125 thoughts on “天才衝衝衝 2014-08-02

  1. who the fuck gives a fuck about how good or how bad about the celebrity’s English??
    Its a fucking variety show!! Just enjoy it with the laugh!!~~~

  2. 我所说的英文警察是指那些喜欢批评一些本地台湾人在节目上表现出英文的人。你去看康熙,一个来宾英文发音发错,总会一堆人说“wow these taiwanese celebrities can’t speak english for shit” “wow she thinks she’s an expert in english”. 然后自己的英文也好不到哪里去。我说的show off 就是这一种。 如果你觉得这种人不存在那我建议你多接触点人群或者多上点网。

    我对用英文留言并没有意见。 我对用英文掺中文留言也没有意见。但是如果你在批评别人英文 然后自己英文更菜,然后明明会打中文还硬要打英文,那我送你一句呵呵。如果你是abc 中文水平有限 只能打英文 或者 没有软件打中文 或者误会我意思。我不怪你,但下次请你搞清楚我说的话什么意思再放炮。喜欢对号入座我也没你办法。

    最后,sss我跟你说,你每天在这网站跟着我留一些一样的脑残的东西真的激怒不了我,如果你想引起我注意 我建议你至少用点功,骂我的时候有创意一点 要不然还蛮快就会蛮无聊的。

    • 別人不喜歡你 你就說人腦殘 … 我也不喜歡你 >”< 你每天留的東西都很偏激沒有營養難怪引起別人的反感 而且別人愛評論節目上面的人 那是人家的自由 你又何以來judge他們的英文好還是壞呢?? 你的信用度又在哪裡 是哈弗大學的教授嗎 藝人發音錯誤 本來就可以講一下啊為何不能講 他在電視上面發音錯誤那小孩子學去了怎麼辦 真是奇怪 該多接觸人群或者上網的人是你 世界上的人那麼多每個人都可以有自己的做法 你又是以什麼心態要把別人冠上'秀英文'還是‘英文警察' 你覺得ok你可以不說啊 別人覺得不ok那別人自然要批評 明明會打中文就不能打英文 那學多國的語音是為了什麼 自己會的東西還要偷偷躲起來不用 再說很多時候明明打英文比較快啊 拼的字比較少 如果你也是周圍環境常常是英文的人也會這麼覺得嗎?? 我看是你自己的英文不太好吧 … 別人批評電視上的人 你又批評別人 這有什麼區別 你和他們不是一樣的嗎

      • 說得好。自己的英文很菜還敢批評別人。別人英文好看不慣就說別人在秀英文。自己說對用英文發表的人沒意見,為何還要說別人在秀英文。邏輯不通嘛你們說是不是

    • 我很討厭別人說英文不好的人不能發表關於其他人自以為是的態度. 就算自己英文沒好到哪裡去也應該可以批評別人自以為自己英文很好的囂張態度。

    • 就算我英文沒有其他人好我看到藝人覺得自己英文很好但是說法又有錯,讓他們越早知道他們錯在哪越好。對朋友應該也是這樣免得朋友錯誤一直犯被其他人取笑。

    • 怎麼?你是美國人是不是?東方人的英文爛又怎樣?畢竟英文不是我們的母語so what do you expect?最重要的是我們有決心去學and improve ourselves. 不像某某爛人只會嘲笑人的井底之蛙,自己不想進步就算了還要扯別人的後腿。你跟藍螃蟹有什麼不一樣?crab mentality

    • 又来角色扮演。。。wow。。。下面那个人,不管你叫什么名字,我真的希望你可以找到自己喜欢的东西,你可以继续一人分饰多角或者继续留一些肮脏的回复,但是我不会再鸟你了。好自为之吧。

      • 你是在指我嗎?我就是在你下面的。請把嘴放乾淨一點,我哪有角色扮演?不要隨便責怪人好嗎?你不怕你未來的子孫沒皮眼?我若要角色扮演我就不會對我的暱稱執著 乾脆把剛才罵你的發言寫別的暱稱算了。我為何那麼執著主要是因為我雖然討厭你但我不怕你。

