13 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2013-08-21 戒菸等於要我的命!

  1. 糖果太正, 下穴不知道给多少制作人干过,成熟无比,上motel也是家常便饭,干过她的人比你妈吃的盐还要多。。。

  2. 昨晚歧視泰文嗎! 沒關係~
    今晚來美語, 怎樣? 看見主人的文字還不下跪, 來按讚

    “” Bradley Manning has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for passing hundreds of thousands of classified military documents to WikiLeaks. The sentence was more severe than many observers expected, and is much longer than any punishment given to any previous US government leaker. The 25-year-old soldier was convicted last month of leaking more than 700,000 classified documents and video. The disclosures amounted to the biggest leak in US military history.He was found guilty of 20 counts, six of them under the Espionage Act, but was acquitted of the most serious charge of “aiding the enemy”. “”

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