TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". May 7, 2013 Tipster Rednimer
8 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2013-05-07 廟會女孩穿得辣 全場焦點都是她”
this is why the Portuguese called this island Formosa.
strip dance on TV!! (sadface they took away the stripping)
this is why the Portuguese called this island Formosa.
strip dance on TV!! (sadface they took away the stripping)
2戰後有天主/基督教在亞洲等地用食物誘惑群眾入會 換取糧食。
ahaha 這好笑 xD
廟會也要搞得烏煙瘴氣~~何方妖孽?! 是狐狸精 還是 蜘蛛精 還是恐龍精?!! 納命來~!
华人的神仙们 还有辣妹可以看。。。。。。
唉 台灣這個鬼島 連政論節目都要有一堆有的沒的神棍
小時候印象中的寶島眼鏡還存在嗎?!! 難道變成鬼島眼鏡ㄌ?!!
just me being a 貝爛
妳懂個屁? 那是給色老頭民眾看的