  3. 琳仔又来了 哈哈
    ps 这个网站也太多英语警察了吧 而且用英文留言看上去明明就不是abc的人 硬要秀英文不知道是什么心态呢

    • 同學 不是秀英文 來看youtube的人大筆是海外留學的華人 當然都是隨手用英文的居多 不管英文好還是壞 只是因為環境原因 有時候甚至是在學校圖書館電腦看的 不一定都能打中文 像你說的秀英文本來就是浪費時間又沒好處的事情 為什麼你會覺得他們要秀呢 =”= 如果台灣自己的視頻網站或者大陸的土豆優酷之流可以這麼方便就看 也不用來這裡 事實上有很多根本不會中文的人 都很喜歡來看這個網站 所以有很大一部分上傳的偶像劇都有英文字幕

      • 我很明显不是指这些人啊。但是问题是他们的留言都是一大段英语然后加几个中文,再加上他们的用词,很容易看得出来。

        • 這有什麼奇怪 我常那樣 只是習慣而已 有些用英文比較好表達 有些中文就好 既然是都會的語言 想怎麼講不就怎麼講了還要刻意切換嗎 … 而且有些人的英文你看起來比較奇怪 但是他們是新加坡/馬來西亞式英語 反正語言是用來溝通啊 只要你看懂了不就夠了 … 我是覺得別人不必刻意’秀英文’

          • 这个见仁见智了。再一次说明,我不是针对所有用英文留言的人。就针对这集来说,你可以去看他们下评论的内容是关于什么再下定论。可以确定的是,无时无刻在秀菜英文的大有人在,反正我在现实和网络都见过很多这种人。但我也没办法要求你100%同意我的说法。

          • 那就是你本身有問題了。誰叫你平時不用功讀書一天到晚只跟你的菊花一起玩才會少壯不努力老大徒傷悲連半句英文也不會

          • 我就是想秀英文怎樣?你能拿我怎樣?至少有人懂得我想表達的不然怎麼會有人按讚。你呢?除了用那些殘障字還有一天到晚看娛樂節目坐以待斃之外你還會啥???菊花都刮破了還嘰嘰喳喳個沒完仿佛有人要你的意見似的!

          • 你真的很討人厭!好心情都讓你弄壞了。真的是所謂狗嘴吐不出象牙來。叫你狗還真是侮辱狗呢!你這個瘟神看你的照片就知道你的人幼稚了!我這個人就是膽子大不然可以隨便去一個暱稱來罵你但是我還是要以我平時發言的暱稱來侮辱你,因為恁爸高興!你這個人活在這個世界還真是多餘沒啥貢獻就算了一天到晚只會諷刺嘲笑人也不先照照馬桶的鏡子看看自己有多爛!還真是不折不扣的爛咖!!!今天是你幸運遇到我,恁爸我就是最討厭大陸人,對我來說大陸根本不是個國家。我呸!在我眼裡大陸只是個屁!!!!!!!

          • 謝謝! 我留言都只是隨手就打英文的因為打中文對我來說是比較有難度! 比較慢還需要花時間想.

    • Why are you being such a prick? English is just a freakin language. People have the right to choose whatever language they want/choose to communicate in. What is there to show off? I don’t go up to a random person on the street and start claiming “OH hey look I speak English”.

    • i hate to tell you this but upon checking your profile and those following shows you have previously watched, where you type your non-sense,out of this world comments,you already make a lot of enemies online. so here’s a friendly advice,,if you don’t know how to use your mouth to spit compliments, switch for plan b instead and thats stfu (shut the fuck up!!!!) cause your tactlessness will only make lots of people seek vengeance on you! e.g. me i abhor you so much!!!

          • haha there are still lots of englsh words i can’t understand. my english is not as good as what you think..are you living in other country? cause it seems like you’re more get used to using english to express yourself

          • I was born in America, but my family were originally from Taiwan. Long story short, I am ABC. That guy was totally wrong about some thing, I’d be so happy, if I could communicate so easily in Chinese as well. I would have just used Chinese, if it were that easy for me. It’s pointless to show off English because there are plenty of people who are proficient in English, but yea…I only spent my elementary years in Taiwan, and I studied middle school through college in the United States. Communicating in English is as easy as breathing for me, and I don’t mean this in an arrogant way.

