5 thoughts on “型男大主廚 2014-11-24 李銘順 蔡昌憲

  1. 新加坡人除了不可以吃口香糖外原來還因為怕臭連臭豆腐也不可以吃,不知道新加坡人可以大便嗎?還是如果大便有臭味是要受罰(在屁股打籘)的?還是大陸在吃方面沒那麼專制最自由.老虎,黑熊,….地溝油,毒奶粉甚至在糞便上加一點香油也是可以吃的.

    • you so funny ! but i never heard before Singapore cant eat the tofu. I am a singaporean and the tofu isnt as smelly as alot other food in singapore.

  2. those votes are just idiots… and the stupid guy who keep voting Cai Chang Xian the reason is only because of Qiao Qiao… he’s just a horny idiot… _|_ fucking go back to your home you are a big disgrace to yourself and your country…

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