大學生了沒 2013-03-04 女生不敢說出口的選偶條件!

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Tipster Rednimer

41 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2013-03-04 女生不敢說出口的選偶條件!

  1. 突然覺得女大生得腦袋洞越來越多了…

  2. 沒能力的才會開出一堆高條件,看看那祁迹他要有能力就上北大了,經濟甚麼都靠自己了,還需要開高標準調見嗎?其他人也差不多,沒能力還要要求人?可笑~

  3. 看到PartII都覺得…這集是不是刻意演的阿…
    女生開出來的每個月薪水, 就算以結婚為前提 + 未來幾歲後調薪, 那價錢也太Over了!
    一般的公務人員多難考? 高考更不用講, 先不說在有名大企業公司+年終薪水
    看自己的家人有考上公務員/高考, 每月5~8w 就覺得 很滿足 很開心了!
    10w ~ 20w ……… 講難聽點, 你今天如果有良好的外貌 + 個性 OK 我認了!
    問題是 … 我不是刻意要嗆 , 你學歷也沒高到哪裡去 , 更不要說外在條件 我不予置評

    自己沒有的能力, 不要去肖想別人來保全你, 若沒有任何吸引別人的地方, 就不要去要求

  4. See, that’s the thing with Chinese girls. At least 祁迹 is honest. She knows what she wants and she lists her requirements straight up. At least she’s set to be a trophy wife.

    Taiwanese girls on the other hand are just pretentious. $50,000NT my ass. Once you’re a year or two into your relationship, they’ll tell you they want $200,000NT/month.

  5. 年青人還在找白馬皇子, 白雪公主?? 現實就是現實, 就算有那麼完美的夢中情人出現在你的面前, 你應為他她會喜歡平凡的你嗎???

  6. 恩綺你不知道那是因為妳媽想要妳嫁個經濟穩定的男人才故意跟你說算說說要大你八歲才是真命天子。

  7. 其實祁迹在大陸女生中不算特別正, 溫哥華的大陸拜金女被她正多的多慘了, 更別提上海北京

  8. Zora 超正,有明星特质,看好她以后一定会在演艺圈成名!

    • Huh why so much hate for him in the recent few eps? I think he’s damn funny! Damn shameless but that’s what funny about him!

      • To each their own, but I don’t find him funny at all. Some people can act shamelessly stupid and get away with it, but not Jin Yang – he just has the 討人厭 look, I’m sorry. The one thing I’ll give him credit for is not doing that obnoxious pointing at the camera thing lately. I think he stopped after even the hosts (esp. Ken) called him out for it.

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