          • really envy you for going that far, i have a dream of studying abroad since i was a kid, unfortunately i don’t think i am capable to dream that dream since my english is not that good, i might encounter lot of problems academically since i can’t ask for somebody’s help cause i will just be an outcast there.

          • I think you will be fine, there is a lot of people from Asia in Los Angeles, California; you may try living there. You could still find people that speak Mandarin there. You can talk to them, and be friends with them. When I went back to America after graduating from Elementary school, my English wasn’t great at all either. There will be tough times, but I think you have the backbones to stick it out. Heck! You were so fierce on here! This sound so lame and stupid, but you should try while you still can instead of regretting not trying at all. I think you can do it.

          • thanks for the encouragement XD oh btw have you heard of robert kennedy college?is it true that you can pursue courses online without going there personally to study or learn?

          • I don’t know about Robert Kennedy College, but yes, you can do that. That is quite common in America, I prefer going to traditional classes and interacting with the classmates and professor though. Besides, some online classes, still requires you to meet up once in a while.

            Shen Chin is gonna be so pissed when he finds out we been communicating exclusively in English! LOL

          • haha that’s his problem when he get dizzy After seeing lots of abcs. so how do you improve your chinese since most of the people you hang out with in america don’t speak chinese? my native origin is from taiwan too yet currently i am not residing there. hope i will got a chance in the future to visit taiwan. i bet your chinese will be a lot better than mine since you don’t have any problem watching the entire show. unlike me in the 單元of 請你跟我這樣做 i still need to search online those words i never encountered all my life. best example for this week is the word 匾額 that is used for guessing in the listen abc.i still need to google it

          • Lol I googled that word too! XD Thank you for the compliments! I don’t know how I improved my Chinese, it might be the fact that I still watched Chinese Variety shows, and listen to Chinese music non-stop when I was in America. Other than that, I am not sure why my Chinese hasn’t become as rough.

          • no wonder. i use pinyin instead in typing since it is lot easier than phonetics.i myself love 交流ing too, and also use this opinion board to express my feeling as well as improving my english since there will be people here correcting your grammar. at first i find it quite intimidating talking with caucasian since i don’t have much confidence with my english but I’m happy cause i got the nerve to leave my comfort zone to try something i never tried before. but what makes me feel happy after the communication is though my english Is broke, is that somehow they understood me….

          • i know you might ridicule me with this, but what does the rough here means? rough is 粗 right? so i guess rough has another meaning

          • It’s does, rough can also be used to say your English or Chinese is still not as great yet, not as refined.

          • Yes, I am visiting right now. I’ve graduated from university, so I am visiting my family in Taiwan.

          • just curious, not being nosy…so why you still get back to taiwan to attend elementary since you are an abc?is it true that according to a friend of mine america offers free education up to high school

          • That is true, it’s up to high school, and after that you are on your own. I don’t remember the reason for going back to Taiwan…I think mostly it was because I was too young to be left alone in America. Only my immediate family were in America at the time I was born, so they went back to Taiwan, and I went back with them.

          • is that free education applicable for everyone?or base on that recipient social status?is it a public or private school?

          • I think you have to have U.S. Citizenship, and I don’t think it depends on social standing. I believe it’s only for public school, I could be wrong though. I never went to a private school, I wasn’t smart enough! XP

          • private school in america only open for smart kids?! i thought their main concern is the student’s financial capability?

          • I was mainly kidding! I think it is only worried about financial capabilities, but I feel like private school are sometimes smarter and sometimes ACT like they are smarter than public school kids.

          • You understood me, right? Other than that, I don’t care when I am not writing a paper for school.

          • My grammar has never been great, but it’s better when I am writing a paper. When I am actually trying, it’s a bit better.

            I can’t wait to see his reaction of this long extensive chain. I am 交流ing, it’s a good thing. That guy seems to have a problem with mixing Chinese character and English together as well.

