24 thoughts on “綜藝大熱門 2014-07-08 我就不信! 你什麼歌都能轉音?!

  1. simply hate how some kids are acting like entitled brats. not only on shows. in real life too. simply disgusting. i shudder to think how they would end up in adulthood. probably behind bars

    • blame the parents because the kids simply dont know any better, they will just end up like their parents if not worse, i dont know any childhood star that has a good ending, just look at 小彬彬 and what he is doing to his kids

    • 葉秉桓可以出唱片啊!!他歌迷滿多的.唱開小型演唱會都爆滿.只是不知道為什麼沒有公司幫他出唱片??是因為長相問題嗎??

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