TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". April 8, 2014 Tipster Rednimer
It’s not for no reason you bozo. She’s no longer working at YOYOTV. So for a fresh start she changed her name. And plus it’s none of your business right? she can do whatever the hell she wants to. retard.
好歡樂的一集哦!:D 愷樂好可愛好漂亮。lollipop好有梗!專輯大賣!
呵呵 哪像你就只夠格當小混混小嘍囉拿來墊腳用的出氣包 而且還是用過即丟型的
凯乐 = 蝴蝶?
wtf why did she change her name for no reason
It’s not for no reason you bozo. She’s no longer working at YOYOTV. So for a fresh start she changed her name. And plus it’s none of your business right? she can do whatever the hell she wants to. retard.
小煜果然是團裡最聰明的 (雖然好像猜拳很少贏喔 ><), 吃香蕉的部分man慘了
阿纬 帅 <3