32 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2013-02-06 戎祥 食神爭霸戰 我的岳母最厲害!

  1. 艾力克斯 is a fool who likes to speak BS….it doesn’t cost a day to roast the turkey and normally it takes about 4 to 5 hours under 400 fahrenheit…If following what he said…you are gonna eat turkey jerky….no more moisture and hardening…

    • I think thats because they taped this show for the second day of chinese new year. I think whatever she said may have been editted out because this episode was aired early

      • what does airing early have to do with editing her out..

        plus, she did talk and it just didn’t get anyone’s attention… idk how she was edited out..

      • the post wasn’t talking about lulu’s introduction being cut out, he’s talking about how she can’t contribute to the conversation well enough, so..

    • 那个好像是模仿陶子的lulu吧,不算是助理。一般助理不会那么吵,一直有镜外声,而且不好笑。

      • 我要是製作人的話,會叫她不要再來了
        一直在那發些語助詞干擾節目節奏,她以為是在錄 “大學生了沒” 嗎 ?
        主持人根本不想理她, 鵬哥他們大概看是金星的藝人不好意思發火吧
        要是聲音也能修的話, 後製大概也會把她聲音消掉吧 …

  2. 雞捲直接被弄死了XD


    R.I.P 戎祥哥,雖然沒見過你,也不太常看你上國光,不過每一次都能帶給我們歡樂

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