黑棒的fans不能對美少女包容一點 給她們磨練的機會. 好像最初的黑澀會很多美眉也沒甚麼才藝 但經過幾年留下來的美眉表演都有明顯進步. 所以希望黑棒的fans就算不喜歡美少女也不要惡意批評 謝謝

    p.s 美少女們很多都是第一次跳舞 跳不好是大家預料中的 但也要注意態度問題 好像小草 abbie lara……..

  13. [YT] 大家好!

  14. [YT] 跳小啦!!
    Sorry Sorry 那一個很誇張!!
    Brown Eyed Girl的也亂跳
    Hot Issue 也沒跳多好!!

  15. [YT] 把哥哥们的Sorry sorry 跳成这样 超失望的。说没努力也不是 应该是没用心去表演吧 要是这样的话 真的不要跳好了。

  16. [YT] 他们的尖叫好吵。这要想黑涩会他们学一下(至少黑涩会的尖叫很好听)

  17. [YT] When Taiwanese tries to imitate Korean people they always put “yo” at the end of the sentence with weird accents..
    But Chinese sounds more like shit than Korean. I feel ironic when Chinese makes fun of other languages….

  18. [YT] 小玉最厲害?!
    感覺不出來了.” 感覺起來也是初學者.” 個人覺得
    而偉琪和小Ka 在這組裏我最喜歡呢.”
    不是很整齊.” 扭屁股的精髓沒有出來

  19. [YT] i think tt if it is just one person dunno how to dance, the other are backup dancers, the dance will look okay like in the case of heseihui. but if it is one whole grp cant dance… you cant expect them to look good and look coordinated also. tough luck. and the gals are still in high sch, more fixed timing.

  20. [YT] 講認真的,團體的舞整齊度不夠真的一點感覺都沒有,


  21. [YT] 我觉得哦 – 美少女被骂得有点过分… 她们都没什么舞蹈底子… 会差不奇怪吧。如果只是一个人跳舞或许还好,不过是一大群不会跳舞的… 所以才那么差吧

  22. [YT] 其實美少女們練習幾天有這樣的表現,已算是不錯了

  23. [YT] 陳磬很嘔心的sex,別拿沒學過跳舞來當借口,只要認真去學習,負出的努力是不會白廢的,人家必定看到的,要是用草草了事的態度來做,會紅才怪!!

  24. [YT] 安安跟宣宣我覺得跳的不錯阿~~
    看下去我卻傻眼了~~ = =
    MR.之扭屁股精隨~ OH MY GOD~~
    要選kara為何不跳Lupin 反而簡單多了~
    無語問蒼天阿…. >口<

  25. [YT] 雖然是比第一組好多了…可是動作太大力了…abracadabra這首歌這是有性感..然後很柔的樣子..不能太用力..而且她們的表情管理不太好…

  26. [YT] solo那段wave你不懂..我算了..至少你們也要把馬步給蹲好嘛….連最基本的搓手也做不好…還說甚麼模仿…ps..super girl是SJM的…不是SJ的=-=~

  27. [YT] 唉..又把sorry sorry跳成這個樣子了….這些所謂的美少女.大部分就只是樣子可以看..態度啊..才藝啊這些都做不好…每次都要陳老師罵她們才肯做…而且還要臭臉…不要以為你們現在是””明星””就可以擺臭臉給人家..你現在是向別人學東西耶..哥哥們的舞被你們這些人跳成這樣….悲哀啊…

  28. [YT] hot issue 這組或許有人跳的不太好,至少看的會讓人家開心、笑,跳舞跳的開心很重要!但態度要嚴肅,要尊重被模仿的藝人。

  29. [YT] @Elispsa 對呀!我是他們的fans,ss是練習很多,而且要很細心的看MV才可以練到手腳都很配合。可能是她們沒有太多時間或是認真程度的問題吧 ! 希望她們將來會跳得更好。

  30. [YT] 練習真的是不是兩三天或四五天就可以跳得好,除非你的底真的棒

  31. [YT] 其實SS並不簡單好嗎?很多人模仿岀來,看一下原版就會覺得有差,很明顕很多人只注重在手部動作,在搓手的同時,腳上的律動也很多好不好!我客觀來說,她們跳得不好,需要改善。

  32. [YT] 跳什麽鬼.我和pingching12是一起學舞的.我們七個人大部份都沒舞蹈底子..我們才小六.我們不敢說我們跳最好.但絕對跳得比你們好.SJ.BEG.KARA.4MINE.SNSD.我們全都會.我們也知知道難.但我們也全學會了.我們也知道辛苦.你們就練一首歌.而且還是沒跳完.你們就在哭.哭什麼?!我們全學了都沒哭.你們哭屁!

  33. [YT] 哭甚麽?這隻舞本來就很難…以為很容易嗎?

  34. [YT] 哭甚麽?這隻舞本來就很難…以為很容易嗎?

  35. [YT] did they audition to get into 美少女時代? how come none of them know how to dance? even first generation of 黑澀會 is much better than them,….
    anyway…i hope they can do their best!

  36. [YT] @damanjeff7 hei se hui some people first time dancing also not like this…
    it is not like hei se hui people are very talented in it but they obviously practice much longer then the girls here.
    and they dun use “first time dancing” as an excuse for dancing like this… infact i dun think hei se hui have this kind of screwed up performence before…

  37. [YT] 為什麼美少女時代每次跳舞都是黑澀會美眉教…
    而黑澀會或棒棒堂的表演或比賽 [ 什麼表演都好 ]

  38. [YT] Im sorry, i think they need to cut the weak link, why waste time on some of them? I feel like this show is a waste of time, not helping those girls. If they can’t do it, don’t force it. I thought every group lacked practices, i rather see them prepare more than embarrassing themselves. I give them props for their effort but it’s horrible. Just trying to be honest.

  39. [YT] @damanjeff7 It really did bother me because one more thing to remember is that this is a show, they are on TV and they should really put more effort in. The have no energy, no soul, you can be a newbie but you can inject energy and power into your dance and not slack around. You watch the VCRs of their practice and they just dont put enough effort and dont have the right attitude….

  40. [YT] Out of all the groups I don’t think any of them were good :/
    aaand kara’s butt dance was so awkward, kara is cute and sexy and theirs are all over the place and trying waay too hard…

  41. [YT] Reading the other comments, seems like the poor dancing is really bothering people. We all know that most of them don’t know how to dance, so what were you expecting? This isn’t 黑澀會 where they have ppl with years of experience. A couple of days of practice isn’t going to produce any miracles. I personally felt they did a decent job considering their dancing experience and the amount of time they had to practice.

  42. [YT] maaadre mia…
    super junior has an air that is suppose to stunned the audience when they come out…
    this is …. a liiiittle (just a little….) disappointing…

  43. [YT] This episode was seriously pathetic!
    i wonder why i watched it till the end.maybe i was waiting for at least one group which is better than this crap.
    and it’s soo annyoing that they always have to cry for sth!if you did bad then try harder next time to show that ure taking it seriously and not just finding excuses all the time
    jia you?

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