大學生了沒 2013-06-14 你能想像你的老師是他嗎? 大學另類教師來了!

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Tipster Rednimer

16 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2013-06-14 你能想像你的老師是他嗎? 大學另類教師來了!

    • Don’t be so stupid! If it’s just two points, I don’t think it’s “活該”! Only two points! 基本上只要再給她兩分就可以了! 當掉是她的老師真的太刁難太沒氣度了! “老師不給2分是很應該的”, 才怪! 學生基本上算是很用功了! 你為什麼那麼笨?

      • it is the student’s responsibility to study and pass the class, not the teacher’s. Apparently, the student aren’t working hard enough to earn the two points. You must live with what you earn instead of begging the teacher for the TWO points. I don’t think this is the teacher’s problem. In this situation, you are showing that you can’t accept your failure by blaming the teacher.

          • just wanna say that if u are hard working enough u wouldn’t end up by only passing the unit alright and also the uni has a certain scale that they set to make sure that a certain portion of students are above pass (which is the bell curve) they wouldn’t want to fail too much of students as this will cause some problems to the uni.So i guess its not a problem of just 2 points off or how many points off its that SORRY u are not in the bigger portion!as to compare with ur friends u are not hard working enough u are in smaller portion.

          • Dude, I never said i wanna be a teacher. BTW, i don’t see what’s wrong in being strict. This is a University, not a fking kindergarten. Just try not to blame others for your own failure.

        • “the student aren’t working hard enough to earn the two points” What the fuck?!!! Two points below passing grade, and that is not working hard enough? That’s like saying, it’s two points below 100% and that is not good enough to you! Zero, DO NOT be a teacher! You really should not be a teacher! If you do, I pray that no students take your class! Because you’re just not a good teacher material!

          • There are no contradiction between strict and good, you can be a good yet strict teacher. If everyone is ignoring the system set up earlier, who’s going to follow the standard? Everyone can say I am 2 points away from boundary, then there will be a second person who asks for the same thing. Try to be rational.

        • 還真是典型的”都是別人的錯” NO!!
          只差兩分而已又不是十分!!! 連兩分都那麼計較那位老師鐵定很不受歡迎! 太刁難學生了!

          • = = 這算什麼啊 那你念個65分就不用擔心被當了啊 基本上算是很用功? 你是指已經有把玩樂的25%分出來念書了是不是 是說你不及格, 那代表你已是個班的倒數了好嗎 我那當老師的爸每學期都得絞盡腦筋幫學生加分數才不會全班被當, 基本上會被他當掉的都是最爛的 給你58分是顧你得面子/自尊好嗎

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