          • his main problem is he’s monolingual so when he see something he can’t understand, it pisses him off

          • I’m not sure if this is your bad attempt at making a joke or if this is your first day on the internet and you’re just completely clueless.

          • though its not my 1st day on net yet im clueless really.and not trying to make a joke at all so sorry if my ignorance offended you. I’m not a tech geek nor familiar with acronyms trending nowadays so hope you will share your knowledge with me generously

          • Okay… Well a “grammar nazi” is kind of a joke used a lot on the internet, I guess you would say. So typically a person who corrects/points out grammar mistakes often would call themselves a “grammar nazi”. Most of the time as a joke. I’m sorry for my straightforward response because honestly I didn’t know if you were trolling or being genuine. And I guess i’m just a cynical person. Also, I’ve read other comments you’ve made regarding your interest in furthering you studies aboard? Your English is actually really good. Even better than some Americans I might say. So don’t feel ashamed or anything and you can totally survive in the US no problem. One little suggestion though, you sound very formal in most your comments and maybe lighten up a little so it seems more casual.

          • i take that as compliment. XD and sorry too if my blunt ignorant respond pisses you off.. your english is great. hats off! you really deserve to be a grammar nazi and i certainly believe if we continue 交流ing i can learn a lot from you. e.g., i am about to google the cynical and trolling i’ll be right back

          • accdg to google cynical =

            does it mean you are a skeptical or doubtful person?

          • Hah. I won’t quite take google translate so literally but yeah, what I meant is that I’m a pretty skeptical person and that I like to respond sarcastically. I don’t always mean bad though. So I wasn’t actually pissed off at your previous comment I’m just being sarcastic. And to reply to your other comment, well, likewise! Thanks for the compliment. How long have you been learning English? Because you’re really quite good and I admire your determination at learning the language!

          • thanks i am a foreign country born taiwanese.but not america and i really felt ashamed to confess this —-that english had always been part of my curriculum. since nursery to college.yet there are still lots of words i need to learn so that i won’t have a hard time looking for english dictionary every time i read something online or in books

          • There is absolutely no reason for you to feel ashamed! If anything you should feel proud of yourself for being able to speak English so well despite it not being your first language. English is just like any other language in the world, it’s good enough if you know how to speak it fluently and communicate with others and you certainly seem to be able to do that. So don’t beat yourself up about it and be confident! Trust me.

          • thanks yet i still can’t help myself from getting tongue twisted when a caucasian talks to me, my sentence always starts with ahhhhhh

          • for me learning english is really a tough job. especially one word can have lots of meaning that you find it hard to determine which one fits this sentence so on and so forth. would you mind to be my english instructor for a short while?the first time i heard of the word “literally” is when i watched the film 500 days of summer, yet i find it hard to use. would you mind to teach me how to use the word literally in a sentence or share it unselfishly the real meaning of the word?And does sarcastic means fake or mock?How about the troll? all i know troll is dwarf right how about its verb form what does it mean? there are lots of meaning online, makes me hard to figure which meaning you’re referring too. sorry for too much questions, hope it didn’t annoy you at all XD

          • No problem. I’m always glad to help out someone that’s genuinely interested in learning. I’m not technically an English major, but I’ll try my best in explaining so please bear with me. Literally is quite a complicated word to explain but the meaning is simple. When someone says “literally”, it means that it is “exactly” happening. If that makes any sense. And it is generally used when something sounds like an exaggeration but really isn’t. So for example, if I ate 5 burgers today, I might say “I literally ate 5 burgers today.” Because it sounds like an exaggeration, but I actually really ate 5 burgers. However, modern usage of the word “literally” has changed and people might use that word even if they didn’t exactly do it out of irony or humor. So nowadays you might see people saying “I literally ate 100 burgers.” They didn’t. But it’s a twist on the word out of irony and humor to show that they ate a lot.

            Sarcastic, I would say isn’t quite “fake” or “mock”. I would actually include it as a form of humor, or a way of speech. This is quite an easy word to understand and I think it’s best explained with examples. So if someone is wearing a really ugly dress, I might say “Your dress looks pretty today.” and that would be a form of sarcasm. I think that’s pretty self explanatory.

