TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". April 4, 2013 Tipster Rednimer
you guys need to retake history!! Taiwan is a country, thank you very much!! THE ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS THAT BUT CHINA CAUSE THEY ARE SO FULL OF THEMSELVES! -_-x
The reason why the United Nations does not recognize Taiwan as a State is because China has one of the five permanent seats on the Security Council. To be recognized as a State, Taiwan must get the approval from the Security Council. As a permanent member, China has veto power to veto any of Taiwan’s attempt to get recognized.
That is why it’ll never happen. It has nothing to do with other countries or the United States.
If you’re talking about the LEGAL definition of a State, Taiwan meets ALL the requirements. Being recognized is just a formality.
Of course taiwan is our own country. We dont need the united nations to recognise us. We are not buying the recognition like these from the people’s republic of china. The proof to my argument? We have our own passport for travel.
哇。原來臺灣人那麼低俗(結尾那裡),又見識到了。 惡心。
共匪來看台灣的綜藝節目 你們就已經輸了
但不知是不是錯覺 我覺得臺灣有點像香港
是個特別行政區 但同時也是大中華的一部分
你可能歷史讀得不好, 香港的背景和台灣截然不同, 你們的行政長官是中國派的, 我們總統是人民選的, , 台灣是一個國家, 你是特別行政區
you guys need to retake history!! Taiwan is a country, thank you very much!! THE ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS THAT BUT CHINA CAUSE THEY ARE SO FULL OF THEMSELVES! -_-x
台灣不是個省 是個國家
我們不是共產國家 !
you meant, 不管你们愿不愿意面对 中國政府根本不鳥你們這些網路低級平民的心聲 所以 別再說無謂的想法 你們沒資格有言論自由 , oh im sorry, 還是 你連你們的資訊都是被過濾的都不知道?? 台灣是不是中國的 干你他媽鳥事 這是 中國共產主義 跟 台灣人民主義的問題 不操心 網路螞蟻
The reason why the United Nations does not recognize Taiwan as a State is because China has one of the five permanent seats on the Security Council. To be recognized as a State, Taiwan must get the approval from the Security Council. As a permanent member, China has veto power to veto any of Taiwan’s attempt to get recognized.
That is why it’ll never happen. It has nothing to do with other countries or the United States.
If you’re talking about the LEGAL definition of a State, Taiwan meets ALL the requirements. Being recognized is just a formality.
Of course taiwan is our own country. We dont need the united nations to recognise us. We are not buying the recognition like these from the people’s republic of china. The proof to my argument? We have our own passport for travel.
只有台湾省的人 也许部分吧 才会称呼马XX总统 说台湾是个国家 中国政府都没承认过 好吗?
Taiwan is a country… I think you got problem with geography…
台灣為何要中國政府承認= =
btw 這網站是給台灣””省””看的 你可以滾了
r u fking dumb?? 中國政府也沒鳥過你們 跳樓來加薪民族 的人民好嗎, 地震時 還不是靠我們台灣的紅十字會, 靠. now stfu 鄉巴佬, by the way 如果中國共產政府鳥你們這些偷渡客的心聲 早就攻打台灣了, 你們還傻傻的支持共產主義 笑死我了 大傻B
“地震時 還不是靠我們台灣的紅十字會, 靠”草,这素质太高了,吾佩服!
你媽昨晚也說很佩服 謝謝
开场说的 台湾是个………………的国家????? 拜托,台湾是省,好吗??
And why do we have a president and a government?