大學生了沒 2011-10-13 性感 同學上課穿這樣太超過了吧!

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Tipster Rednimer

42 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2011-10-13 性感 同學上課穿這樣太超過了吧!

  1. why is taiwanese show always promoting girls to be sexy and display their bodies to make men happy? the values they are promoting are so wrong!! stop it! 

  2. 第二个不是刚上完你猜的肮脏“美女”吗?家里有十多只蟑螂,穿的性感也没用想到就恶心!

  3. 以美國來說, 人權自由是普世價值. 她們怎穿是她們自由, 過人權利!
    反對她們 就是反人權, 反美國式的普世價值, 反美國 就是恐怖份子 或邪惡軸心.
    同美國對抗, 就是死路一條.

  4. How you dress yourself up, shows the kind of person that you are. It also signals to other people on how you should be judged and portrayed in their mind.


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