            Finally, troll. Troll is actually an internet slang. It’s none of that fairytale shit. It just means that people are intentionally saying/doing stupid shit, particularly on the internet for attention. So sometimes you might see people on the internet leaving stupid comments with no actual meaning, and that’s when you say the person is trolling.

            The more you read and use these words you’ll understand them more. Hope this helped. Sorry if I made any mistakes. I’m sleep deprived and under caffeinated. Also, 500 days of summer is one of my favorites too. I highly recommend “Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind” if you enjoyed 500 days of summer!

          • where can i watch the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, i just read reviews in imdb the film seems remarkable the rating in rotten tomatoes is good too

          • is respond (noun) meaning is similar to response? how about comprises vs consists? are they 2 diff’t thing? and accdg to the example you cited above regarding sarcastic does it mean 諷刺 in chinese, still trying to get the whole picture.

          • now this totally confuses me. i know the word compliment means saying something about your admiration towards that people right?how about complement? i thought the word complement is like coffee and milk but the meaning in urban dictionary really give me a headspin

          • I’m reading this for the 2nd time and it seems like one by one I’m starting to get the whole picture. trolling is like 來亂 的意思嗎?cause if you are just leaving stupid/non-sense comments,people will say in mandarin 你是來亂的嗎? 是這樣嗎?高人

  4. seriously, i can’t understand why it seems like a ritual here in sugoideas every week that there will be people from china starts an oral argument by taunting other people comments.can’t we just watch the show?i’m sick and tire of seeing hideous comments below for christ’s sake!!!

    • 其实基本都是台湾人先挑起的,不仅在台湾综艺节目挑起,还跑去youtube上其他的大陆节目挑事,台巴子累不累啊?整天靠骂大陆寻求自我安慰不累吗?人要往高处比,你台湾天天跟大陆这么个下三滥的国家比,显得自己也多下三滥啊

    • 恩 至少有一部分骂战是这样开始的


      然后就有些(没有放地图炮哦)台湾人感觉自己连带被骂了 觉得这些下三滥跑来看自己的节目没资格说三道四 然后诸如 “残体字”啊”大陆猪”啊的地图炮就轮番上阵了

      也许在这些人眼里 台湾的民主仅仅是自己关起门来过家家的民主? (笑)

      当然我承认 有些简体字话说的是难听(虽然不一定是大陆的) 有些甚至的确侮辱到了台湾人 这种情况要是看不过眼敬请鞭挞 只是尽量控制别放地图炮 不然如同锁链一般无休无止

      毕竟 您们(还是对小部分人说的哦)不是觉得自己的起点要比我们高 不是吗? (笑)

      • 又是你啊 你又较真了。脑残这种东西跟音乐一样 不分国界,就让脑残与脑残互爆吧,你回更多他们又高潮了。

  5. albee’s english may not be as proficient as a native english speaker yet i have to admit among the participants who participate the 2nd game, she is the only one who can articulate her thoughts very well….peace…didn’t come here to make an oral argument but just speaking my mind….

  6. claire’s voice makes me feel relax.and the mere fact claire can sing taiwanese song such as han ren accurately makes me like her more. kudos claire!way to go!!!

    • on the contrary, its way better than last week.maybe because some of the guests last week really annoy me.especially 張立東 and 陳德烈

      • That was on purpose! I didn’t think you will fall for it that easy! Tsk tsk tsk…I did purposeful mistakes like that to catch people like you who judge people English based on simple spelling mistakes that could be typos.

        • I guess you’re the one who is judging people over here. oh wait did you mean spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes. if you didn’t know, they are different. Shoooo, go get a life!

          • I know they are different! You are not making sense right now. I never said they were the same thing. I do have a life, it’s quite insulting to hear someone who doesn’t know me at all saying that I don’t have a life. Insulting and inaccurate.

        • I think Albee’s English is great compared to her peers. It’s all relative anyways. I wouldn’t walk around the street and call people stupid just because they know less about computer science than I do.

