國光幫幫忙 2013-11-07 老外眼中的台灣男人好命苦

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Tipster Rednimer

38 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2013-11-07 老外眼中的台灣男人好命苦

  1. LOL taiwanese are seriously not receptive to feedback. whenever someone points out something they feel that its wrong with the country, the hosts would be like OOH BUT THIS OTHER COUNTRY IS WORSE. riiiiiiiiight

    and i hate how they keep reinforcing stereotypes that make them look so shallow… like an african america = obama jokes. ERRRRRRR. COME ON.

  2. 很多缺点已经不是什么 “台湾” 与 “法国”美国“意大利” 的差别,牵涉到人种的问题,亚洲人体格比不得白人黑人,林书豪打NBA能搞的全民崇拜还不能说明问题么 ,黄种人不Man大部分原因也是因为黄种人的体格面部structure,

  3. Men are naturally more ambitious and look at relationship for its benefits. That’s why men are prone to competition, and women are proportionally anti-competition (evolutionarily selected for childbearing).

    • no,

      women are equally as competitive

      they pick the best man deemed to carry off the best genes for reproduction

      wiki before u spout nonsense u piece of shyt

    • It has nothing to do with “confidence” or “manners”, makeup is for SELF (to look better and attract others so others like YOU). People who look better is more probable to have a better career and love life (that’s statistics and natural tendencies of the majority).

      • naah.. thats why its called make up.. making up for ugly faces LOL!

        but seriously, make-up is to enhance.. not for changing your face.

      • 我只是不爽化妆的人指责别人不化妆,好像化了妆就高人一等似的。这种风气再这样下去,迟些做了整容的人反而会去指责没整过容的人。

        • 那是商人的洗腦!!!!女人化妝那些商人就能賺錢啊!!!很多人不化妝就很美了.不知道要畫什麼妝??越畫妝越醜

        • 要改變也要差不多最少50年以上吧

    • 自己在歐美待過的經驗 他們的確都很有自信不在乎別人眼光 不過相對東方文化來講也比較自我跟好戰還有懶惰 我覺得亞洲經濟提升不是沒有原因的 好吧 或許也可以說這是壓榨得來……

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