          • From where did you get that? I did not say that you think Albee is stupid. I simply used an analogy that shows how values and opinions are relative. In many aspect, Albee is an expect compared to her peers. Therefore, I believe that there isn’t much point criticizing her just because you’re better than her in English.

          • Maybe I haven’t made my original comment very clear, I was more talking about the way she acted when given those compliments. And this was never about my English abilities. I put the mistakes in place, so other people wouldn’t say that my comment has no meaning just because I have a few mistakes in them. It is to avoid people from using spelling mistakes as a way to attack my opinions.

    • imho (in my honest opinion), not all of the songs claire sang were that catchy.maybe because i love fast songs more than mellow ever since. but everybody have different taste in terms of music right? so i respect that. but the song first date/first day is really god damned catchy that i immediately search for that song online.

      • You might be kind of right saying that not all of Claire’s songs were THAT catchy, her earlier works that weren’t the album’s 主打歌 were okay. They weren’t sung a lot and talked about a lot for a specific reason. I feel that in her new album, all of her songs are good and catchy though. She’s growing! I hope she goes out of her comfort zone even more, she said she want to sing songs that Avril Lavigne sings, and I fully support that! I’ve heard her sing complicated, and I think she could do that style very well. She could still maintain her charismatic and fun loving personality too. I believe Claire will become more and more popular, she has a lot of potential!

        • so i guess this is it. since both of us were able to spit our opinion online. just wish claire the best of luck in whatever genre she is pursuing in the future to level up her career.oh btw i guess its you or me the one the “shen chin”is throwing stones to. said our english are bad thats why we can’t write english in a very articulate manner so we still try to type some words using traditional chinese.

          • Ohhh! I know who you are talking about now! English is just easier for me, so I leave my opinions in English, it’s harder for me to speak my mind in Chinese.

          • I guess we shouldn’t make a big deal about that guy, he is just gonna be insulting. He will mature, learn through mistakes that he makes. Just forget about him. By the way, I hope you realize that my first comment made…I was talking about Albee’s behavior, it just seemed weird to me. I put in English spelling mistakes, so that people won’t use spelling mistakes as a means to discount my opinion. Sometimes they do that, it was never really about her English. The first person who replied to my comment made it seem like he was implying that because my English sucked that my opinion has no value/doesn’t count. I didn’t him to use my English spelling as a way to attack my opinions. I just wanted to make sure you know that.

          • don’t think so., since he is no longer a child, he used to make confession before online that he had been watching taiwan variety shows for 10+ years. so i guess attacking someone online is also one of his hobby…stop making a big deal about your comment towards albee i totally forgot about it, and beside it’s mWang who criticizes you, you know I’m incapable of ridiculing other people’s grammar since my english is broke

          • I am making a big deal about it because it is important to me that you don’t misunderstand me. Also I wasn’t even talking about what mWang said. I don’t like it when my comments are misunderstood.

          • i think its about time for you to let go and move on, cause if not because of those comments we won’t be talking that much right?your english is very good seriously though sometimes like me quite confuse with the usage of past and present particlple. eg misunderstood instead of misunderstand cause it is already past
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          • I was about ready to let go, I just wanted your confirmation that you didn’t misunderstand me. All you had to do was read my explanation, and understand where I am coming from. I answered all of your questions, didn’t I? I feel a bit sad that you can’t grant me this. I will put this issue to rest reluctantly because you are kind to me now, and you asked me to…if you have any more questions, I will answer them later. I am pretty busy today.

            I get my past/present tense confused too, it’s not easy. My grammar is my weak point in regards to English. Thank you for the compliment.

          • I changed my mind, I don’t feel like answering anymore of your questions. You insist that I move on, and you won’t even hear my explanation. You misunderstood me, and you won’t even hear me out. It make me very upset, you can find the answers to your questions online. I am moving on with sadness, as you insisted, Goodbye.

          • Some people don’t become mature even when they are already adults, maturity comes with age, but some people don’t become adults mentally even when they are physically an adult already.

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